DeKalb School of the ArtsSGA

Executive Board

Intention-to-Run Form

2017-2018 Officer Elections

Applications Due: Friday, May 5, 2017

Last Name: ______First Name: ______

Cell phone: ______Personal Email: ______

Current Grade: (circle one) 10 11 Current weighted GPA: ______

Have you ever served on a council(s) at DSA? (Circle One) YESNO

If yes, which council(s)? ______

Requirements to run for Executive Board:

  • GPA 3.0 or higher
  • Students must be in good standing with the DSA program(i.e., no outstanding balances, not on probation, or disciplinary issues)
  • Students must be in good standing with attendance. Candidates running for SGA executive board must have NO more than 10 unexcusedtardies or absences.
  • Must be a rising Senior to run for Executive Board President and Vice President
  • Must be a rising Junior or Senior to run for Treasure and Secretary
  • Candidates for executive board must submit the Intent to Run Platform questions, along with their intent to run form.
  • Students are to have two teachers sign this form, verifying that this student is considered eligible to run, demonstrates leadership potential, is a strong representative of the grade level, and has a general concern for activities of their class.
  • All candidates will be permitted to campaign as soon as this form is completed and accepted by SGA. Students are not permitted to campaign until they have been granted permission to do so.
  • All forms must be returned to Ms. Rucker by the end of the day (3:10 bell) on Friday, May 5, 2017.No late forms will we accepted. No exceptions.
  • On Wednesday, May 10, 2017, all eligible candidates will have the opportunity to speak to their classmates during a class meeting. Voting will be completed during lunch on Wednesday, May 10, 2017.

Intended Office (Circle One)

President Vice President Secretary Treasurer

**To run for Executive Board President or Vice President, you must have served on SGA during the years of 2014-2015, 2015-2016, or 2016-2017**

Teacher Recommendations Signatures & Comments



  1. Intent to Run Platform:

In a separate document, please answer the following questions: (THIS MUST BE TYPED!)

  1. Why do you want to be an SGA officer and why are you seeking this particular position?
  2. What ideas do you have for DSA SGA in 2017-18 and how do you plan to implement these ideas?
  3. What skills and abilities would you bring to the position?
  4. Is there anything else you would like to add to your platform?

I clearly understand the commitment that is required of a Student Government member; moreover, I understand the rules and regulations regarding campaigning and participation in Student Government. I am aware of the dates and deadlines set forth by the Election Committee of the Executive Board. I will abide by all of the rules, understanding that failure to do so will result in my disqualification from the election race or impeachment from the Student Government.

Signature ______Date ______

For official use only

Date submitted: ______Advisor Initials: ______

ApprovedNot Approved & Reason