Camden City School District

College Planning
Unit 1: The Application Process
55 days
Stage 1: Desired Results
(both skills-based and concept-based)
Big Ideas:
●  college readiness
●  career exploration
●  the college application process
●  writing the formal letter
●  writing a resume for a variety of purposes / Essential Questions:
●  How do students prepare for college and career in the 21st century?
●  What are the most effective methods to select a college/career in the 21st century?
●  How does our social construct play a part in the college application process?
Students Will Know…
●  what is a viable college/career path for them
●  How to write for a variety of purposes and audiences
●  The financial aid process and how to apply / Students Will Be Able To…
●  complete the “common app” college application
●  write a resume
●  write a thank you letter
●  write a formal letter of request for a recommendation
●  complete the FAFSA financial aid form
●  complete and analyze the results of college and career surveys
●  construct the college essay following the writing process
Goals: The student will complete college and career interest surveys, discussing their results which will lead to college and career matching. Students will explore and
research colleges and career pathways that will enable them to choosing the right college after categorizing them into areas: Safety/Target/Reach/ schools. The students will also have the opportunity to explore other postsecondary career options.
Stage 2: Assessment/Evidence
Culminating Reading Comprehension Task:
Various surveys as assigned. / Formative Checkpoints:
completed college/career interest survey; college application essay; completed “common app”resume; FAFSA form; Letter requesting recommendation; completed thank you letter
Other Ways to Collect Formative Assessment Data:
●  Stop and Jot
●  reflection journal
●  Discussion notes (kept by teacher to track students’ quality and amount of participation)
●  exit tix