WELCOME: Stacy Bagley, President 2012-13, called the meeting. Welcomed all!!
ATTENDEES: Angie Levy, Stacy Bagley, Angie Brogden, Tony Brogden, Lee Perry, Trish DeLuke, Anne Travis, Ujeana Pearson, Tony Pearson, Sheila Connelly, Andrea Lindsey and Donna Iapalucci
SECRETARY: April 2013minutes were presented to membership for approval. Motion by Lee Perry and seconded by Ujeana Pearson to file minutes.
TREASURER: The financial report with transaction details and balances with YTD balances were presented in detail by Treasurer,Trish Deluke. Treasurer discussed subaccount balances and current standings on fundraiser income collected by sports that have been credited at this time. There were discussion by membership on the Women’s Soccer balance and Treasurer would review for any corrections.
VICE PRESIDENT: Tony Pearson commented that it was hoped to have sponsorship flyer updated for 2013-14 and he discussed recapturing sponsorship funds still owed. Membership discussed ideas in doing so. Tony stated more would be discussed in his committee report to the Club later in the meeting agenda.
ATHLETIC DIRECTOR: President stated that Principal, Ms. Patti Hamler, had announced Michael Joyner as the new incoming WFHS Athletic Director. However, it was not final because the school board needed to confirm before official news would be forthcoming. President commented that Cougar Time Wednesdays for next year was planned for the students. ABC discussed discontinuing overseeing Cougar Time for next school year. It was a trial for the Club to help the school and Coach Coe at the time of need. More volunteers seem to be needed and the time spent for setup did not make it a lucrative fundraiser event as hoped for the Club. It was noted that Ms. Hamler would review Cougar Time Wednesday for the students next year and look at making it better next academic year.
Nomination Committee: Stacy Bagley presented the slate of incoming officers as Angie Brogden-Vice President Elect; Sheila Connelly-Secretary Elect; and standing Treasurer for second term, Trish DeLuke. Club membership received a motion from the floor from member, Ujeana Pearson to nominate, Tony Pearson, as President-Elect for 2013-14 for WRHS ABC. Membership voted (motion Lee Perry, second U. Pearson) and motion carried for the new slate of officers to include new President-Elect as Tony Pearson. Tony gave a brief overview of his vision and leadership hopes for ABC next year. Tony stated he believed he could attend almost all the meetings and lead the Club with the help of other volunteers. Outgoing President, Stacy Bagley, was presented with flowers from Angie Levy to recognize her over and beyond contributions to ABC and hopefully let Stacy know she is greatly appreciated in all she contributed to ABC.
Season Passes: Donna Iapalucci discussed season pass sell structure tiers for new school year. Prices to reflect $80 Adult and $40 Student Athletic Season Pass cost until end of first day of school, Monday, August 26. Donna would contact Ron Shaw to get cost and link updated on ABC site.
Donna and John Iapalucci will be Season Pass and Membership Chairpersons 2013-14.
Banquet: Lee Perry, Chair, asked if the Booster Secretary could send out a second communication blast for thespring banquet set for May 21 and the SOS need for volunteers to setup and clean up. Lee Perry will be Banquet Chair 2013-14.
Website: No report. Chair, Ron Shaw, was not present at meeting. President commented that the assistant principals could send out and update the site if anybody needed something revised quickly. Ron Shaw will be the Website Chair 2013-14.
Membership: Angie Levy and Donna Iapalucci discussed that ABC Memberships would be online for new and past members to register for 2013-14. Members at the meeting paid their dues at the meeting in order to have voting privileges. Members must have a current student attending WFHS in order to vote and all others are considered members-at-large. (Mike/Lee Perry; Ujeana/Tony Pearson; Sheila Connelly; Stacy/Houston/Payton/Taylor Bagley; Angie/Tony Brogden; Andrea Lindsey; Donna/John Iapalucci; Trish DeLuke; Angie/Amanda Levy; and Anne Travis as of the meeting are new current ABC members 2013-14) Angie Levy stated she would contact website chair, Ron Shaw, to update the ABC site with New Year membership blitz drive information! Membership would for next year be combined with Season Passes as the Club discussed it is better for tracking purposes of current membership and help with accounting reconciliation for those paying online memberships. Club hopes to increase membership next year!
Athletic Program Book: Books may be available at upcoming banquet with spring sport athletes. Price $5. S. Bagley will chair 2013-14.
Fundraiser Activity: No chairperson for the committee was named at the meeting. Stacy Bagley stated she would step in as well as possibly Christie Rette for 2013-14, but would like to see others get involved to have successful annual events.
Corporate Sponsors:Tony Pearson, Vice President discussed sponsorship of those business still owing ABC funds. President Bagley asked that outgoing VP and Treasurer get together to review payments received and those pending in the next 30 days in order to bill sponsors for amounts promised and those not recorded as income for ABC yet. Stacy Bagley will be the chairperson for 2013-14. Angie Brogden reported that the BUZZ would again sponsor WFHS during football season with internet streaming. It was estimated to be several thousands of dollars of free publicity.
Volunteers: Lee Perry noted that she had contacted Holly Nadu regarding the chair position.
Events Coordinator: Andrea Lindsey and Anne Travis will co-chair the committee for 2013-14 along with all the volunteers of ABC to recognize sponsors at the annual dinner and work on the Pig Skin Classic with the Club.
Senior Night Coord.: Anne Travis and Elizabeth Williams expressed interest in chairing the committee for 2013-14.
Concessions: Kim McLean and Angie Brogden will co-chair the committee for 2013-14.
PTSALiaison: Angie Levy and Lee Perry will co-chair and partner towards working together between the two organizations for 2013-14. Angie commented that the PTSA is hoping to update the office plaque with current Teacher of Year winners. Angie reported that ABC and PTSA scholarships were ready for senior award day. Five students had been selected and the essays were very good this year! Each student would be given a $500 award for college use in 2013-14.
Apparel Coordinator:Andrea Lindsey and Anne Travis will co-chair for 2013-14. President, Stacy Bagley stated that some sport teams were getting apparel not through the Club and it was our hope the new AD would work with the Club to realign efforts.
Upcoming WFHS Date Reminders:2013 Senior Awards – May 23; Pig Skin Classic – August 10 (4-8pm); July 3rd-Holiday Celebration-President asked who could volunteer to sell apparel at the event as a fundraiser and other ideas were discussed; OSNC Physical – May 28 ($10 physical and Athletic Department would receive the revenue from the event) **Game Field Maintenance was discussed by membership and President. JT Landscaping offered to help again get the game field ready. An application would need to be applied to keep the field in its best condition and ready for the upcoming Pig Skin Classic. Stacy Bagley will address at the next mtg.
NEW BUSINESS: Congratulations to new Officers and thank you for your untiring service to volunteer!!!
Wake Forest High School ABC Officers 2013-2014
Tony Pearson-President
Angie Brogden-Vice President
Trish DeLuke-Treasurer
Sheila Connelly-Secretary
NEXT BOOSTER MEETING is Monday, June 10at 7pminside theWFRHS Athletic Sports Building behind the Lindsey Gym!!!
Meetings are held on second Monday of Month. Respectfully submitted by: Angie Levy, Outgoing Secretary, WFRHS ABC