PCN Version 8 (22/07/2014)
Conversion from a statement to an Education, Health and Care Plan
Personal Details
Date of this Annual Review: / Date of last Annual Review:Section 1 – Pupil Details
Surname: / Names of those with parental responsibility:
Forename(s): / Relationship:
Date of Birth:
Gender:Male Female
(delete as appropriate)
Postcode: / Relationship:
Setting or School: / Looked after: Yes No
Name and address of Social Worker
Foundation Stage or National Curriculum Year: / Language spoken at home:
Is the child out of their year group (offset): Yes No / Religion:
Date of the current Statement: / Ethnic Origin:
Record of people invited and attended the annual review meeting.
(please refer to the SEN Code of Practice to ensure you invite the appropriate people, secondary schools have to be aware of the transition plan requirements)
Name / Designation/Role / Invited
/ Attended
/ Report/Views received and attached
Potential leaving dates: (applicable to pupils over the age of 14 years)
Earliest possible leaving date: / Projected leaving date:
School attendance since last Annual Review meeting = %
Please attach an attendance report if appropriate
Please provide reasons for attendance below 95% and the action taken:
Section A: All About Me
The views, interests and aspirations of xxxx and his/her parents.
This section provides details about the child or young person’s aspirations and goals for the future (but not details of the outcomes to be achieved) When agreeing the aspirations, consideration should be given to the child or young person’s aspiration for paid employment, independent living and community participation.
(To be completed by the person centred planning process)Ref: Draft Code of Practice page 149
This is me:
Child/young person’s aspirations e.g. education, play, health, schooling, friendships, further education, future plans including employment (where practical)If written in the first person, the plan should make clear whether the child or young person is being quoted directly, or if the views or the parents or professionals are being represented
What is my history?
What are my home circumstances?
Who are my family and important people in my life?
What are my likes and hobbies?
What are my health needs?
What’s important for me?
What do people do for me?
What’s working well for me?
What could be better for me?
Give a summary of how to communicate with the me and engage me in decision making.
Parent/carer’s aspirations e.g. education, play, health, friendships, sixth form, further education, independent living, university and employment
What are the parental aspirations
Section B: xxxx’s special educational needs
Pupil AttainmentPlease record attainment levels
Early Years Foundation Stage
Developmental Stage/Developmental Journal Steps/EYFS Stage
Development Journal Step / EYFS Phase (E,D,S) / EYFS Phase Months / Dates
Personal, Social and Emotional Development (PSED)
Communication, Language and Literacy (CL&L)
Physical Development (PD)
Key Stage 1 (please indicate Sub-levels/P level data as appropriate
Progress / English / Maths / Science / PSHCE
EN1 Speaking and Listening / EN2 Reading / EN3 Writing / MA2 Number / MA3 Shape, Space & Measures
Year 1
Year 2
Key Stage 2
Progress / English / Maths / PSHCE
EN1 Speaking and Listening / EN2 Reading / EN3 Writing / MA2 Number / Science
Year 4
Year 5
Year 6
Key Stage 3, 4 and 5
Progress / English / Maths / Science / PSHCE
Year 7
Year 8
Year 9
Year 10
Year 11
Year 12
Year 13
Year 14
14-19 – include other Key Areas as appropriate
Date / Subject / Grade
Include description of current studies/courses undertaken. GCSE grades or other assessments may be given if appropriate
Please attach a CASPA graph detailing progress over time (or an alternative)
Please confirm what you consider the progress to be in the last year:
Better than expected progress
Expected progress
Less than expected progress
In relation to the objectives detailed in the statement please provide an up to date summary of the pupil’s progress and detail the reasons why progress has been better than expected, expected or less than expected. (Include NC or P levels measures as necessary)
Cognition and Learning
Communication and Interaction
Social, Emotional and Mental Health Needs
Sensory and or Physical Needs
All of the child or young person’s identified special educational needs must be specified.
SEN may include needs for health and social care provision that are treated as special educational provision because they educate or train the child or young person (see paragraphs 9.73 onwards).
Ref: Code of Practice page 153
(Label SEN sequentially B1, B2 etc)
Area of Need / Code / SENCognition and learning / B1
Communication and interaction
Social, Emotional and Mental Health Needs
Sensory and or Physical Needs
Section C: xxxx’s health needs which relate to their special educational needs.
The EHC plan must specify any health needs identified through the EHC needs assessment which relate to the child or young person’s SEN. Some health care needs, such as routine dental health needs, are unlikely to be related.
The Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) may also choose to specify other health care needs which are not related to the child or young person’s SEN (for example, a long-term condition which might need management in a special educational setting).
Ref: Code of Practice page 154.
(Label needs sequentially C1, C2 etc)
Area of Special Educational Need / Code / Related Health NeedC1
Section D: xxx social care needs which relate to their SEN.
The EHC plan must specify any social care needs identified through the EHC needs assessment which relate to the child or young person’s SEN or which require provision for a child or young person under 18 under section 2 of the Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act 1970.
The local authority may also choose to specify other social care needs which are not linked to the child or young person’s SEN or to a disability. This could include reference to any child in need or child protection plan which a child may have relating to other family issues such as neglect. Such an approach could help the child and their parents manage the different plans and bring greater co-ordination of services. Inclusion must only be with the consent of the child and their parents.
Ref: Code of Practice page 154
(Label need sequentially D1, D2 etc)
Area of Special Educational Need / Code / Related Social Care NeedD1
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Section E: The outcomes sought for the child or young person
A range of outcomes over varying timescales, covering education, health and care as appropriate but recognising that it is the education and training outcomes only that will help determine when a plan is ceased for young people aged over 18. Therefore, for young people aged over 17, the EHC plan should identify clearly which outcomes are education and training outcomes. See paragraph 9.64 onwards for more detail on outcomes.
Code of Practice page 154
RefNo. / Need
(E.g. B1) / Outcome sought / Timescale / Recommended by
(report date) / Education or training post 17 (Please tick) / Monitoring arrangements
F.The special educational provision required by the child or the young person
G.Any health provision reasonably required by the learning difficulties or disabilities which result in the child or young person having SEN
H1.Any social care provision which must be made for a child or young person under 18 resulting from section 2 of the Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act 1970 (CSDPA)
H2.Any other social care provision reasonably required by the learning difficulties or disabilities which result in the child or young person having SEN
Key to numbering
Section. Outcome. Target
F. 1. 1
Outcome O1Ref
No. / Next 12 months Targets / Actions / Recommended by
(report date) / Delivered by / When / Facilities/
Resources and Equipment / Funding
£ / Monitored by
Total / £
Any National Curriculum modifications or exceptions required. Arrangements for monitoring progress, including review and transition.
Outcome O2
No. / Next 12 months Targets / Actions / Recommended by
(report date) / Delivered by / When / Facilities/
Resources and Equipment / Funding
£ / Monitored by
Total / £
Any National Curriculum modifications or exceptions required. Arrangements for monitoring progress, including review and transition.
Outcome O3
No. / Next 12 months Targets / Actions / Recommended by
(report date) / Delivered by / When / Facilities/
Resources and Equipment / Funding
£ / Monitored by
Total / £
Any National Curriculum modifications or exceptions required. Arrangements for monitoring progress, including review and transition.
Outcome O4
No. / Next 12 months Targets / Actions / Recommended by
(report date) / Delivered by / When / Facilities/
Resources and Equipment / Funding
£ / Monitored by
Total / £
Any National Curriculum modifications or exceptions required. Arrangements for monitoring progress, including review and transition.
Outcome O5
No. / Next 12 months Targets / Actions / Recommended by
(report date) / Delivered by / When / Facilities/
Resources and Equipment / Funding
£ / Monitored by
Total / £
Any National Curriculum modifications or exceptions required. Arrangements for monitoring progress, including review and transition.
Outcome O6
No. / Next 12 months Targets / Actions / Recommended by
(report date) / Delivered by / When / Facilities/
Resources and Equipment / Funding
£ / Monitored by
Total / £
Any National Curriculum modifications or exceptions required. Arrangements for monitoring progress, including review and transition.
Outcome O7
No. / Next 12 months Targets / Actions / Recommended by
(report date) / Delivered by / When / Facilities/
Resources and Equipment / Funding
£ / Monitored by
Total / £
Any National Curriculum modifications or exceptions required. Arrangements for monitoring progress, including review and transition.
Outcome O8
No. / Next 12 months Targets / Actions / Recommended by
(report date) / Delivered by / When / Facilities/
Resources and Equipment / Funding
£ / Monitored by
Total / £
Any National Curriculum modifications or exceptions required. Arrangements for monitoring progress, including review and transition.
Outcome O9
No. / Next 12 months Targets / Actions / Recommended by
(report date) / Delivered by / When / Facilities/
Resources and Equipment / Funding
£ / Monitored by
Total / £
Any National Curriculum modifications or exceptions required. Arrangements for monitoring progress, including review and transition.
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Section J: Personal budget for the next 12 months
(Only for children and families subject to a statutory Single Education, Health & Care Plan and/or Direct Payment support to children with disabilities and/or continuing health care needs)
Draft Code of Practice page 154
Aspects of the provision funded through a Personal Budget
Objective Reference / Funding£
xxxx’s Personal Budget allocation is:
Funded by / Weekly Cost / Annual Cost
Education (F) / £ / £
Health (G) / £ / £
Care (H1 & H2) / £ / £
Other / £ / £
Total available as a Personal Budget / £ / £
1. Attendees list
2. Pupil attendance details
3. Pupil attainment data
4. CASPA graph or equivalent.
5. Reports from the school and other professionals
6. Health report
7. Social Care report
8. Confirmation of funding
9. Details and request for Personal Budget / Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
School/settings monitoring outcomes
Based on the professional reports provided and the discussion held today :
1. Has the pupil made expected progress given their special educational needs?
(If no, the review should describe the action the school and parents have taken).
2. Are the parents/carers satisfied with the provision made by the school and other agencies
(If no, the minutes should describe the school’s responses)
3. With reference to the Local Authority SEN Guidance, does the pupil continue to meet the threshold for an Education, Health and Care Plan?
4. Have you identified any unmet needs?
4a. Health
4b. Social Care / Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Name of chair of the annual review: ______Position held: ______
Signed ______Headteacher
Date: ______
Please send this report, together with all relevant contributions including any written advice not previously circulated, to the SEN Team, Future House, Bolling Road, Bradford, to the parents and all those invited to the review within 10 days of the meeting or by the end of term, whichever is the sooner, in line with the SEN Code of Practice.
The Local Authority will review the documentation and written feedback will be provided to the Headteacher.
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