2700 Lyons Road Miamisburg, OH 45342-3790
XYZ Business
123 Main St
Miamisburg OH 45342
Month, Day, 2008
Dear Business Owner/Manager:
The Miami Township Division of Fire/EMS will conduct a required annual fire safety inspection of your business in 2008. Enclosed you will find a list of the most common fire code violations. Please review the list to ensure that your business has no violations. Compliance will help keep your employees and patrons safe while making the inspection efficient and without the need for intervention.
Common Fire Code Violations in Businesses:
□ Is your address posted on the front of your building and clearly visible from the street? Make sure we can identify your building day or night in case of fire or medical emergency.The minimum height for numerals is 10” inches and must be in a contrasting color to the numerals’ background.
□ If your business requires a Knox Box, has it been installed?
□ If your business has a Knox Box, are the keys inside up to date?
□ If your business has “Fire Lane Signs or Painted Curbs” they shall be maintained. Are the signs visible, is the paint bright and visible.
□ If your business has a sprinkler system, the fire department connection must be free and clear of all obstructions.
□ Has your business completed a “Business Update Sheet” in the last 12 months? If not please go to and look for “Forms” at the top of the page. Click on Forms, Click on Business Update Sheet, and Fill out as much information as possible and click on submit. You may do this as many times as necessary.
□ If your business has compressed air or other cylinders they must be secured to prevent them from falling over. This can be accomplished easily with a small piece of chain.
□ If your business has ceiling tiles are they all in place (none missing) are there holes in the walls or the ceilings if so repair or replace the tiles and holes.
Doors and lighting
□ Are your exit doors blocked (inside or outside)?
□ Do your exit doors open easily and without effort? All exit doors are to be unlocked during business hours.
□ Are your exit doors clear? The minimum aisle width is 44” inches.
□ If you have lighted emergency exit signs, are they fully lit?
□ Are your exit signs visible?
□ If you have emergency lighting, does it work? Press test button and hold for a minimum of 3 minutes and ensure lights stay lit.
□ Do not use multi-plug adapters in outlets, these are devices that convert 2 outlets to 3 or 6 outlets.
□ Extension cords are not for use for longer than 30 days, only commercial computer plug strips that have circuit breakers are approved for use in Miami Township.
□ If you are using space heaters, Miami Township recommends that you use the ceramic type of space heaters that do not have a glowing red hot element. Remember to only have these heaters and all appliances only plugged in while in use.
□ Are you plugging multiple extension cords together? Do not plug more than one extension cord into each other. Also, do not plug multiple power strips into each other; it can overload the outlet/circuit causing a fire.
□ Are there any bare exposed electrical wires in your business?
□ Do your junction boxes all have covers over them?
□ Do your electrical panels have 30” inches of clear space in front and around them?
□ Are all of your electrical cords in good working condition?
Fire Extinguishers
□ Have you had your yearly maintenance completed on your fire extinguishers?
□ Are your fire extinguishers mounted on the wall no higher than 5 feet and easily
□ Do you have a fire extinguisher within 75 feet of walking distance throughout your building?
Fire Alarm/Sprinkler Systems
□ If your building has a fire sprinkler system, have you had your yearly required
maintenance completed? Do you have the records on site?
□ If your building has a fire alarm system, have you had your required maintenance
completed? Do you have the records on site?
□ If your building has a fire sprinkler system, are you maintaining 18 inches of clear
space from the ceiling to the top of any combustible storage?
□ If you are a business who serves food, are the hood and ducts above the cooking
appliances clean and free of grease? Have they been steam cleaned in the last 6 months?
□ If you have a hood fire suppression system, are you having it maintained by a
professional every six (6) months? Do you have the maintenance records on site?
Reduce Legal Liabilities
□ Train your employees on how to handle emergency situations. Fire Alarms, Severe Weather, Bomb Threat, CPR, First Aid.
□ Notify the Fire Department of any building changes, interior or exterior (change of building use) or major system upgrades or any fire protection equipment failures or problems.
□ Notify the Fire Department of any building changes, interior or exterior to exits, entrances or other building features.
Thank you for your cooperation. If you have any questions, please call the Miami Township Division of Fire/EMS at (937) 433-4242.
Yours in safety,
Dale Fahrney
Fire Marshal
Joseph D. McLean
Deputy Chief/Fire Prevention Program Manager
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