95.24 – Timely Warnings
May 2, 2011
Updated: August 21, 2013
Preamble: This procedure was created in 2010 to provide a process for alerting the campus community to a crime that poses a threat and is updated annually. Also see Title 34 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 668.46 – Institutional Security Policies and Crime Statistics.
The purpose of aA timely warning is to alerts the campus community to the occurrence of a crime that poses an ongoing threat to the campus community and to heighten safety awareness of students, faculty, and staff in a manner that will aid in the prevention of similar crimes.
A. Definitions.
BA-1. Timely Warning: an alert issued to the campus community to the occurrence of a crime that poses an ongoing threat to the campus community and to heighten safety awareness of students, faculty, and staff in a manner that will aid in the prevention of similar crimes.Alert to the campus community as described under “Preamble”.
BA-2. Clery Crime Definitions: http://www.uidaho.edu/public-safety-and-security/security-services/clery/clery-crime-definitions
B. Policy.
B-1. The Clery Act requires institutions to make a “timely warning” to the campus community when a report of murder, sex offense, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, motor vehicle theft, manslaughter, or arson is received by campus security authorities and, in the judgment of the institution, the crime at issue poses a serious or continuing threat to students and employees. The Act and its implementing regulations leave it to each institution to determine the suitability, timing and substance for these reports.
B-2. At the University, the Office of Public Safety and Security (OPSS) is responsible for making these determinations and for issuing “timely warnings” when appropriate.
C. Procedure:
C-1. When the OPSS becomes aware of criminal incidents that in the judgment of OPSS and the University’s senior leadership constitute an ongoing or continuing threat to the campus community, the OPSS issues a timely warning to notify the community.
C-2. Depending on the particular circumstances, a timely warning may be disseminated by using one or a combination of the following: Vandal Alert, which may include e-mail, telephone message, and/or text message; various campus publications; the Public Safety and Security and University websites; and/or press releases. These methods of communication will provide pertinent information regarding the incident and a may include other safety awareness tips.
C-3. A crime advisory will be distributed as soon as possible after the incident is reported; however, the release is subject to the availability of accurate facts concerning the incident.
C-4. To report a crime during daytime business hours call the Office of Public Safety and Security at 208-885-7074 or Campus Security 24/7 at 208-874-7550.
D. Contact Information:
The Office of Public Safety and Security
875 Perimeter Drive, MS 2281
Moscow, ID 83844-2281
Fax: 208-885-7001
A. Policy
B. Process/ Procedure
C. Contact Information
A. Policy. Crimes occurring on campus, specifically arson, burglary, robbery, aggravated assault, criminal homicide, motor vehicle theft, and sex offenses with or without a hate bias, or larceny-theft, simple assault, intimidation and vandalism with a hate bias, or other unsafe situation, may require a “timely warning” to the campus community. In the event that one of these crimes or other unsafe condition is reported to a local police agency or to a campus security authority, the Risk Management Office (Risk) will determine if the situation represents a continuing or ongoing threat to students and/or employees and if so, issue the timely warning. In making the decision to issue a timely warning, consideration will be given to the nature of the incident, the continuing danger to the campus community and, if the timely warning is issued, whether it will compromise a law enforcement agency’s investigation. The timely warning can be issued to the campus community through any available media: electronic communications; local press and broadcast media; the student newspaper; employee newsletter; leaflet; and flyer. Crimes reported to pastoral and professional counselors do not trigger timely warning obligations.
B. Process/Procedure. Emergency reports of a crime against persons or property or other unsafe situation occurring on campus should be made immediately to the local police agency by calling 911 (or 8-911 if the call is from the Idaho Falls campus). Non-emergencies can be reported to the Director of Emergency Management and Security Services by calling (208) 885-2254 or emailing . [rev. 5-11]
Risk will take the following actions after receiving notice of an incident:
B-1. Director of Emergency Management and Security Services or Risk Officer will determine if a timely warning is required. If no timely warning is issued, the circumstances, and reasons for not issuing a timely warning will be documented in writing and retained with crime statistic information for the current year. [rev. 5-11]
B-2. If a timely warning is required, Risk will work with University Communications and Marketing (Communications) and the Office of General Counsel to develop the communication statement and strategy to best notify the campus community.
Timely warnings will include:
a. The nature of the crime or unsafe situation;
b. The location of the occurrence;
c. The date and time of the occurrence; and
d. Suggestions for the prevention of similar crimes or unsafe conditions.
B-3. Communications will authorize Information Technology Services to distribute all electronic notices, prepare an article for Today@Idaho, and work with local media, such as newspapers or radio for notice distribution.
B-4. Risk and Communications will script statements for use in distributing leaflets and fliers.
B-5. Risk will authorize and work with units to distribute the notification materials.
B-6. Risk will post the contents of a timely warning on the University’s security website at www.uidaho.edu/security/clery.
C. Contact Information. Contact Risk with questions by calling (208) 885-2254 or emailing . [ed. 5-11]