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  1. Library is derived from Latin word “Liber” meaning “Book”.
  2. The earliest development of library could be traced to early civilization in Egypt and Mesopotamia in about 3500BC.
  3. The library concept hinged on reading.
  4. Hieroglyphic Writing
  5. The material used by the Egyptians for their writing is called Papyrus.
  6. The Egyptians writing was preserved in scrolls.
  7. The Alexandria library established by Ptolemy l kin 300 – 283BC.
  8. Alexandria library was the most popular library during the Egyptians Era.
  9. The Sumerians were also known as the Babylonians.

10.About 3000BC, the Sumerians form of writing was Cuneiform.

11.Cuneiform was made from wet clay.

12.The Sumerians lived or occupied river Tigris and Euphrate.

13.The famous library of the Sumerians era was that of King Senacherih and Ashurbanipal.

14.The alphabet form of writing was established around 15000BC by the Phoenicians.

15.The Phoenicians are also commonly referred to as the Semitic people.

16.The forces of business necessitated the invention of alphabets writing.

17.Parchment was the name given to animal skins on which the Phoenicians write.

18.Paper was invented in China by Tsai Lun, in 105AD.

19.The main occupation of the Greeks was to listen and write on behalf of people while that of Romans was Farming or Trading.

20.Aristotle was one of the reputable scholars of the Greek Era.

21.In 47BC, The Alexandrian library was destroyed by fire.

22.The First Republic library was established in Athens in Greece.

23.Biblotech Ulprano was the greatest library in the Romans by Trojan.

24.The middle or dark ages was known as the Catholic dominated era characterized by the religious fanaticism and feudalism.

25.Knowledge was preserved during the dark ages through the establishment of Monasteries, development in Moslems world enlightened individuals and Medieval universities.

26.Monastery (Monasteries -plural) was a place where Monks and Nuns stayed to devote their time for God.

27.One of the biggest monasteries was Monte Casino 569AD.

28.A book on the use of monastery library was published by Cassiodorus.

29.In the middle ages, the centre of the Moslems was Damascus.

30.Richard de – Bury (A Bishop) wrote a book called ‘Philobiblon’ meaning; Love book.

31.During the Renaissance period, the printing technology of Johan Buttenberg was a library development.

32.The printing technology was invented in 1400BC. (It should be 1400AD.)

33.The renaissance period at which library concept was revolutionized.

34.In 1519, Martin Luther was excommucated from the church.

35.In 1627, Gabriel Nandi published the first book of librarianship and it was titled ‘Advis Pour Dresseur une Biblotheque’.

36.In 1857, the national library in Britian was established.

37.In 1789, the national library of France was established.

38.The Elliot Commission was set up to look into the imbalance in Nigeria.

39.One of the unique features of Catholic dominated period was that people were mandated to read in libraries.

40.Between 1842 and 1845, one major development which occurred in Nigeria was the arrival of Missionaries in Nigeria.

41.In the year 1963, the Nigeria Institute of International affairs library was established.

42.One major and significant development which occurred in the library development in Eastern part in 1955 was the establishment of Eastern library board.

43.UNESCO seminar was setup in the year 1953 and it sought the formation of West African Library Association.

44.The three types of library that emerged as a result of UNESCO seminar were; - Municipal Library (Established in Lagos), - Regional Libraries (Established in Enugu, Benin, Kaduna and Ibadan), and – Foreign Embassy Libraries.

45.Federal Institute of Agriculture Library is a good example of Special Library.

46.1964 Library Act sought the establishment of National Library in Nigeria.

47.United States information Service (USIS) library was established in 1950.

48.British Council Library was established in 1952.

49.Nigeria Institute of International Affairs (NIIA) was established in 1963.

50.Azikwe private collection also known as Carr Library was converted to public library.

51.In 1962, Mr. Sharr was invited from Australia to Northern part of the country to carry out a survey.

52.The different types of library are Academic, Public, National, Special/Research and School library

53.The 1964 library act was followed by the Library Decree promulgated in 1970.

54.A book can be basically divided into three major parts which are; Preliminaries, the text and auxiliaries.

55.The cover, spine, the blurb, the title page, fly page, half title page, the verso, the frontispiece, dedication, preface, forward, acknowledgement, content list are all parts of the preliminaries.

56.The text is the main body of the book whiles the auxiliaries, the appendix, the glossary and index.

57.There are four major categories of staff in the library which are University Librarian along with others in the professional cadre, Para-professional staff, assistant, cadre and other categories.

58.The professional cadre includes; University Librarian, Deputy University Librarian, Principal Librarian, Librarian I, Librarian II and Librarian.

59.Chief Library Officer, Assistant Chief Library Officer, Principal Library Officer, Senior Library Officer, Higher Library Officer and Library Officer are Staffs included in the Para-professional cadre.

60.Assistant Cadre includes; Chief Librarian Assistant Officer, Senior Library Assistant, Head Library Attendant and Library Attendant.

61.In the last categories we have Administrative Secretary, Technician-bindery and reprographic, typist, porters, drivers, and messengers/cleaners.

62.Central to library collection development is Selection.

63.Central to collection development in the library is the art of choice and judgment.

64.No 2 books share the same accessioning numbers, it is a unique number given to all the books in the library.

65.An order for a title that appears over a long period of time is called Continuation or subscription.

66.Purchase and exchange are two method of Acquisition.

67.Slides models and charts are examples of audio visual materials.

68.Two examples of micro text are microfilms and micro card/microprint.

69.Abstract is a form of serial which monitors original publications.

70.Micro-text material can only be traced with the aid of reading machines.

71.Exchanges in library are done by exchanging duplicate copies of books with the cooperating libraries.

72.Decree No. 29 of 1970 empowers the National Library to collect copies of books published in Nigeria.

73.The existence of title and its bibliographic are verified through the trade or National bibliographies.

74.A common method adopted by libraries to get rid of obsolete ormutilated from libraries shelves is known as Weeding.

75.An order placed for a single monographic title is referred to as Film order.

76.Pamphlets carry current topics on controversial and contemporary issues.

77.The removal of essential parts or cutting of relevant pages of library books is known as Mutilation.

78.The methods of acquisition of serials are; purchase, exchange, donation/gift.

79.If a periodical is published quarterly, it means it is published 4 times a year.

80.Legal deposit is known asCopyright Deposit.

81.Clippings as library materials are generally generated from Newspaper.

82.Abstracting Journals give brief summaries of the content of journal articles.

83.Acquisition procedures includes; searching, verification, placing order, resolving problems, auditing, stamping, accessioning, cataloguing and related processes.

84.A Journal can best be described as a periodical text containing current research, news and report activities.

85.Serials are occasional publication in printed format issued in printed format issued in successive parts having numerical and chronological designation intended to be completed.

86.If a periodical is published bi-annually, it used 2times a year.

87.Bequeath is leaving by will to another person or institution. Strictly Personal Property to pass on to prosperity.

88. The three types of serials are primary, secondary and tertiary serials.

89. The library data are properly and arranged to facilitate accessibility and retrieval.

90.Cataloguing and classification are the universal acceptable two processes involved in the organization of library materials.

91.Cataloguing is a process of generating a library catalogue.

92.Librarians who are involved in cataloguing are called cataloguers.

93.The library catalogue is an index to library holding.

94.Union catalogue or union list is a combined bibliographic list is of holdings for either a group of libraries, institutions or subjects.

95.The forms of library catalogue are: (a) The book catalogue (b) The sheaf catalogue(c) Microforms (d) The Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC).

96.The card catalogue is the most extensive used form of catalogue in the developing countries.

97.The standard of card catalogue is 7.5cm x 12.5cm or 3inches x 5inches.

98.The book catalogue is also called the printed catalogue, it is the oldest type.

99.Entries in the book catalogue are usually arranged in the dictionary format.

100.The sheaf catalogues are made on slips of paper.

101.The binder used in sheaf catalogue accommodates at least 500slips.

102.Micro-fiche and micro-film are commonly known as microfilm and can be read by means of a microfilm reader.

103.Procedures for catalogue entries are:

(a) Entry heading

(b) Bibliographic description

(c) Added entry

(d) Call mark and

(e) The accessioning number.

104.Entry heading: It could be the author’s name, the title of the work, added of entries like the subject, series name or joint author’s name.

105.The Anglo-American cataloguing rules (AACR), is a tool for determining the entry heading.

106.The rules for entry heading are:

(a) Enter through the name of the author for single authorship.

(b)Shared Authorship:- is in two forms: one where the principal author is shown i.e. (where there are more than three authors, the first name is the Principal Author) and the other, where the principal author is not shown (that is, there are more than three authors shown) for the first enter with the name of the principal author; and for the second enter with the title..

(c) Collection of works by different persons is entered through the title of the work.

(d)Works by or of corporate authorship is entered with the name of the corporate bodies, e.g. JAMB.

(e) Works of unknown or uncertain authorship are entered using the title.

107.Bibliographic Description is the description of a book or serial in full. It includes: Statement of responsibility/edition statement which has the name of the book’s title and principal author(s).

108.Call mark has the classification number (that is, author’s number).

109.Series statement includes: Imprint (that is, place of publication, name of the publisher and year of publication) and collation (that is, numbers of pages, size of book, or serial and publisher’s specified subject matter).

110.International standard book number has ten digits while international serial number has eight digits. (ISBN=10, ISN=8).

111.The added entries besides the main entry heading are subject joints author, complier, translator, editor, title, sub-title, illustration, series, name, e.t.c.

112.Accession number is the book’s identity number. No two books bear the same of this number.

113.There are basically three cataloguing practices in libraries: Dictionary catalogue, Classified arrangement and divided arrangement.

114.The type of catalogue practices common in school libraries where all entries are interfiled in one alphabetical sequence is the dictionary catalogue.

115.Classified arrangement is common in special libraries, and it consists of two parts: the classified part (which is arranged with ordinary numbers) and the alphabetical part (arranged alphabetically).

116.Divided arrangement is common in academic libraries. In it, the author and title entries are grouped together and arranged alphabetically while the subject entries are also grouped together and arranged alphabetically.

117.Nothing before something is another name for word by word filing system.

118.Library of congress classification is a type of classification that is widely used by many libraries (academic library).

119.The Dewey decimal classification is mostly used by school libraries.

120.There are more than one hundred symbols of the libraries of library of congress classification scheme in the text. Please note and cram them.

121.See reference and also see Reference are the two types of cross reference.

122.Cross-reference serves as guide to the users to the heading required in the catalogue.

123.Cutter number is the author’s symbol and/or number.

124.The five departments of the library are: Reader’s services department, administrative department, technical services department, research and documentation department and information technology department.

125.Circulation section, reserved books section, audio visual unit, reference section, reprographic unit, security unit, are the sub-divisions of readers’ services department.

126.The only section of the library where information materials can be charged out on loan for the use of the library users’ at home or discharged on returned into the library is the Circulation Section.

127.Print and non-printed materials are the two types of material in the library.

128.Text-books, reference materials, serial publications such as, magazine journals, newspaper, research projects, seminar papers and manuscripts are examples of print materials.

129.Films, cassettes, video-tapes, slides, filmstrips, microfilms, microfiche, DIORAMEREALIA CD-ROM are examples of non-printed materials.

130.The materials that are separately housed in the Africana section of the library are special collection of material published by Africans or foreign authors of Africa.

131.These publications are research projects.

132.Functions performed by the circulation section are:

a. Admission and registration of new users.

b. Renewal of registration cards.

c.Preparations of grounds for proper organization of materials on the shelves.

d. Shelf-reading

e. Arrange photocopies of materials

f. reserve high in demand and rare books.

g. Preparation of the material for binding and

h. Maintenance of library facilities.

133.Books consulted are shelved thrice daily.

134.The name of the department that performs behind the scene functions in the library is the technical services department.

135.The label attached to the library shelves indicating the classification codes of the books on each shelf is referred to as Shelf Guide.

136.To ascertain the number of the lost books in the library is usually carried out regularly.

137.The name of the publication containing official information about the polities, activities, legislation of the states or the federation is Gazette.

138.Charging system can be categorized under three main heading: Automatic, Manual and Semi-automatic.

139.The charging system that required the human effort is referred to as Manual.

140.Reference services can be classified in direct and indirect broad headings.

141.One of the chemical agents that can destroylibrary books is dust. Other agents are: Physical agents (humidity, sunlight and temperature) and biological agents (bookworms, silverfish, cockroaches, rat’s rodents and termites).

142.Reference materials can be classified into directional and source type.

143.Eminent Nigerians of the Rivers state is an example of Biography.

144.Library orientation programme is a form of User Education.

145.An example of library software is Greenstone.

146.A reference material, which gives current information in descriptive or statistical from and which is usually published annually is called a Year Book.

147.A user looking for information about list of persons or organization telephone numbers, cities, their names and addresses will consult a reference material called Directory.

148.Source Type of reference materials are the ones that provide the immediate answers to users’ questions.

149.An annual compendium which contains miscellaneous useful facts and statistical information that can be used to supplement and complement information in an encyclopedia is called Almanac.

150.Encyclopedias are generally repositories of information in all branches of knowledge.

151.The general encyclopedias and the subject encyclopedias are the two forms of encyclopedias.

152.The source type of information material that provides graphical representation and general geographical information such as location of a place or town, pattern of transportation, house, climate conditions, population of a place termed Geographic source.

153.Atlas, map and Gazetteer are geographical sources.

154.An index is a pointer to where an important information item can be retrieved in a book or journal.

-The computer system is the complete set of the computer i.e. CPU, monitor, keyboard and mouse.

-Two basic part of a computer:

(i) Hardware: a physical component of the computer system which you can see, feel and touch.

(ii) Software: a non-physical programmes which co-ordinate and control the computer hardware or system. It cannot be seen, you can only see its operation.

-Computer hardware is divided into two types: (a) Computer peripheral (b) CPU.

  • Computer peripheral is divided into two types; the input device and the output device
  • CPU is divided into three: ALU (Arithmetic and Logical Unit), memory unit & Control unit.

-Any computer that is being connected to the CPU is called a peripheral unit.

-Input device is a device that is used to collect data from the computer.

-Examples input devices: keyboard, scanner, mouse, microphone

-Example of output devices: monitor, speaker, printer, flash drive

-Monitor is of two types: CRT and LCD.

  • Keyboard is of two types:

i. Enhanced keyboard: it has a total number of keys from 105-107 and it has a functional key from F1 – F12.

ii. Standard keyboard: it has a total number of keys from 95-970 and it hasfunctional keys from F1 – F10.

  • Mouse is of three types: serial, optical & Ps 2.
  • Printer is of two types: impact printer and non-impact printer.

-CPU is powered by a microprocessor.

-Microprocessor is the thing controlling every component in a computer system.

-CPU REGISTER is a strong medium that hold data temporarily while the computer is executing information.

-CPU REGISTER is of 5 types.

  • ACC – it holds data that are to be used in arithmetic operation.
  • PC –the CPU make use of the PC to make way to the next instruction.
  • SP – it is used to return the computer to a specific point in a programme.
  • DR –it is used to supply data for the CPU to process.
  • Memory – it is space where data or information can be stored either for temporary use or permanent use.

-ALU is the unit of the CPU that deals with anything that has to do with calculation of data.