UpperTyroneTownship Sewage Authority Regular Meeting

April 28, 2014

Meeting was called to order at 5:00 p.m.

Roll Call: Mr. Keller, present, Mr. Kendi, absent, Mr. Schmidt, present, Mrs. Beranek, present, Mr. Borek, present.

Persons Attending: Solicitor Korns, Supervisor Rich Beranek, Engineer Bill Utzman and Recording Secretary Lori Henry.

Mr. Borek motioned to approve the March 24, 2014 regular meeting minutes as written. Mr. Schmidt seconded the motion. Vote – Mr. Schmidt, yes, Mr. Borek, yes, Mr. Keller, yes, Mrs. Beranek, yes. Motion accepted.

Treasurers Report as of 03/31/2014:

Scottdale Bank Checking - $8,274.73

Mr. Borek motioned to approve the treasurer’s report. Mrs. Beranek seconded the motion. Vote – Mr. Borek, yes, Mr. Schmidt, yes, Mr. Keller, yes, Mrs. Beranek, yes. Motion accepted.

Public Comment: None

Motion to Pay Bills:

Morris Knowles & Assoc. Inc. services rendered for March 2014 - $1,295.00

Recording Secretary monthly payroll for April 2014 - $100.00

Avolio Law Group, LLC services rendered for April 2014 - $527.00

Scottdale Bank & Trust monthly interest loan payment for April 2014 - $261.54

Mrs. Beranek motioned to approve the bills for the month of April 2014. Mr. Borek seconded the motion. Vote – Mr. Borek, yes, Mrs.Beranek, yes, Mr. Keller, yes, Mr. Schmidt, yes. Motion accepted.


Mr. Borek motioned to change the May 19, 2014 regular meeting to May 12, 2014 at 5:00 p.m. due to the PennVest Loan submission date of May 14, 2014. Mrs. Beranek seconded the motion. Vote – Mr. Borek, yes, Mrs. Beranek, yes, Mr. Schmidt, yes, Mr. Keller, yes. Motion accepted.

Solicitor Korns discussed the recent letter received from McDonald, Snyder & Lightcap, P.C., the law firm that represent Westmoreland Fayette Municipal Sewage Authority. The letter discusses the proposed sewage system for UTTSA, which will utilize 116 grinder pumps. WFMSA are giving notice that they will not be accepting grinder pumps, nor any of the maintenance and replacement obligations related to them.

Mr. Utzman requested that the Board authorize him to write a response letter back to them explaining the reasons for the E1 Systems and to clarify items questioned in letter.

Mrs. Beranek motioned to authorize Engineer Bill Utzman to submit a response letter back to McDonald, Snyder & Lightcap, P.C. Law Firm. Mr. Schmidt seconded the motion. Vote - Mr. Schmidt, yes, Mrs. Beranek, yes, Mr. Keller, yes, Mr. Borek, yes. Motion accepted.

Unfinished Business:

Mr. Schmidt motioned to adopt Resolution No. 03-01-2014: “DECLARATION OF OFFICIAL INTENT TO REIMBURSE SHORT-TERM BORROWED FUNDS USED TO CONSTRUCT IMPROVEMENTS TO ITS MUNICIPAL SEWAGE SYSTEM WITH FUNDS RECEIVED FROM THE PENNSYLVANIA INFRASTURE INVESTMENT AUTHROITY.” Mrs. Beranek seconded the motion. Vote – Mrs. Beranek, yes, Mr. Keller, yes, Mr. Borek, yes, Mr. Schmidt, yes. Resolution adopted.

Mrs. Beranek motioned to adopt Resolution No. 03-02-2014: “A Resolution to submit a financial assistance application to the Pennsylvania Infrastructure investment Authority.” Mr. Borek seconded the motion. Vote - Mr. Borek, yes, Mr. Keller, yes, Mrs. Beranek, yes, Mr. Schmidt, yes. Resolution adopted.

Mrs. Beranek motioned to authorize the Chairman, Jesse Keller to sign the “Letter of Responsibility” for submission of PennVest Loan to the Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment Authority. Mr. Borek seconded the motion. Vote – Mr. Borek, yes, Mrs. Beranek, yes, Mr. Keller, yes, Mr. Schmidt, yes. Motion accepted.


Mr. Utzman discussed the following items from the April 2014 Engineer Report. (AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST)

  • PennVest Application
  • NPDES Erosion Control Permit
  • PennDOT Highway Occupancy Permit
  • Railroad Permit Application
  • Abandoned Mines on Mt. Pleasant Road & Everson Valley Road

Mr. Utzman explained to the Board that in order to determine if the project will have an impact by shallow mines he would like the Board to consider possibly having ground penetrating radar/electrical imaging done.

Costs of sewage bills for residents each month were also discussed.

Mrs. Beranek discussed her recent conversations with the Vanderbilt Sewage Authority and offered their numbers to Mr. Utzman to possibly give them a call and discuss their costs to maintain their system. They also would be able to give contact to company who maintains their system.

There were also discussions regarding easement.


Mr. Schmidt motioned to adjourn the UTTSA regular meeting. Mrs. Beranek seconded the motion. Vote – Mrs. Beranek, yes, Mr. Borek, yes, Mr. Schmidt, yes, Mr. Keller, yes. Motion accepted.

Meeting adjourned at 5:50 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Lori Henry

Recording Secretary