
Math 2200

Summer 2013

MTWR 8:00 a.m.-10:00 a.m.

Instructor: Joshua K. Lambert


Phone Extension: 43127

Office: University Hall 290

Office Hours: MTWRF 12:00 p.m.-1:00 p.m.

Course Description: Standardcourse for an introduction to elementary statistics. Topics include exploring data, probability and sampling distributions, inference, quantitative response variables, categorical response variables, and the Chi-square test.

Textbook and Materials: The text is The Basic Practice of Statisticsby David S. Moore. Students are required to have a graphing calculator. The TI-83+ or TI-84 are strongly recommended.

Homework: Statistics is one place where the saying “practice makes perfect” can be applied. That is why it is imperative that you do as many homework problems as possible. This is the only way one will learn, so if you have problems with the homework see me immediately. Your homework assignments coming from the mathematical program WebWork will account for part of your grade in this course. Your username and password for WebWork will be set as your first initial followed by your last name.

Quizzes: You will have a quiz periodically throughout the semester. I encourage you to use these quizzes to help prepare you for the upcoming exams. There will be no makeup quizzes.

Exams: There will be three in-class exams and a final exam. The three in-class exams will take place on July 1, July 11, and July 22. There will be no makeup exams. In the case of a missed exam, your final exam will replace the score for the missed exam. The final exam will take place on July 25. In the case where your final exam is greater than your lowest exam score, then your final exam score will replace your lowest exam score. There will be no makeup final exam. You are allowed to use handwritten notes and a calculator during your exams.

Grades: Your grade will be determined by the higher score of the two given breakdowns of homework, quizzes, projects, exams, and final.

Homework and Quizzes / 30%
3 Exams / 45%
Final / 25%
Homework and Quizzes / 30%
2 Highest Exams / 30%
Final / 40%

If you get the following scores (out of 100) you will receive:

90-100 / A
80-89.999 / B
70-79.999 / C
60-69.999 / D

Special Needs: Any students with disabilities or other special needs, who need special accommodations in the course, are invited to share these concerns or requests with the instructor as soon as possible.

Academic Honesty: All work in this course must be completed in a manner consistent with the University’s Honor Code and Code of Conduct (see catalog p. 350). Any student caught cheating will receive an F in the course and may be subject to further disciplinary actions.