Submit your best slogans and/or images representing Missouri WIC!

Submissions may appear on the Missouri Department of Health & Senior Services Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) website and may be included in Missouri WIC literature, promotions, and/or otherMissouri WIC materials.

Individuals and/or organizations are encouraged to participate and multiple submissions are welcome!

Slogans, images, and descriptive suggestions must be submitted no later than Friday, September 28, 2012.The overall selection(s) will be announced at a later date.

Items to Consider:

  1. All slogans & images submitted should be related to WIC & Nutrition Services.
  2. Submissions are not required to be Missouri specific, only WIC specific.
  3. Essentially the “winning” slogan and/or image will be used for Missouri WIC branding including, but not limited to: WIC print & web materials, WIC e-Learning and, possibly WIC EBT card image.
  4. Be mindful of the amount and number of colors used due to cost when printing materials.
  5. Be mindfulof how images will look in Black and White or Grayscale as well.
  6. Be mindful of images and/or word choices that may have negative connotations.
  7. Do not infringe upon copyrighted materials or other legal protections of any person or entity.


  1. Images and/or slogans must show/express some aspect of WIC.
  2. Submitted slogans and/or images must have the following:
  3. Full name of Individual and/or Organization submitting**
  4. Contact information including e-mail address & phone number**
  5. When appropriate a brief description of the item(s) submitted, explaining what it means or shows and/or how submission should appear.
  6. Electronic submissions are preferred however items will be accepted via Mail or Fax to the following:
  • Fax submission(s) with above information to:

Missouri Department of Health & Senior Services

Bureau of WIC & Nutrition Services


  • Mail submission(s) with above information to:

Missouri Department of Health & Senior Services

Bureau of WIC & Nutrition Services

Attn: Susan Guerrant
PO BOX 570
Jefferson City, MO 65102

**Submitters may be contacted via e-mail or phone therefore it is very important that all submissions include contact information.


If you have questions please contact Susan Guerrant at or 1-800-392-8209.

Terms and Conditions:

By submitting items you are in agreement with all terms and conditions presented here.

Submissions must be original workand/or ideas. Submitter also, authorizes the Missouri Department of Health & Senior Services, Bureau of WIC & Nutrition Services to edit, alter, copy, archive, display, publish, or distribute this submission for purposes of publicizing its programs or for any other lawful purpose. Thus permission has been given to use any and all items for its publications, including but not limited to, brochures, website, social media websites, and other promotional items.

Submissions that are questionable in content will not be considered; the Missouri Department of Health & Senior Services, Bureau of WIC & Nutrition Services retains sole discretion as to what constitutes inappropriate content.

Submitter waives any right to compensation related to the use of the submission by the Bureau of WIC & Nutrition Services, Missouri Department of Health & Senior Services, and the State of Missouri.

The Missouri Department of Health & Senior Services will not be held responsible for any late, lost, misrouted, distorted, or damaged submissions.