MOCAN Child Care Work Group
December 7, 2015
Attendees: Carol Scott, Rhonda Smythe, Cindy DeBlauw, Jennifer VanHoose, Nola Martz
Work Group Chair Position
Lynn Cole is nominated. Lindsey Fischer is usually at all of the meetings. Jennifer VanHoose would also
Child Care Aware
Megan Klenke’s position will be refilled. The position has been posted and the goal is to have a replacement by the end of January.
CCA is working with UMKC to apply for Voices for Children funding. The budget is being rewritten with input from UMKC. A proposal should be submitted by January. Megan made a contact with a national AHA representative who encouraged submitting an application for funding the implementation of the CSC child care recommendations. The national AHA representative has offered to review the application and provide feedback. Cindy will contact Jace Smith, the MO AHA Government Relations person, to see if he would also review the draft proposal. The Voices Funding would support the professional assessment surveys.
Taking Steps is in the third year. All centers have received sessions one and two. Centers receive a 6-month free subscription to national website that provides resources and discounts to subscribers. CCA offers regular webinars on how to use the site. A company CCA developed the site for public good. Subscriptions cost $50/month for centers, $25/month for homes.
The last HSHC communities have been added. Additional early child care providers are being sought. The communities added include: St. Louis City added 6 schools, Jefferson City, Morgan County, Pemiscot and Caruthersville. DHSS is contracted to provide training on adopting Eat Smart Move Smart guidelines in these communities. The project is being evaluated during the intervention. Rhonda is working on collaboration between organizations working on childhood obesity.
Head Start
They are already Eat Smart certified and working on becoming Move Smart certified. A federal review will occur this year. 4 counties in SW MO are served by this agency.
DHSS-Child Care Consultation Program
LPHA contracts have been delayed due to changes in federal requirements. The impact may be the money will run out sooner. Some LPHAS will continue services once funding expires using other funds. The LPHAs provide training to child care providers in their communities.