Date: 01 September 2008 Theme: Father’s Day
Meeting Type: IndoorLeader: Kanga
18:20 / Game / Father, Father, Dad / None / Wallaby
18:25 / Game / Blind As A Bat / Blindfold [or Scarf] / Kula
18:30 / Game / Shoeing Horses / Paper / Plastic Cups / Emu
18:35 / Game / Hunters & Hunted / None / Wallaby
18:40 / Craft / Father’s Day Card / Cardboard, Textas, Pencils Paint / All
19:00 / Yarn / What is Father’s Day / Nil / Kathy
19:10 / Ceremony / Closing Parade / All
Leaders Available:
Kathy Cuneo [RCJS – GWSR], Wallaby [Leonie], Kula [Angie],
Emu[Brad Garske]
Attendance: / No. in Attendance: / No. Total Members:
A Special Prayer for Father [use at closing parade please]
God, bless all the fathers in the world.
Guide them to be good role models and loving to all their children.
Help them to be a father like You are.
Give them grace and patience to handle situations in a loving way.
Father, Father, Dad
Method:The game is played the same as Duck-Duck-Goose.
Sit the Joey Scouts in a circle. One is selected to walk around the outside of the circle gently touching those sitting on the head at the same time saying Father, when the word “Dad” is said, then the one touched on the head when the word “Dad” is said gets up and runs around the outside of the circle and tries to sit before the person who is “in” does. The last standing is then “in” and so they then go around the circle and so the game continues.
Equipment: Blindfold.
Comment: Bats are not blind except for a short time after birth. However, they rely
on special ways to get around in the dark whilst finding food and travelling without
knocking into anything. They are able to make super sounds in their throats and their
ears scan the surroundings for sounds and echoes.
Method: Everyone sits in a circle with a number except the person in the centre who
is blindfolded and is called “Lost Bat”. Lost Bat calls two numbers. The two people
with those numbers change places while Lost Bat tries to catch one of them.
They must stay within the circle and can crawl, tiptoe, go for it, etc. If
caught, they become the Lost Bat. (Adults need to supervise).
Equipment: Each team of four - a chair (horse), four paper/plastic cups (horse shoes)and a blindfold.
Method: One at a time, the blindfolded person moves to the horse and places a
horseshoe under a chair leg.
Method: Two Joeys are Hunters and the rest are the Hunted, running freely. If tagged by a Hunter, they stand with their legs apart, until rescued by another Hunted. The Hunted who is a rescuer cannot be tagged while moving through the legs to rescue the tagged one. Change Hunters frequently.
Father's Day Uniform Shirt Card
by Amanda Formaro [ref:
We've all seen the homemade shirt and tie cards that are made for dads who work in the office, but what about the dads that don't wear a tie to work? If your dad works in the blue collar sector, then this adorable uniform card is perfect for him!
What You Need
1 sheet of blue construction paper
1 sheet white construction paper
dark blue marker
glue stick
3 buttons [or draw buttons]
white craft glue
What you do
Roll blue construction paper so that each end touches each other, then crease to fold. This will create the shirt.
Cut a piece of white construction paper to fit inside the blue shirt, just enough to cover the back panel. Glue in place.
Fold down the corners of each blue flap to create the color (see photo).
Draw a rectangular pocket on the right side flap with pencil, then outline with blue marker. Use scissors to cut the top of the pocket open.
From the remaining white construction paper, cut a piece small enough to slide into the pocket and write "#1 DAD" on it.
From white construction paper, cut an oval shape for the name tag. Write dad's first name in the oval and glue to the left side panel of the blue shirt. Outline the oval with blue marker.
Use white craft glue to add three buttons on the right side panel along the edge.
Write a thoughtful letter to your dad on the white paper inside the card.
What is Father’s Day & How Did it Begin
Fathers Day is a special day to recognise and celebrate the role fathers play in our life. Whether it is your Dad, step-dad, foster dad or just a special father figure who has helped you along the way, Fathers Day is your chance to say 'Thank You'.
How did Fathers Day start?
The history of Fathers Day dates back to the early 1900’s, and was partly inspired by the unofficial Mothers Day services which began in 1908. These Mothers Day services prompted many people to arrange similar services to recognise fathers.
While many services were arranged in the next couple of years, the most widely noted was organised in Washington, by Mrs Sonora Dodd. Mrs Dodd wanted to pay tribute to her late father, William Smart, who became a single parent when her mother died in childbirth. William Smart raised 6 children on his own, which was an unusual feat at that time.
Originally Mrs Dodd wanted to hold the memorial service on the anniversary of her father’s death, June 5th 1910, however this did not leave organisers enough time to prepare a service. Instead the service was arranged to be held on the June 19th, and this has became known as the first Fathers Day.
While services continued every year, it was not until 1924 that President Coolidge recommended Fathers Day as a national holiday. It took 48 years from that recommendation, before Fathers Day was officially recognised by President Nixon in 1972.
When is Fathers Day celebrated?
Most countries follow the United States tradition and celebrate Fathers Day on the 3rd Sunday in June, however New Zealand and Australia celebrate on the 1st Sunday in September. There is no clear data as to why we celebrate on this date, so if you know of any New Zealand Fathers Day history, please let us know.
Other cultures around the world coincide Fathers Day with other celebrations in their community. In Germany it is celebrated on Ascension Day (40 days after Easter), in the Roman Catholic tradition it is St Josephs Day (March 19), and in Thailand it is the kings birthday (December 5).
How is Fathers Day celebrated?
Fathers Day around the world is a chance for sons and daughters to pay tribute to their Dads. While for most countries there are no set traditions, it often involves a nice meal, presents, and a chance for Dad to put their feet up.
YARN [Continued]
Father’s Day Poems
What Makes A Dad
God took the strength of a mountain,
The majesty of a tree,
The warmth of a summer sun,
The calm of a quiet sea,
The generous soul of nature,
The comforting arm of night,
The wisdom of the ages,
The power of the eagle's flight,
The joy of a morning in spring,
The faith of a mustard seed,
The patience of eternity,
The depth of a family need,
Then God combined these qualities,
When there was nothing more to add,
He knew His masterpiece was complete,
And so, He called it ... Dad
Author is unknown
F.A.T.H.E.R.S. are:
“F" aithful.
"A" lways there.
"T" rustworthy.
"H" onoring.
"E" ver-loving.
"R" ighteous.
"S" upportive.
Author Unknown