Frant – Suggested Reception Curriculum Map
TOPIC TITLE / Term 1Magical Marvellous Me!
Magical marvellous Colourful me!
Magical marvellous Musical me! Marvellous mark making me!
Marvellous Mathematical me!
Me and the great outdoors! / Term 2
Let’s Celebrate!
Bonfire Night/the Autumn
Remembrance Day
Christmas / Term 3
My toys
My bedroom / Term 4
What happens when things grow?! / Term 5
When I grow up what could I be?
Emergency Services
Farmer / Term 6
Beside the sea, on the sea, under the sea
Stunning start / Treasure Boxes from home – pupils to make a collection of meaningful things to talk about and share when they start school / Let’s go for a walk – what can we see? / My favourite toy and how does it work? / Magic Beans found in the woods! / Dress up day! / Collecting things from the seashore
Special events trips ,visitors
Community links / Harvest Festival
Visiting each area of the school
Each staff member to come and visit reception to say who they are and what they do. / Walk to the post box/office
Visit from the postman
The Nativity
Christmas Party / Weather watch / Visit to the Garden Centre or Jaws n claws to visit
Easter – new life
Growing things in the classroom / Visit/visitor
Fire, police, ambulance
Nurse, musicians, illustrator, / Visit to the Sea life Centre/ the beach
Pirate day
Role Play Opportunities / Kitchen/Home Corner
Outdoor – Mud Kitchen / Nature Laboratory
Post Office
Santa’s Grotto / Toy shop/
Winter wonderland – outside- weather watch / Garden Centre
Pet shop / Emergency services control centre
Construction site
Road safety- bikes / Beach Café
Outdoor Rock pools
Key Texts / I’m absolutely too small for School
It’s OK to be different
Elmer the Elephant
Talk for writing text: The Little Red Hen / Nursery Rhymes
Non-Fiction Guy Fawkes
Jolly Christmas Postman
Talk for writing text: / Super Daisy
The most Magnificent thing
NF –
Talk for writing text: Traditional Tales / Jasper’s beanstalk
Oliver’s Vegetables
Jack and the Beanstalk
The Egg
Mad about Minibeasts
The Great Pet Sale
Talk for writing text: The Very Hungry Caterpillar / Non Fiction focus
Talk for writing text: All join in / Rainbow Fish
Sharing a Shell
Commotion in the Ocean
Pirate stories
Talk for writing text:
Communication and Language / -Listen to others 1-1 and small group
-Listens to stories; attention and recall
- Can retell a simple past event
- Understands who, what, where in simple questions
-Respond to instructions
-Use talk to connect ideas, explain what is happening, anticipate and relive past.
-Use talk in pretending/role play / -Shows understanding of prepositions, ‘under’, ‘on top’, ‘behind’
-Responds to instructions
-Beginning to understand ‘why’ and ‘how’ questions.
-Uses talk to connect ideas, what is happening, what might happen next, recall and relive past.
-Uses language to imagine, recreate roles and experiences in play situations. / - Two channelled attention – listen and do for a short span
- Able to follow a story without pictures or props
- Extends vocabulary, especially by grouping and naming, exploring the meaning and sounds of new words
- Introduces a storyline or narrative into their play / They give their attention to what
others say and respond appropriately, while engaged in another activity.
Children follow instructions involving several ideas or actions.
They develop their own narratives and explanations by connecting ideas or events. / They give their attention to what others say and respond appropriately, while engaged in another activity.
Children follow instructions involving several ideas or
actions, asking for clarification if needed.
They develop their own narratives and explanations by connecting ideas or events.
They recount experiences and imagine possibilities, often connecting ideas. / -listen to stories, anticipating key events and
respond with relevant comments,
-answer ‘how’ and ‘why’ questions about
their experiences and in response to stories or events.
-use past, present
and future forms accurately when talking about events
Physical Development / -Runs/ negotiates space/ stand on one foot
-Preference of a dominant hand/pencil control/mark making/letter/number shape
-Control: tools/equipment
-Gross motor movements
-Helps with clothing and independence of self care
- Begin to form and copy some recognisable letters
- uses simple tools e.g. scissors
- Moves freely in different ways
- Dresses with help and can manage washing and drying hands
- Usually clean and dry / Runs skilfully and negotiates space successfully, adjusting speed or direction
-Shows increasing control in pushing, patting, throwing, catching, kicking
-Begins to use anticlockwise movement and retrace vertical lines.
-Understands that equipment and tools have to be used safely.
-Begins to form recognisable letters. / - Jumps off an object and lands appropriately
- Travels with confidence and skill around, under, over and through balancing and climbing equipment
- uses a pencil and holds it effectively to form recognisable letters, most of which are correctly formed
- Eats a healthy range of foodstuffs and understands need for variety in food.
- Shows some understanding that good practices with regard to exercise, eating, sleeping and hygiene can contribute to good health / Children show good control and co-ordination in large and small movements.
They handle equipment and tools effectively, including pencils for writing.
Children know the importance for good health of physical
exercise, and a healthy diet, and talk about ways to keep healthy and safe. / Children show good control and co-ordination in large and small movements.
They handle equipment and tools effectively, including pencils for writing.
Talk about ways to keep
healthy and safe.
Begin to be able to write on lines and control letter size.
Begin to manage fastening buttons and laces / -handle equipment and tools effectively, including pencils for writing.
-know the importance for good health of physical
exercise, and a healthy diet,
Personal social and emotional Development / -Play in a group. Extend ideas
-Initiate play with peers
-Select and use activities and resources with help
-Welcomes and value praise
-Take turns and share
-Tolerate delay
- Interested in others
- seeks out others to share experiences
- Separates from main carer with support
- Outgoing towards new people and more confident in new situations
- confident to talk to other children
-Are aware of the boundaries set and behavioural expectations / -Keeps play going by responding to others
-Enjoys responsibility of carrying out small tasks.
-Can describe self in positive terms and talk about abilities.
-Can adapt behaviour to events, social situations and changes in routine.
-Understands that own actions affect other people, for example, becomes upset or tries to comfort another child when they realise they have upset them. / - Initiates conversations, attends to and takes account of what others say.
- Takes steps to resolve conflicts with other children, e.g. finding a compromise/ negotiate and solve problems without aggression
- confident to speak to others about own needs, wants, interests and opinions
-Can describe self in positive terms and talk about abilities. / Children play co-operatively, taking turns with others.
They take account of one another’s ideas about how to organise their activity.
They are confident to speak in a familiar group, will talk about their ideas, and will choose the resources they need for
their chosen activities.
Children talk about their own and others’ behaviour, and its consequences, and know that some behaviour is unacceptable.
They work as part of a group or class, and understand and follow the rules. / They take account of one another’s ideas about how to organise their activity.
They can talk about the things they enjoy, and are good at, and about the things they do not find easy.
They adjust their behaviour to different situations, and take changes of routine in their stride.
They can stop and think before acting and wait for the things that they want. / -ELG play co-operatively, taking turns with others.
-take account ideas about how to organise activity.
-form positive relationships
-choose the resources they need for chosen activities.
-adjust their
behaviour to different situations
Literacy / - Repeats words and phrases from familiar stories
-Begin to recognise own name
-Shows an awareness of rhyme and alliteration
-Listens to and joins in with stories and repeated refrains
-Begins to give meaning to marks as they draw and paint
-Hear/say initial sounds in words
-Describe events/main character
- Beginning to name and sound the letters of the alphabet / -Listens to stories with increasing attention and recall.
-Describes main story settings, events, characters.
-Suggests how the story might end.
-Links sounds to letters, naming and sounding the letters of the alphabet.
-Gives meaning to marks they make as they draw, write and paint.
-Writes own name, labels, captions. / - Link sounds to letters, naming and sounding the letters of the alphabet
- Enjoys an increasing range of books
-Knows that information can be retrieved from books and computers
- Uses some clearly identifiable letters to communicate meaning, representing some sounds correctly and in sequence
- Attempts to write short sentences in meaningful contexts / They use phonic knowledge to decode regular words and read them aloud accurately. They also read some common irregular words. They demonstrate understanding when
talking with others about what they have read.
They also write some irregular common words. They write simple
sentences which can be read by themselves and
others. / Children read and understand simple sentences.
They also read some common
irregular words.
Demonstrate understanding when talking with others about what they have read.
Write some irregular common words.
They can describe the main events in the simple stories they have read.
Spell phonically words with more than one syllable / -demonstrate understanding when
talking with others about what they have read.
-read some common
irregular words
-write simple
sentences which can be read by themselves and
-write some irregular common words
Mathematics / -Uses some number names in language
-Recite numbers in order
-Knows that numbers identify how many objects in a set
-Compare two groups of objects/ identify same amount
-Counts up to 3 / 4 objects; number names for each item
- Notices simple shapes and patterns in pictures
- Uses the language of size
-Orders two or three objects by length or height
-Can describe their relative position such as behind, next to / -Realises not only objects, but anything can be counted, including steps, claps or jumps.
- Shows an interest in number problems.
-Recognise numerals of personal significance.
-Estimates how many objects and checks by counting them.
-Says the number that is one more than a given number.
-Selects a named shape.
-Can describe position such as ‘behind’ or ‘next to’. / -Recognise numerals of personal significance.
-Estimates how many objects and checks by counting them.
-In practical activities and discussion, beginning to use the vocabulary involved in adding and subtracting
- Begins to identify own mathematical problems based on own interests and fascinations.
- Orders two items by weight or capacity
- Uses everyday language related to time and money
- Beginning to use mathematical names for flat 2D shapes and terms to describe them / In practical activities and discussion, beginning to use the vocabulary involved in adding and subtracting.
Begins to identify own mathematical problems based on own interests and fascinations.
Children count reliably with numbers from one to 20 and beyond, place them in order and say which number is one more or one less than a given number.
Uses everyday language related to time.
Beginning to use everyday language related to money.
Orders and sequences familiar events. Measures short periods of time in simple ways. / Children count reliably with numbers from one to 20,
place them in order and say which number is one more or one less than a given number.
Using quantities and objects, they add and subtract two single-digit numbers and count on or back to find the answer. They solve problems, including doubling, halving and sharing.
Use everyday language related to time.
Measures short periods of time in simple ways.
They explore characteristics of everyday objects and shapes and use mathematical language to describe them.
Solve practical problems combining groups of 2, 5 or 10, or sharing into equal groups. / -Using quantities and
objects, add and subtract two single-digit numbers, count on or back to find the answer. – solve problems, including doubling, halving and sharing
-use everyday language to talk about size,
weight, capacity, position, distance, time and money
Understanding the world /
-Shows interest in the lives of familiar people
-Remembers and talks about events/experience
-Talk about things observed/care for living things and environment
- Knows how to operate simple equipment
- Completes a simple program on the computer-Shows interest in technological toys / -Recognises and describes special times for family or friends.
-Enjoys joining in with family customs and routines.
-Can talk about things they have observed eg plants, animals, natural and found objects.
-Knows that information can be retrieved from computers / - Enjoys joining in with family customs and routines
- Talk about past and present events in their own lives and the lives of others
- Shows interest in different occupations and ways of life.
- Looks closely at similarities, differences, patterns and change
- Knows that information can be retrieved from computers / They know that
other children don’t always enjoy the same things, and
are sensitive to this. They know about similarities and
differences between themselves and others, and among families, communities and traditions.
They make observations of animals and plants and explain why some things occur, and talk about
Uses ICT hardware to interact with age-appropriate computer
software. / Know about similarities and differences between themselves and others, and among families, communities,traditions
They talk about the features of their own immediate
environment and how environments might vary from one another.
Children recognise that a range of technology is used in places such as homes and schools. / -know about similarities and differences between themselves and others, and among families, communities,traditions
-talk about the features of their own immediate
environment, how environments might vary from one another
-select and use
technology for particular purposes
Expressive Arts and Design / -Engage in imaginative role play
- shows an interest in musical instruments and their sounds
- Explores colours and how colours can be changed and mixed.
- Experiments to create different textures
- Realises tools can be used for a purpose.
-Explore sounds and singing / -Beginning to describe the texture of things.
-Constructs with a purpose in mind,
-Begins to build a repertoire of songs and dances.
-Create simple representations of events, people and objects.
-Plays cooperatively as part of a group to act out a narrative. / - Taps out repeated rhythms
- Explores the sound of different instruments
- Explores what happens when they mix colours
- Uses simple tools and techniques competently and appropriately
- Creates simple representations of events, people and objects / Children sing songs, make music and dance, and
experiment with ways of changing them.
They represent their own ideas, thoughts
and feelings through design and technology, art, music, dance, role play and stories. / Children sing songs, make music and dance, and
experiment with ways of changing them.
They represent their own ideas, thoughts
and feelings through design and technology, art, music,
dance, role play and stories. / -safely use and explore a variety of materials, tools and techniques,
experimenting with colour, design, texture, form and function
-represent their own ideas, thoughts
and feelings through design and technology, art, music, dance, role play and stories.
SEAL PSHE / New beginnings / Getting on/say no to bullying / Going for goals / Good to be me / Relationships / Changes