Prayer Topic #1:
A Prayer of Preparation for the Spring Feasts
Scripture Reading:
Psalm 63:1-5, Deuteronomy 16:1-12
Reflections of the Heart:
The Spring Feasts teaches us about God’s plan for humankind and how He powerfully intervenes in human affairs! “Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people. God Himself will be with them and be their God.” Revelation 21:3
Scriptural Prayer:
Amazing Father, we thank You for the Passover, the Feast of Unleavened Bread, the Feast of Firstfruits and Pentecost. Thank You for celebrating with us during these special appointed times. Thank You for drawing us into a more intimate relationship with You through these feasts. They have been a blessing to our Church Family throughout the years. We, Your Godly children, sing songs of joy to You. We will sing a new song of praise to You and play skillfully on the harp. Your Word, Lord, holds true and we can trust everything that You do. You love whatever is just and good; Your unfailing love fills the earth. We put our hope in You, Lord. You are our help and our shield. In You do our hearts rejoice, for we trust in Your holy Name. Let Your unfailing love surround us, Lord, for our hope is in You alone.
Holy Father, You rescued Your chosen people, the Israelites, from slavery in Egypt and declared them to be Your own people. You have not changed. Abba Father, thank You for rescuing humanity from the bondage of sin and death through the resurrection and ascension of Your Son, Jesus Christ. As we come together during the Spring Feasts Season, we will prepare ourselves to meet with You to celebrate the Passover, the Festival of Unleavened Bread, the Feast of Firstfruits and Pentecost. We will examine ourselves and confess our sins to You. We will turn away from sin and recommit our lives to You. We will carefully examine our homes and lives to be certain that there is nothing that would interfere with our relationship with You. We will examine the T.V. shows we watch, the music we listen to, the games we play, the books and magazines we read and the conversations we discuss.
List 3 things youwill do in preparation for the Spring Feasts:
As we search the Scriptures, Holy Spirit, lead us to the portions of God’s Word which will instruct us in preparing for the Spring Feasts. Bring to our remembrance areas in our lives that need to be transformed in order to be cleansed of sin or idolatry. Point out things in our homes that need to be removed or changed. Help us to develop a greater appreciation for the blessings the Father has given us. Help us to always count our blessings every day and to be thankful. Help us to share this wonderful time with our friends and family members and use it as a tool to witness Your love and salvation to the lost.
Redeeming Father, forgive us corporately and individually for our sins. Forgive us for holding on to our old ways and for being reluctant to participate in Your Feasts. Forgive those who choose not to celebrate Your festivals or those who are unwilling to bring offerings to You. Forgive us for being timid and afraid to share the information about Your festivals with our friends, family members and co-workers. Lord, forgive me for (list any sins that you have committed). Holy Spirit, remind us all of those we need to forgive and help us to be quick to forgive. As for me, Holy Spirit, bring to my remembrance those I need to forgive. (Take a moment and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal the names or faces of people that you may need to forgive. As He reveals them to you, say, “I forgive name of person(s).” Now, trust the Lord to heal any wounds in your soul caused by unforgiveness.)
Holy Spirit, help us all not to yield to temptation but deliver us from the evil one.
Almighty King, You created the heavens and stretched them out. You created the earth and everything in it. You give breath to everyone, life to everyone who walks the earth. You alone are the Lord! You will not give Your glory to anyone else, nor will You share Your praise with carved idols. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Scripture References for the Written Text: Psalm 33:1-5, Exodus 20:2, Hebrews 9:12-14, John 3:16, Leviticus 23:4, I John 1:9, Exodus 12:15, I Chronicles 4:10, Matthew 6:13,Isaiah 42:5,8-9
Today, I will trust God to:
Prayer Topic #2:
Our Church Family Fast Opening Prayer
Scripture Reading:
Psalm 103, Joel 2:12-19
Reflections of the Heart:
There are seasons when the Lord asks us to turn away from food and carnal pleasures and focus our full attention on Him and His Kingdom. Therefore, today at 6:00 p.m., as a Church Family, we will begin fasting and praying as a Church Family. Let’s expect to grow closer to the Lord and to hear more clearly from Him!
Scriptural Prayer:
Blessed Father, we thank You for our Church Family. Thank You for this consecrated season of prayer and fasting. Thank You for coming close to us as we come close to You. We are grateful that You are our God and we bless Your wonderful Name. Heavenly Father, Your majestic Name fills the earth! Your glory is higher than the heavens. You have taught children and infants to tell of Your strength, silencing Your enemies and all who oppose You. With all our hearts, we will praise You and tell of the marvelous things You have done. We will sing praises to Your Name, Lord Most High. Lord, You are in Your holy Temple; You still rule from heaven. You closely watch everyone, examining every person on the earth.
Gracious Father, as a Church Family, we declare that it is Your will that we fast. We will enter into this season of consecration as a united Church Family. During this sacred time, we will give our bodies to You because of all You have done for us. We will let them be living and holy sacrifices—the kind that You will find acceptable. For we know that this is truly how we can worship You. We declare that we will not copy the behavior and customs of this world, but we will let You, Father, transform us into new people by changing the way we think. Then, we will learn to know Your will for our lives, which is good and pleasing and perfect. Lord, we decree that Your chosen fast will be operable in our lives through the Promise of Giving as we feed the hungry and help those in trouble. As we do this, our light will shine out from the darkness, and the darkness around us will be as bright as noon. Father, we confess that we will be diligent in prayer without ceasing during this time of fasting. We will meditate on Your Word day and night, and observe to do all that is within it.
Holy Spirit, show me those areas of my life that I need to surrender to the Father during the fast:
Holy Spirit, during this time of fasting please give us the power to overcome our fleshly appetites. Help us to follow You and the instructions given during the Church Family Fast. As we pray during the fast, Father, please speak to us and give us wisdom, increase our discernment and show us Your plans for our lives individually as well as corporately for this season. Touch the hearts of our members who have not made the decision to join us on the fast. Lord, as we pray, please hear our prayers. Holy Spirit, teach us how to honor Jesus Christ, our Savior and to revere God, our Father, as we worship Him in spirit and in truth.
Righteous Father, forgive us as a Church Family for our sins. Forgive those members who are able to fast but are choosing not to fast. Please forgive those for stubbornness, selfishness and/or rebellion. Please help us all to submit to this time of fasting and trust You. Lord, forgive me for (list any sins that you have committed). Holy Spirit, remind us all of those we need to forgive and help us to be quick to forgive. As for me, Holy Spirit, bring to my remembrance those I need to forgive. (Take a moment and ask the Holy Spirit to show you names or faces of people that you may need to forgive. As He reveals them to you, say, “I forgive name of person(s).” Now, trust the Lord to heal any wounds in your soul caused by unforgiveness.)
Holy Spirit, help us all not to yield to temptation but deliver us from the evil one.
Holy Lord, You alone are God. You are great! You are robed with honor and majesty. You are dressed in a robe of light. You stretch out the starry curtain of the heavens. You lay the rafters of Your home in the rain clouds. You make the clouds Your chariot and ride upon the wings of the wind. The Lord of Heaven’s Armies is Your Name! In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Scripture References for the Written Text: James 4:8, Psalm 8:1-2, Psalm 9:1-2, Psalm 11:4, I Samuel 15:22, Romans 12:1-2, Isaiah 58:10, I Thessalonians 5:17, Joshua 1:8, Matthew 6:13, Psalm 104:1-3
Today, I will trust God to:
Prayer Topic #3:
A Prayer of Repentance
Scripture Reading:
Jeremiah 10:6-16, Matthew 3:1-12, II Corinthians 7:9-10
Reflections of the Heart:
It is empowering to know that birth into the Kingdom of God is available to anyone by hearing the call to salvation, choosing to reject and repent of sin, and turning away from sin toward Christ Jesus as our Lord and Savior. That is repentance unto God’s good work.
Scriptural Prayer:
Triumphant Father, we thank You for men and women messengers who teach Your Word of repentance. We are grateful that when we are converted, our sins are wiped away so that times of refreshment may come from Your presence. Thank You for loving us in spite of our faults. Heavenly Father, You hear and attend to our prayer because we come in submission according to Your Word. From the ends of the earth, we cry to You for help when our hearts are overwhelmed. Your Word leads us to the towering rock of safety, for You are our safe refuge, a fortress where our enemies cannot reach us. We will live forever in Your sanctuary, safe beneath the shelter of Your wings. We will praise You, Lord, with our whole heart.
Omniscient Father, You have given us, Your people, clear instructions about repentance. When Jesus began to preach after being tempted of the devil, He said, “Repent of your sins and turn to God, for the Kingdom of heaven is near.” As children of Your Kingdom, we come to You during this special week of fasting and repent for our sinfulness. Lord, we will not deceive ourselves by saying that we have no sin. Holy Father, as we repent, we are confident that You are faithful to forgive us and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Today, we repent and trust that You will not reject our broken and repentant hearts. Additionally, we will forgive those who have offended us. We will not hold grudges anymore. We give them and our hurts to You.
Holy Spirit, please help me to process any pain caused by words or actions of others. Lead me to people who can help me process my pain so that the offense(s) will not hinder Your preferred future from manifesting in my life. Holy Spirit, show me what lurks in my heart and reveal every hidden fault.
Merciful Father, with great sadness of heart we ask Your forgiveness of our sins. Forgive us for at times living independent of Your love and provision. Forgive our Church Family for pride, “in all its forms, arrogance, covetousness, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eye, and the pride of life.” Holy Spirit, cleanse us and make us whiter than snow. Please have mercy upon us.
Your time for confessing your sinfulness is NOW! Allow the Holy Spirit to minister to you as He reminds you of your personal and public sins. Speak them out and write them down, then draw a line through each of them, as you confess each sin:
Holy Spirit, remind us all of those we need to forgive and help us to be quick to forgive. As for me, Holy Spirit, bring to my remembrance those I need to forgive. (Take a moment and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal names or faces of people that you may need to forgive. As He reveals them to you, write their name down and say, “I forgive name of person (s).” Now, trust the Lord to heal any wounds in your soul caused by unforgiveness.)
Father, remind me of anyone I have hurt or offended. (List the names). Today, I will go and ask for forgiveness. (If the person is deceased, write a letter to him or her expressing your forgiveness, afterward, tear up the letter and allow the Lord to free you of any unforgiveness. If the person is alive, go and ask for forgiveness).
Holy Spirit, help us all not to yield to temptationbut deliver us from the evil one.
Almighty God, You are so gracious to Your people. You restore the crushed spirit of the humble and revive the courage of those with repentant hearts. You take no pleasure in the death of anyone. Praise to our Rock! May the God of our salvation be exalted! In the precious Name of Jesus, Amen!
Scripture References for the Written Text: Psalm 61:1-4, Psalm 111:1, Matthew 4:17, I John 1:8-9, Psalm 51:17, Ephesians 5:4, Matthew 6:13, Isaiah 57:15, Ezekiel 18:32, Psalm 18:46
Today, I will trust God to:
Prayer Topic #4:
A Prayer of Deliverance from Materialism
Scripture Reading:
Psalm 93, Matthew 6:19-34
Reflections of the Heart:
“A materialistic culture implies that superficial things are fulfilling and bring happiness. We may experience happiness for a short period, but it will not fulfill our deepest needs. Our needs can be met in only one way, and that is through a relationship with Christ. He is the constant in a world filled with so many lies and inconsistencies.” Christian Paths to Health and Wellness
Scriptural Prayer:
Heavenly Father, we honor Your Name. Thank You for supplying all of our needs from Your glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus. Thank You, for knowing what we stand in need of, even before we ask. Thank You for being the best portion---in You is fullness of joy. Thank You for allowing us to be in relationship with You, the Great I AM. Lord, Your Name endures forever; Your fame is known to every generation. You give justice to Your people and have compassion on Your servants. Lord, You are righteous in everything that You do; You are filled with kindness. We praise You Lord. May everyone on earth bless Your holy Name forever and ever.
Exalted Father, we declare that we will not store treasures here on earth where moths and rust can destroy them and thieves can break in and steal them. We purpose that our treasures are stored in heaven where they cannot be destroyed or stolen. We proclaim that we will beware and guard against every kind of greed because we know that life is not measured by how much we own. Lord, we confess that life is more than food, and the body is more than clothing. Therefore, we declare that we will seek Your Kingdom above all else and live righteously, knowing that You will give us everything we need. Lord, we confess that we will not trust in uncertain riches, but we will trust in You, the living God, who richly gives us all we need for our enjoyment. We confess that we will continue to do good works and we will be ready to give and be willing to share.
Holy Spirit, please help us to spend wisely and not excessively. Please break the bondage of conspicuous consumption over our nation. Help us to be better stewards of the resources You have blessed us with. Help us to be more disciplined with our lifestyles. Teach us how to establish and maintain budgets. Father, help us to learn to be content with what we have instead of always wanting more. Help those who are in financial trouble. Many need a miracle in their finances and we ask for Your intervention.
Holy Spirit, show me what “things” I have made into an idol and help me to release them:
Righteous Father, please forgive us for greed, selfish ambition, idolatry, conceit and arrogance. Forgive us for loving things and placing them over You. Forgive us for not being good stewards of Your blessings. As a Church Family, we renounce any gods of materialism (be specific and list those things). Lord, forgive me for (list any sins that you have committed). Holy Spirit, remind us all of those we need to forgive and help us to be quick to forgive. As for me, Holy Spirit, bring to my remembrance those I need to forgive. (Take a moment and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal names or faces of people that you may need to forgive. As He reveals them to you, say, “I forgive name of person (s).” Now, trust the Lord to heal any wounds in your soul caused by unforgiveness.)