Dept. of PHONE: (530)752-

University of California, Davis FAX: (530)752-

One Shields Avenue Davis, CA 95616

January 31, 2015



City, state ZIP

Dear ______,

Congratulations! We are pleased to recommend to the Dean of Graduate Studies your admission to the ______Ph.D. program. We are hope that you will be completing your Statement of Intent to Register online soon.

We look forward to meeting you our Open House _____ through ______; you will find further details regarding travel plans and reimbursements in the enclosed invitation.

On behalf of the ______Department (or Graduate Group), we are pleased to offer you a full financial support package for four years of graduate study for your Ph.D. The total value of this four year support package is approximately $183,512.40.

For 2015-16 our Ph.D. students will receive a stipend of at least $26,000.00 paid over twelve months and full payment of your California resident Tuition & Fees (currently $16,102.60 per year), including major medical health and dental insurance coverage through the University of California Student Health Insurance Plan. This stipend may be paid as salary from any combination of fellowships and/or Graduate Student Researcher (GSR) and Teaching Assistantships (TA) throughout your graduate studies. The doctoral degree requirements include service as a Teaching Assistant (TA) at least three times during your graduate study.

If you hold a competitive, multi-year fellowship, from this university or from other sources, you may have the potential of receiving a supplemental stipend during your studies, making your total financial support greater than the standard stipend above. Please inform us immediately if you should be awarded a fellowship.

We would also like to offer you a full Graduate Program Nonresident Supplemental Tuition Fellowship (currently $15,102) for your first year of graduate study. As a U.S. citizen, you can establish California residency after one year. California residents are not assessed nonresident supplemental tuition; although they are assessed in-state Tuition & Fees.

Please refer to the attached enclosures that outline our University and campus regulations which must be maintained for fellowship holders including satisfactory academic progress towards a Ph.D. Tax information is also provided in these enclosures. Please note that fellowships do not disburse until you enroll in classes.


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All students admitted to graduate studies at UC Davis, whether in state or out of state students, are required to submit a Statement of Legal Residence (SLR) with the University Registrar by July 1st, 2015. The Statement of Legal Residence can be completed online at basics.cfm . All questions regarding residency should be directed to the Residency Deputy at (530)752-4749 or .

Avariety of student financial aid is available for all income levels. Whetheror notstudents thinkthey are eligible, we encouragethem to apply for financial aid each year. Applying begins with the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or the California Dream Act Application. Both applications are free. The financial awards detailed here are not dependent upon the financial need determined from the FAFSA data. The priority deadline for graduate students to file the FAFSA is March 2, 2015.

The Tuition Fees listed above are approximations as Tuition Fee levels are subject gubernatorial, legislative, and Regental action, adjustments will be made to your award for actual 2015-16 Tuition & Fee amounts which can be found at . Your resident Tuition & Fees will be covered in full; any unused fee awards will not generate a refund to you. Your billing statement should reflect a credit for full Tuition & Fees. If there is a discrepancy, please contact ______, Graduate Programs Administrator by phone at (530)752-, or email at .

Please accept or decline this financial support by indicating your decision on the following page, then signing and returning a copy of this letter at your earliest convenience to ______, Graduate Programs Administrator, University of California Davis, One Shields Ave., Davis, CA 95616. You may send a scanned copy via email. Please be sure to keep a copy for your records. Failure to respond by April 15, 2015, will be interpreted as a declination and this award offer will be withdrawn.

On behalf of the ______Department, I hope you are able to accept our offers for admission to our Ph.D. program and financial support for you to pursue your graduate studies. UC Davis is internationally noted for the excellence of its faculty and graduate programs, strong student-faculty relationships and superior research facilities.

Please do not hesitate to contact me by email at if you have any further questions.


Chair, Graduate Affairs Committee

Department or Graduate Group or Graduate Program

Encl.: Invitation to UC Davis

Regulations for Graduate Students Receiving Fellowships Council of Graduate Schools Resolution

Alternatively you can send the links to the sites as on the other two examples.

Cc: ______Graduate Program Office

And you could email to the applicant as well.


GRADUATE PROGRAM Financial Support Summary

Academic Year 2015-16 through Academic Year 2018-19* Resident Fees Tuition $16,102.60

Stipend at least $26,000.00

Academic Year 2015-16

Non Resident Supplemental Tuition $15,102.00

*The annual stipend is expected to increase incrementally each year reflective of the cost of living.

All fellowships are subject to maintaining satisfactory academic progress toward your Ph.D. degree, and finding a major professor with a funded research project by the end of Fall quarter 2015. In the first year of Ph.D. study, satisfactory progress includes maintaining a 3.25 or higher grade point average and successfully passing the Preliminary Exam in the Spring quarter 2016.

If you accept this financial support, your signature also serves as verification that you have read and accept the terms of the Regulations for Graduate Students Receiving Fellowships document enclosed with this offer.

I hereby accept / decline the above financial support package. (circle one)

Signature Date

Graduate Program Open House

Thursday, March 19th - Saturday, March 21st, 2015


You are invited to visit the Graduate Program Open House at UC Davis from Thursday, March 20th through Saturday, March 22nd, 2015.

As a prospective graduate student, we realize the decision you are about to make is a very important one for your career and future, so we would like to provide you with as much information as possible about our graduate program and our campus to help you in making that decision. It is our pleasure to invite you to UC Davis for the Graduate Program Open House at our expense.

We are presently working out the detailed agenda; however, our overall plan is for you to arrive at the Sacramento Airport (SMF) by 12:00 noon on Thursday March 19th. Thursday afternoon you will attend a luncheon (please let us know if you have any dietary restrictions or food allergies) and a short orientation followed by faculty research presentations and departmental facility tours. Thursday evening we will host an informal dinner on campus with current graduate students and faculty. Friday you will participate in faculty meetings, visit with continuing graduate students, as well as potential fellow classmates, and attend a poster session. This will give you an excellent opportunity to learn about the research activities of our program. Friday evening you will have dinner in the home of a faculty member. You will be able to depart Saturday morning.

Dress is casual, bring good walking shoes.

We will handle all arrangements while you are in Davis including hosted meals, transportation from and to the Sacramento Airport (SMF), and lodging at the Hallmark Inn ( ) in downtown Davis.

Students will be paired with another visiting student during their hotel stay. However, we ask that you make your own flight arrangements before February 28th, and we will reimburse you up to $350 towards the cost of your airline ticket. You will receive your reimbursement within three weeks after your visit. If you cannot find a flight within that budget, please contact ______as soon as possible to work through potential solutions.

As soon as you have your airline reservations confirmed, please E-mail your itinerary to ______at . Reminder, we would like you to arrive at Sacramento Airport (SMF) by approximately 12:00 PM on Thursday.

We hope you can join us, note this is our only planned Open House.

If you have any questions regarding the visit please call or e-mail Alisha Bartolomucci at (530)752-XXXX or .



§  It is the student’s responsibility to report, in writing, any change in status to the fellowship awarding agency (e.g. your Graduate program or the Office of Graduate Studies) within 30 days of the change. Changes in status include (but are not limited to): major, program, deferring admissions after receiving an award, below minimum GPA, reduction in enrollment units, or multiple fee awards (including fee awards paid by a GSR or TA Appointment).

§  Fellowship recipients are expected to devote full time to graduate study and/or research. To be considered full time, graduate students must be enrolled in, and maintain, 12 units each quarter (any combination of upper division or graduate course units, group study [298], and research [299] as permitted by the graduate programs).

§  Students taking Planned Education Leave (PELP), going on Filing Fee, or withdrawing from the university are not eligible for fellowships.

§  Fellowships do NOT transfer from one program to another. (e.g., a student enrolled in the Mathematics graduate program is awarded a fellowship. The student becomes ineligible to keep that fellowship if the student transfers to Economics.)

§  Each year, all U.S. citizens, permanent residents, and immigrants are required to file a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) before receiving funding from Graduate Studies (this includes departmental funding and internal fellowships).

§  Students are required to meet and maintain minimum GPA criteria, established by Graduate Council. The minimum GPA required for students receiving living allowance (stipend), fee and tuition fellowships, nonresident supplemental tuition fellowships (NRSTFs), or an academic appointment is 3.0.

§  Continued eligibility for this fellowship depends on your maintaining satisfactory academic progress.

§  A student can only accept a single stipend in excess of $10,000.

§  Students who receive research or travel awards will have their funds transferred to their graduate program. Students are responsible for submitting receipts to their programs for all allowable expenses in accordance with Policy Procedure Manual (P&PM) sections referenced below.

o  Research funds may be used only for specific needs vital to the success of the research.

Allowable supplies and expenses may include laboratory supplies, office supplies, photocopying, equipment, etc. UC Davis P&PM 350-21 Departmental Purchase Delegations

o  Travel funds may be used for transportation expenses, registration, incidentals, meals, lodging, etc. UC Davis P&PM 300 – Travel and Transportation


U.S.  citizens and permanent residents are eligible for nonresident supplemental tuition fellowships only for their first three quarters at UC Davis. Information about how to establish California Residency for Tuition Purposes and inquiries regarding residence requirements, determination and/or recognized exceptions may be found at Students who are not U.S. citizens may receive a nonresident supplemental tuition fellowship in their first and subsequent years.


A reasonable amount of teaching or similar activity constitutes a valuable part of the education experience for our graduate students. Students with fellowships may be permitted to receive additional funds from UC sources through academic appointments not to exceed 50% of full time during the period of the award, provided the appointment does not hinder progress toward the degree.


who hold fellowships that stipulate restrictions to employment are excluded from this rule – please refer to your particular award letter for possible fellowship / employment restrictions).

Students who have been awarded a fellowship with a financial eligibility component may lose that fellowship support if additional funding is accepted.


Requests for exceptions to these policies need to be made in writing ( to the Associate Dean of Graduate Studies by the Graduate Program Chair or Department Chair, with concurrence by the Graduate Adviser.

Consideration will be given for one or more of the following situations:

§  The fellowship recipient has unusual personal or family expenses; e.g. medical or dental bills, or is supporting a family. Documentation must be provided.

§  The department’s teaching or research needs can only be met by this fellowship recipient.

§  The fellowship recipient has incurred extraordinary expenses in pursuit of the degree program that are not supported by the department’s instructional budget; e.g. programs in painting, wood or metal sculpture, etc. Documentation must be provided.


Some scholarships, grants, fellowships, traineeships, and other forms of gift aid that exceed the costs of tuition, fees, required books, and supplies are taxable. For information about taxes related to education, review IRS Publication 970 at More Information is available at

§  International students – Fellowship stipends are paid through the payroll office and taxes are withheld and reported to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and the State of California, Franchise Tax Board. Certain individuals from countries with which the United States has a tax treaty may be exempted from federal withholding. More information is available from Services for International Students and Scholars (SISS) at and Tax Accounting at

These policies (except filing the FAFSA), also apply to students who hold awards from outside agencies (e.g. National Science Foundation Fellows, Ford Fellows, etc.) unless the agency stipulates otherwise.