The purpose of these guidance notes is to assist schools in budget setting. Some of the information may need to be revised to take account of changing circumstances.

From April 2016 the principal source of information on school spending will be each school’s financial system and we will no longer attempt to reconcile at individual ledger codes information held on school and Council records. All costs will be met from school bank accounts including payroll. Schools will be either invoiced directly for council services or in the case of payroll through direct debits. We will no longer need to send to schools Budget Control Reports which in any event are not as up to date as a school’s own records and no longer will be relevant.

Once the schedule of advances of schools’ budget shares and grant payments is set (see above), except in very exceptional circumstances, there will be no need for additional cash advances to schools. Schools will be able to manage their cash flow accordingly.















Teachers Pay

Details on schoolteachers pay and conditions for 2015/16 and 2016/17 can be found on the following websites:

Applying the 2016 pay award

(a)Following the government’s acceptance of the recommendations of the STRB’s 21st - 25th reports, schools now have a very large degree of flexibility to differentiate the remuneration they offer to teachers to reflect various factors, including local recruitment and retention; roles and responsibilities; and specialist qualifications.

(b)In its report, last year the STRB reiterated its expectation that it should be for schools themselves to decide the extent to which any uplift to pay ranges and allowances within the national pay framework will apply to their teachers. It was the STRB’s view that uplifts should not be applied automatically to teachers and that any individual pay award needed to take account of performance. The STRB made very clear that it was not intended that the uplifts to the framework should translate into uniform pay increases for every teacher within every school. It is for schools to determine at the institutional level how to take account of the uplifts to pay ranges and allowances in the light of their individual school’s pay policy.

(c)There was an uplifting of the current minima and maxima for each of the national pay ranges by 1% in September 2015 this was with two exceptions, a 2% increase to the maximum of the main pay range and no increase to the maxima of the eight head teacher pay group ranges. The effects of these changes are demonstrated here.


The pay scales from 2015/16 are shown here, at the point of writing these notes it has yet to be confirmed as to whether there will be any pay awards in 2016/17. In addition please note that the schools LGPS employer contribution remains at 22% for 2016/17.


If your school purchases services from the School Bursarial Team, their officers are able to provide advice on budget setting, and they possess an excel spread sheet to assist schools in setting and profiling budgets. You can also contact Schools Accountancy services for queries relating to budget allocations.


To ensure that Schools stay within budget from 2016/17 onwards it is recommended that schools complete 3 year forecasts of spend and budgets so that early action can be taken by schools in response to possible pressures.

Further guidance and training will be provide in 2016/17


The inflation factors used below in these Guidance Notes simply show inflation between December 2014 to December 2015, and are the most up to date measures of inflation at the time of writing these notes. They are simply a guide, but can be applied to your 2015/16 original budgets to give an estimated budget for 2016/17.

1 / Premises Related Expenditure / % / Note
Rent / 3 / III
Building Maintenance / -0.1 / III
Fuel/Oil / -14.9 / III
Gas / -6.4 / III
Electricity / 6 / II
Water / -1.7 / III
Telephones / 2.7 / III
Cleaning Materials / 0.6 / III
Insurance – Buildings / 3 / II
Insurance -– Liabilities / 3* / II
Grounds Maintenance / -0.1 / III
2 / Transport Related Expenditure
Vehicle Running Costs / -4.2 / III
Car Allowances / 0 / IV
Road and Rail Fares / 2.6 / III
Transport (Fares & Other Travel Costs) / 3.76 / III
3 / Supplies, Services and Other Expenses
Furniture / -0.7 / III
Books, Periodicals, Printing and Stationery / 3.7 / III
Clothing / 2 / III
Postage / 1.7 / III
Hires and Other Services / 0.2 / III
Advertising / 0.2 / III
Subsistence / 0.2 / III
4 / General Inflation (Including Income) / 0.2 / III


I Source: RPI Detailed figures for various groups, sub-groups and sections % increase as at January 2015

II Source: Insurance Manager/Parks/Procurement Services

III Source: CPI Detailed figures by divisions, groups and classes % increase between December 2014 and December 2015

IV Source: NJC agreement on car allowance increases

* This is a provisional figure and may be subject to change.

  1. TEACHING STAFF(established full-time and part-time teachers)

A.The salary costs of each teacher charged against your school’s delegated budget comprise the following:

(i) Basic Salary (Inner London pay scales)

(ii) Allowances (e.g. Teaching and Learning Responsibility Payments)

(iii) Employer’s Contributions in respect of Superannuation and NI.


(i)In estimating your school’s teacher’s salary costs for 2016/17 you would normally need to take into account future increases arising from pay awards and increments, which are both payable from 1st September.

Please be aware of the following have applied since September 2014:

• the end of pay increases based on length of service

• all teachers’ pay progression will be linked to performance based on annual appraisals

• the abolition of mandatory pay points within the pay scales for classroom teachers to give schools greater freedom on how much teachers are paid. They would remain in place for reference only in the main pay scale to guide career expectations for new teachers entering the profession.

(ii)You will also need to make an assessment of the additional incremental costs your school will incur.

The current pay scales are shown here. For the purposes of setting a budget for 2016/17 we have included projection for September 2016. This includes a 1% increase on all salary points from September 2016 with two exceptions - a 2% increase to the maximum of the main pay range and no increase to the maxima of the eight head teacher pay group ranges. These projection rates are based on the September 2015 pay award.

(iii)The employer’s superannuation contributions rate for 2016/17 is 16.48% for teaching staff and 22% for non-teaching staff.

From April 2016 the existing state pensions and additional state pension will be replaced by the new state pension. The introduction of the new state pension will prevent employees/employers from contracting out and thus receiving the national insurance rebate. As a result the employer NI rate for 2016/17 is 13.8% for all earnings over the secondary threshold (10.40% 2015/16 if opted into pension). For more information please follow the link below:

In 2015/16 the contracting out rebate between the lower earnings limit and the upper accrual point (£8,112 and £40,040 respectively) was 3.4% of earnings between the two thresholds.

(iv)Please note that Heads, Deputy Heads and Assistant Heads, are paid on a spot salary and do not receive an increment automatically.

  1. You can obtain the latest employers’ contribution rates for N.I and Superannuation by referring to your payroll provider’s reports, which identifies these on costs for each employee. You may have some members of staff who have chosen to “opt out” of the superannuation scheme, which would reduce your total employers’ contribution.

A worked example of how to estimate the cost of a teacher can be found here.

Spine for the leadership group in band A (Excl on-costs) – (Currently covering inner London)

Spine Point / September 2015 / Projected September 2016 (+1%)
£pa / £pa
L1 / 45,891 / 46,350
L2 / 46,861 / 47,330
L3 / 47,853 / 48,332
L4 / 48,861 / 49,350
L5 / 49,901 / 50,400
L6 / 50,966 / 51,476
L7 / 52,145 / 52,666
L8 / 53,177 / 53,709
L9 / 54,318 / 54,861
L10 / 55,527 / 56,082
L11 / 56,776 / 57,344
L12 / 57,921 / 58,500
L13 / 59,186 / 59,778
L14 / 60,479 / 61,084
L15 / 61,798 / 62,416
L16 / 63,253 / 63,886
L17 / 64,539 / 65,184
L18 / 65,324 / 65,977
L18* / 65,978 / 66,638
L19 / 67,432 / 68,106
L20 / 68,923 / 69,612
L21 / 69,750 / 70,448
L21* / 70,448 / 71,152
L22 / 72,016 / 72,736
L23 / 73,613 / 74,349
L24 / 74,518 / 75,263
L24* / 75,264 / 76,017
L25 / 76,949 / 77,718
L26 / 78,672 / 79,459
L27 / 79,642 / 80,438
L27* / 80,439 / 81,243
L28 / 82,256 / 83,079
L29 / 84,115 / 84,956
L30 / 86,025 / 86,885
L31 / 87,101 / 87,972
L31* / 87,973 / 88,853
L32 / 89,974 / 90,874
L33 / 92,030 / 92,950
L34 / 94,125 / 95,066
L35 / 95,330 / 96,283
L35* / 96,284 / 97,247
L36 / 98,484 / 99,469
L37 / 100,757 / 101,765
L38 / 103,063 / 104,094
L39 / 104,353 / 105,397
L39* / 105,397 / 106,451
L40 / 107,851 / 108,930
L41 / 110,365 / 111,469
L42 / 112,940 / 114,069
L43 / 114,437 / 115,581


1 - scale point to be used only by schools in Group 1 where it is the maximum value of the head teacher group range for the school

2-8 - scale point to be used only by schools in Groups 2 to 8 respectively where it is the maximum value of the head teacher group range for the school

* - scale points to be used unless the above applies

Ranges for Head Teachers in band A – (Currently covering inner London)

Group / Range of Spine Points / Salary Range Sept 2015 / Projected Sept 2016*
£pa / £pa
1 / L6 - L18 / 50,966 – 65,324 / 51,476 – 65,324
2 / L8 - L21 / 53.177 – 69,750 / 53,709 – 69,750
3 / L11 - L24 / 56.776 – 74,518 / 57,344 – 74,518
4 / L14 - L27 / 60.479 – 79,642 / 61,084 - 79,642
5 / L18 - L31 / 65.324 – 87,101 / 65.977 - 87,101
6 / L21 - L35 / 69.750 – 95,330 / 70.448 - 95,330
7 / L24 - L39 / 74.518 – 104,353 / 75.263 - 104,353
8 / L28 - L43 / 82.256 – 114,437 / 83.079 - 114,437

*The projection of the maximum of the main pay range for each group has not been increase as per 2015/16 treatment of the maxima.

Scale for qualified teachers in band A – (Currently covering inner London)

Scale Point / September 2015 / Projected September 2016 (+1%)
Main pay scale / £pa / £pa
Minimum / 27,819 / 28,097
Maximum / 37,862 / 38,619*
Upper pay scale
Minimum / 42,756 / 43,184
Maximum / 46,365 / 46,829

*This projection is based on a 2% increase as this was the percentage increase between Sep-14 and Sep-15.

Additional payments for Classroom Teachers

Sep-15 / Projected September 2016 (+1%)
£pa / £pa
Teaching and Learning
Responsibility Payment (TLR 3)
Minimum / 517 / 522
Maximum / 2,577 / 2,603
Teaching and Learning
Responsibility Payment (TLR 2)
Minimum / 2,613 / 2,639
Maximum / 6,386 / 6,450
Teaching and Learning
Responsibility Payment (TLR 1)
Minimum / 7,546 / 7,621
Maximum / 12,770 / 12,898
Special Educational Needs
Allowance (Minimum) / 2,064 / 2,085

Unqualified Teachers

Sep-15 / Projected September 2016 (+1%)
£pa / £pa
Minimum / 20,496 / 20,701
Maximum / 29,970 / 30,270

Leading Practitioners

Sep-15 / Projected September 2016 (+1%)
£pa / £pa
Minimum / 45,891 / 46,350
Maximum / 65,978 / 66,638

For qualified teachers who are employed in posts that the relevant body has determined have the primary purpose of modelling and leading improvement of teaching skills.

5.1 Foreign Language Assistants

Paid on Spinal Point 1 of an Unqualified Teachers

Please see above for current pay scale (Full time =18 hours)

Estimate for Teachers’ salaries – example of calculations

  1. Input the name, scale, proportion of full-time in lines 1-3.
  2. On line 4 input the salary of the individual at April. On line 5 input the new projected salary at September 2016 plus any increment due (for line 5 and 6 please input the full time salary for the scale point even if the individual is employed on a part time basis).
  3. The additional allowances such as London Weighting should be inputted on lines 6 & 7.
  4. If the teacher is in the superannuation scheme then please select ‘Yes’ from the dropdown list on line 8.
  5. The total estimate for the year is found on line 9.

Below there is an embedded spreadsheet, to activate the SS double click on it. You will then be able to input the information from (i-v) in the blue cells. The grey cells are formula driven so you do not need to update these cells. For more information on using embedded spreadsheets please use the following link:

In the embedded spreadsheet there are also drop down menus for you to make selections, where there is a ‘Please select’ in a row this indicates you are to make a selection from the drop down menu.


6.1In estimating your school’s non-teachers’ salaries costs for the coming financial year, you would normally need to take into account future increases arising from pay awards and increments, which are both payable from 1st April. at the point of writing these notes it has yet to be confirmed as to whether there will be any pay awards in 2016/17 therefore the 2015/16 pay scales (with the single NI rate) are shown here. In addition, please take into account additional incremental costs.

For those who buy in to Ealing payroll for more information regarding non-teaching payroll and grading’s please contact:


Itrent Support

HR Services

Estimate for Non Teachers’ salaries – example of calculations

  1. Input the name and grade on lines 1 and 2. Enter hours per week and weeks per year on line 3. For full time members of staff this will be 35 per week and 52 weeks per year.
  2. On lines 4 enter the individual’s spinal point.
  3. Input any allowances the employee may have on lines 6-9.
  4. If the teacher is in the superannuation scheme, then please select ‘Yes’ from the dropdown list on line 10.
  5. The total estimate for the year is found on line 11.

6.2Listed below is general information you might find useful in compiling non-teaching estimates:

  1. Annual Hours -The FTE paid hours is based on 1,820 hours (i.e. 35 hrs x 52 weeks).
  1. Term Time

(i)For school administrators, clerical, general assistants and laboratory technicians working term-time only (i.e. 40 weeks), the number of weeks applied in calculating their annual salary is determined by the length of service and consequent holiday entitlement as follows:

Up to 5 years service 47.0 weeks

After 5 years service 47.6 weeks

After 10 years service 48.2 weeks

Thus for an employee with less than 5 years service working 20 hours per week, term-time only,

The calculation would be as follows:

(Basic Salary + Allowances) x 20 hours p/w x 47.0 weeks

35 hours p/w x 52 weeks

(ii)For Nursery Nurses, Welfare Assistants, Senior SMSA’s and SMSA’s working term-time only (i.e. 39 weeks), the number of weeks applied in calculating their annual salary is determined by the length of service and consequent holiday entitlement as follows:

Up to 5 years service 46 weeks

After 5 years service 46.6 weeks and

10 years service 47.2 weeks

Thus for Welfare assistant with less than 5 years service, is calculated by multiplying the basic salary plus allowances by their contracted hours per week, times 52 weeks and dividing by 35hourstimes 52 weeks.

The calculation would be as follows:

(Basic Salary + Allowances) x 32.5 hours p/w x 46 weeks

35 hours p/w x 52 weeks

6.3New Gradings for the purpose of determining whether an employee will be entitled to an increment on 1stApril, you should note the following Scale ranges:

(a)Nursery Nurses – Grade 6 - Scale Point 26 to 28

(b)Welfare Assistants, LSA & Teaching Asst – Grade 5 - Scale Point 22 to 25

(c)Caretaker – Grade 5/6 - Scale Point 22 to 28

(d)Asst. Caretaker – Grade 4 - Scale Point 18 to 21

(e)Senior SMSA’s – Grade 3 –Scale Point 14 to 17

(f)SMSA’s – Grade 2 –Scale Point 10 to 13

6.4Caretakers’ Overtime

Overtime hours are paid at the following rates:

(a)Monday - Saturday (up to 12 midnight) - overtime rate x 1.5.

(b)Monday - Saturday (after midnight) - overtime rate x 2.

(c)Sundays - overtime x 2.

(d)Bank Holidays - hours worked x basic rate and overtime rate at plain time + time off in lieu.


(a)Caretakers – Council Tax (Band D) was £1,367 for 2015-16. At the point of writing this note the notion of freezing council tax for 2016/17 is currently under consideration by cabinet.

(b)First Aid Allowance: £162 p.a.

(c)Qualification Allowance (Laboratory Technicians): £345 p.a.

(d)Language Allowance: All language allowances are paid on a claim basis with claims being submitted to Mark Nelson, Head of School HR Consultancy, 5th Floor SW, Perceval House ().


Spinal / Salary / London / Ealing / Salary / Annual Salary / Overtime Rate
Grade / Column / Exc. LW / Weight / Supp / Inc LW / inclusive / EMPLOYER'S PENSION CONTS. / NI CONTS. OUT / Total Employee Costs / * Where highlighted - use Planned OT Rates
(£) / (£) / (£) / (£) / (£) / (£) / (£) / (£)
1 / 7 / 14,499 / 1,821 / 282 / 16,320 / 16,602 / 3,652 / 1,172 / 21,426 / 8
1 / 8 / 14,601 / 1,821 / 282 / 16,422 / 16,704 / 3,675 / 1,186 / 21,565 / 8
1 / 9 / 14,754 / 1,821 / 282 / 16,575 / 16,857 / 3,709 / 1,207 / 21,772 / 8
1 / 10 / 15,012 / 1,821 / 282 / 16,833 / 17,115 / 3,765 / 1,242 / 22,123 / 8
1 / 11 / 15,192 / 1,821 / 282 / 17,013 / 17,295 / 3,805 / 1,267 / 22,367 / 8
2 / 10 / 15,012 / 1,821 / 282 / 16,833 / 17,115 / 3,765 / 1,242 / 22,123 / 8
2 / 11 / 15,192 / 1,821 / 282 / 17,013 / 17,295 / 3,805 / 1,267 / 22,367 / 8
2 / 12 / 15,513 / 1,821 / 282 / 17,334 / 17,616 / 3,876 / 1,312 / 22,803 / 9
2 / 13 / 15,927 / 1,821 / 282 / 17,748 / 18,030 / 3,967 / 1,369 / 23,365 / 9
3 / 14 / 16,224 / 1,821 / 282 / 18,045 / 18,327 / 4,032 / 1,410 / 23,769 / 9
3 / 15 / 16,560 / 1,821 / 282 / 18,381 / 18,663 / 4,106 / 1,456 / 24,225 / 9
3 / 16 / 16,962 / 1,821 / 282 / 18,783 / 19,065 / 4,194 / 1,512 / 24,771 / 9
3 / 17 / 17,361 / 1,821 / 282 / 19,182 / 19,464 / 4,282 / 1,567 / 25,313 / 10
4 / 18 / 17,703 / 1,821 / 141 / 19,524 / 19,665 / 4,326 / 1,594 / 25,586 / 10
4 / 19 / 18,372 / 1,821 / 141 / 20,193 / 20,334 / 4,473 / 1,687 / 26,494 / 10
4 / 20 / 19,035 / 1,821 / 141 / 20,856 / 20,997 / 4,619 / 1,778 / 27,394 / 10
4 / 21 / 19,731 / 1,821 / 141 / 21,552 / 21,693 / 4,772 / 1,874 / 28,340 / 11
5 / 22 / 20,241 / 1,821 / 141 / 22,062 / 22,203 / 4,885 / 1,945 / 29,032 / 11
5 / 23 / 20,838 / 1,821 / 141 / 22,659 / 22,800 / 5,016 / 2,027 / 29,843 / 11
5 / 24 / 21,513 / 1,821 / 141 / 23,334 / 23,475 / 5,165 / 2,120 / 30,760 / 12
5 / 25 / 22,206 / 1,821 / 141 / 24,027 / 24,168 / 5,317 / 2,216 / 31,701 / 12
6 / 26 / 22,923 / 1,821 / 141 / 24,744 / 24,885 / 5,475 / 2,315 / 32,674 / 13
6 / 27 / 23,685 / 1,821 / 141 / 25,506 / 25,647 / 5,642 / 2,420 / 33,709 / 13
6 / 28 / 24,456 / 1,821 / 141 / 26,277 / 26,418 / 5,812 / 2,526 / 34,756 / 13
7 / 29 / 25,431 / 1,821 / 141 / 27,252 / 27,393 / 6,026 / 2,661 / 36,080 / 14
7 / 30 / 26,283 / 1,821 / 141 / 28,104 / 28,245 / 6,214 / 2,778 / 37,237 / 14
7 / 31 / 27,114 / 1,821 / 141 / 28,935 / 29,076 / 6,397 / 2,893 / 38,366 / 15
8 / 32 / 27,906 / 1,821 / 141 / 29,727 / 29,868 / 6,571 / 3,002 / 39,441 / 15
8 / 33 / 28,734 / 1,821 / 141 / 30,555 / 30,696 / 6,753 / 3,117 / 40,566 / 16
8 / 34 / 29,547 / 1,821 / 141 / 31,368 / 31,509 / 6,932 / 3,229 / 41,670 / 16
9 / 34 / 29,547 / 1,821 / 141 / 31,368 / 31,509 / 6,932 / 3,229 / 41,670 / 16
9 / 35 / 30,165 / 1,821 / 141 / 31,986 / 32,127 / 7,068 / 3,314 / 42,509 / 17
9 / 36 / 30,963 / 1,821 / 141 / 32,784 / 32,925 / 7,244 / 3,424 / 43,593 / 17
10 / 37 / 31,839 / 1,821 / 141 / 33,660 / 33,801 / 7,436 / 3,545 / 44,782 / 18
10 / 38 / 32,769 / 1,821 / 141 / 34,590 / 34,731 / 7,641 / 3,673 / 46,045 / 18
10 / 39 / 33,834 / 1,821 / 141 / 35,655 / 35,796 / 7,875 / 3,820 / 47,492 / 19
10 / 40 / 34,737 / 1,821 / 141 / 36,558 / 36,699 / 8,074 / 3,945 / 48,718 / 19
11 / 41 / 35,655 / 1,821 / 141 / 37,476 / 37,617 / 8,276 / 4,072 / 49,964 / 20
11 / 42 / 36,555 / 1,821 / 141 / 38,376 / 38,517 / 8,474 / 4,196 / 51,187 / 20
11 / 43 / 37,476 / 1,821 / 141 / 39,297 / 39,438 / 8,676 / 4,323 / 52,437 / 21
12 / 44 / 38,397 / 1,821 / 141 / 40,218 / 40,359 / 8,879 / 4,450 / 53,688 / 21
12 / 45 / 39,252 / 1,821 / 141 / 41,073 / 41,214 / 9,067 / 4,568 / 54,849 / 22
12 / 46 / 40,209 / 1,821 / 141 / 42,030 / 42,171 / 9,278 / 4,700 / 56,149 / 22
13 / 47 / 41,130 / 1,821 / 141 / 42,951 / 43,092 / 9,480 / 4,827 / 57,399 / 23
13 / 48 / 42,048 / 1,821 / 141 / 43,869 / 44,010 / 9,682 / 4,954 / 58,646 / 23
13 / 49 / 42,945 / 1,821 / 141 / 44,766 / 44,907 / 9,880 / 5,078 / 59,864 / 23
14 / 50 / 43,869 / 1,821 / 141 / 45,690 / 45,831 / 10,083 / 5,205 / 61,119 / 24
14 / 51 / 44,787 / 1,821 / 141 / 46,608 / 46,749 / 10,285 / 5,332 / 62,366 / 24
14 / 52 / 45,714 / 1,821 / 141 / 47,535 / 47,676 / 10,489 / 5,460 / 63,625 / 24
15 / 53 / 46,656 / 1,821 / 141 / 48,477 / 48,618 / 10,696 / 5,590 / 64,904 / 24
15 / 54 / 47,631 / 1,821 / 141 / 49,452 / 49,593 / 10,910 / 5,724 / 66,228 / 24
15 / 55 / 48,630 / 1,821 / 141 / 50,451 / 50,592 / 11,130 / 5,862 / 67,584 / 24
15 / 56 / 49,620 / 1,821 / 141 / 51,441 / 51,582 / 11,348 / 5,999 / 68,929 / 24
16 / 57 / 50,604 / 1,821 / 141 / 52,425 / 52,566 / 11,565 / 6,135 / 70,265 / 28
16 / 58 / 51,585 / 1,821 / 141 / 53,406 / 53,547 / 11,780 / 6,270 / 71,597 / 28
16 / 59 / 52,581 / 1,821 / 141 / 54,402 / 54,543 / 11,999 / 6,407 / 72,950 / 28
16 / 60 / 53,562 / 1,821 / 141 / 55,383 / 55,524 / 12,215 / 6,543 / 74,282 / 28
17 / 61 / 54,546 / 1,821 / 141 / 56,367 / 56,508 / 12,432 / 6,679 / 75,618 / 28
17 / 62 / 55,542 / 1,821 / 141 / 57,363 / 57,504 / 12,651 / 6,816 / 76,971 / 28
17 / 63 / 56,529 / 1,821 / 141 / 58,350 / 58,491 / 12,868 / 6,952 / 78,311 / 28
17 / 64 / 57,510 / 1,821 / 141 / 59,331 / 59,472 / 13,084 / 7,088 / 79,644 / 28
18 / 65 / 58,503 / 1,821 / 141 / 60,324 / 60,465 / 13,302 / 7,225 / 80,992 / 28
18 / 66 / 59,769 / 1,821 / 141 / 61,590 / 61,731 / 13,581 / 7,399 / 82,711 / 28
18 / 67 / 61,056 / 1,821 / 141 / 62,877 / 63,018 / 13,864 / 7,577 / 84,459 / 28
18 / 68 / 62,370 / 1,821 / 141 / 64,191 / 64,332 / 14,153 / 7,758 / 86,243 / 28




NOTE: This estimated consumption can be calculated either by reference to projected meter readings OR previous year(s) actual(s). In either case account will need to be taken of future price increases, adjustments made to reflect consumption by caretakers, and shared site usage in order to get the total estimated charge for the year.

For calculations with reference to projected meter readings of previous year(s) actual(s) please complete the following table.

NOTE: When two or more schools share the same site and there is only one meter, the school in which the meter is located should propose the total estimate and notify the other school(s) on site of the amounts attributable to them together with details of calculation. It is therefore necessary to make adjustment for shared sites. Please complete the following table for shared sites costs:

7.2Water Rates

This estimate can be calculated either by reference to (A) rateable value OR (B) metered charge In either case account will need to be taken of future price increases and adjustments made to reflect consumption by caretakers and shared site usage.

In order to estimate the total estimate for the year using either of the methods mentioned above please fill in one of the following tables:

7.3Premises - Running Expenses – Estimate

(a)RATES are funded on the latest information provided by Business Rates Section. Where a school is re-assessed during the year no additional funding will be available from the contingency. However, the difference may be adjusted retrospectively for the previous year in the following year’s formula subject to affordability.

(b)INSURANCE Premises, Contents and Third Party – information will be provided by the Council’s Insurance Section, this information will be available in May/June 2016, Schools will be invoiced for insurance charges. If you buy insurance services from Ealing please contact: .

(c)CLEANING the estimated cost of the cleaning expenditure can be ascertained either by: -

(i) Under contract – obtaining the expected charge from the contractor or

(ii) By taking the current actual charge and adding the appropriate inflation rate.


Schools are responsible for the structural and day to day repair and maintenance of their premises. Therefore, Schools are advised to budget for planned and potential reactive maintenance. The estimated sums should be entered against the appropriate headings below:


Please fill in the following table to get an estimate for total transport costs across car allowances, direct transport costs and pupil transport: