Production Team

Video Director: Arrive by 7:30
1. Work closely with the sound director.
2. Turn on video mixer and make sure it is set to the computer screen and camera one.
3. Practice at least once running through the show with the Announcing Team.
4. You are in charge of making sure the video mixer is set to the correct output at all times.
5. At the end of the show turn off the video mixer.

Sound/Computer Director: Arrive by 7:30
1. Work closely with the video director.
2. Make sure all slides on the computer are correct before practice at 7:30
3. Start the sound as soon as the Director has the announcements made about the Shine on Show Starting.
3. It is your job to run the sound for all 3 microphones and the slide show or videos that will be shown from the computer.

Camera: Arrive by 7:30
1. Make sure both cameras are turned on.
2. Make sure both cameras are zoomed properly.
3. Practice with the announcing team at least once through.
4. Run the camera 2 during the next show.
5. Make sure both cameras are turned off after the show.

Prompter: Arrive by 7:20 (or come in during the day to get slides ready)
1. Have slides ready by 7:30 including lunch, this day in history, weather, safety tip and any other slide needing fixed. (history and weather found on computer, lunch and safety tip found in the folder)
2. Be ready to practice by working with anchors to show slides as needed.

Broadcast Team

Anchor 1: Arrive by 7:30
1. Students and teachers will be watching and listening to you!
2. You must be ready to practice by 7:30 and run through your lines at least twice
3. Talk slowly and clearly, be pleasant and do not mumble.

Anchor 2: Arrive by 7:30
1. Students and teachers will be watching and listening to you!
2. You must be ready to practice by 7:30 and run through your lines at least twice
3. Talk slowly and clearly, be pleasant and do not mumble.

Birthday Announcer: Arrive by 7:30
1. Check for a birthday book club member.
2. Take a look at the names the students with birthdays and practice saying names.
3. Get birthday book club member when the bell rings.
4. Write the birthday book club members name/title down in the notebook.
5. Take their pictures and check out their book to them.
6. Announce birthdays and birthday book club members on the news

Director: Arrive by 7:30.
1. Keep team on Track- You must make sure all members on the team are accounted for by 7:30 and report any missing crew to Mrs. Kaye.
2. You (and only you) will get the guest class by 7:40 and direct them on where to stand, how to hold the flag and what to say. You will practice at least once with these students.
3. You will go to the front office and tell them to announce that the news show will be beginning and to tune in to the Shine On Show.
4. Signal to the technical director when to begin.
5. Hold sign for guest class pledge and moment of silence and count down to 5 for the pledge.
6. Make sure all duties are performed- cameras are turned off, monitor turned off and prompting monitor turned off, sound board and video mixer turned off.

Weather: Arrive by 7:30
1. Log in to computer and check the weather forecast for the day and the week
2. Write up an index card that tells the daily temperature, type of weather and a general weekly forecast.
3. Practice with Anchors and news crew.

Post Producer: Arrive by 7:30
1. Check in with director by 7:35 and if someone is missing, you take their spot.
2. Make sure all computers are turned on and viewing computer is turned on and logged in before 7:45.
3. Watch news show and take note in notebook
3. What are we doing well?What do we need to fix?What ideas can you add next we?

Roving Reporter Team

These jobs will be assigned and you will be on the Shine on Show on day a week.

Morning News Roving Reporter Jobs


  1. “Sports Report”: professional or school sports
    You can interview a student/player or just report on a team.


  1. “Genre General” discuss a genre in the library and show or talk about a book from that genre.
    August/September: Realistic Fiction
    October: Folk Tales
    November: Nonfiction
    December: Fantasy
    January: Historical Fiction
    February: Biography
    March: Mysteries
    April: Poetry
    May: Science Fiction


  1. Classroom Happenings”: Interview the guest class for that week and find out something special they are doing in their class. You can interview a students, create a little video


  1. “Awesome Authors”-students read their own work. May record ahead of time. Or you can highlight an author from the library.

**** Other ideas can be run by Mrs. Kaye for approval.*****

July 28,2015

Dear Shine on News Show Team and Roving Reporters,

Summer is almost over and soon we will be back at school. This is just a quick reminder that we will have training for ALL team members on Friday, August 14, from 12:30-2:30. Please contact me immediately if you cannot make it.

During this training I will provide lunch and we will go over job duties of each team member, review the equipment in the news room and set up and practice for the first week of school. We will be on the air the first day of school.


Julianne Kaye