Roads Scholar2017National Course RoadRally
General Instructions(draft 1/13/2017)
May 20, 2017
- Overview
The Roads Scholar2017National Course RoadRallyis hosted by the Milwaukee Region SCCA and is designed to provide experienced rallyists with an enjoyable day of rallying through the beautiful country roads west of Madison, Wisconsin. The rally will be conducted in full compliance with the 2017 Road Rally Rules (RRRs)as supplemented by these General Instructions. Contestants should be completely familiar with the RRRs. Many legs have more than one trap. Each trap is worth a max. Free zones are used liberally to reduce the pressure factor on most legs.
- Headquarters
Rally headquarters will be Country Inn and Suites by Carlson, Madison West (Middleton), 2212 Deming Way, Middleton, WI. Phone: 608-831-6970. Prior to April 30th, you may refer to ‘SCCA Car Rally’ to receive the special rate of $79/night for a room with 2 queen beds. The standard rate is $149/night.
- Rally committee and officials
Chairman and rallymaster: Jim Crittenden. Submit questions to
Chief of controls and safety steward: Jim Jurgenson
Registration and scoring: Ann Olewnik and Al Knystautas
Precheck: ????
Official Observer: ???, car #?.
Claims committee: ???
- Schedule
Friday, May 19, 2017
5:30 PM to 9PM – Registration and hospitality in breakfast area at headquarters hotel.
Saturday, May 20, 2017
8:01AM– Car #1 receives Route Instructions in breakfast area at headquarters hotel.
8:31AM – Car #1 starts rally
~ 12:00PM – Lunch break in Dodgeville, WI
~ 5:00PM – Car #1 finishes rally at Coach’s Club in Cross Plains, WI.
- Registration
Both team members must sign the SCCA waiver. Driver must show a valid driver’s license. If you paid the SCCA entry fee, you will not have to show your membership card because we have confirmed your membership with SCCA. Vehicle Self Inspection form must be completed and submitted. This form is the last page of these General Instructions (GI’s). If you are also running the Badger Burrow rally the next day, this inspection form will suffice for both rallies. Your rally packet will contain a magnetic label with your car number. Please affix this labelon the passenger’s side of your car.
- Time
Timing will be to the hundredth of a minute. Pausesand Gains are expressed in hundredths of a minute.Hence ‘Pause 50’ means ‘Pause 0.50 minute’.
Time Allowances may be taken without penalty for any reason. Time allowances may be taken in 1.00 minute increments starting at 0.50 minute and up to 19.50 minutes. You may use up to 19.50 minutes of time allowance in both the morning portion and again in the afternoon portion. Submit a time allowance at the open control to which it applies prior to receiving your critique slip. Your registration package will contain 6 time allowance slips.
Leg times were calculated using mileages with a resolution of 0.001 mile. The total leg time was then truncated to the hundredth of a minute. Leg times have been adjusted to be close to the middle of the hundredth of a minute.
- Speed and distance
All mileages and speed changes associated with an intersection are taken/executed at one of the following in this order of precedence (no trap here):
- The white limit line at a Traffic Light.
- The Stop or Yield on your right that controls your rally car.
3. The backward facing stop sign or yield sign on your left that controls the road on which you
depart the intersection. The exact point of measurement is when your front wheels are at the slimmest view of this sign.
4. The apex or center of the intersection.
The course was measured to a resolution of 1/1000 of a mile with a 2016 Subaru WRX and Dunlop tires using a Timewise 798A rally computer. The odometer sensor was mounted on the left rear half shaft. Mileages with one or two decimal places are truncated. Weather during the course measurement ranged from ??to ??degrees and was dry. Tires were inflated to 34 psi cold.
Official mileage reverts to 0.000 at each restart point after an Open Control and after a DIYC, and at specified points identified in the Route Instructions.
The maximum distance between consecutive execution points of NRIs is 5.0 miles unless the NRI has an asterisk after it. NRIs with an asterisk have a maximum distance of 8.0 miles from completion of the previous NRI to the first action of that NRI. No trap here. It is intended only as a helpful call back mileage.
- Roads
A sign reading“No Thru Trucks” does NOT make that road non-existent. The parking lots of the start, finish, and break locations exist.
Unpaved roads do not exist unless the word ‘unpaved’appears in an NRI that is eligible for execution or unless there is no paved alternative. For example: 5. Left onto unpaved Smith. Another example: 5.Right on Smith. May be unpaved. Wisconsin has a process of chip sealing paved roads where a layer of sealer tar and gravel is applied on top of asphalt. This type of road is to be considered paved.
Roads may be referenced either in full orin part using a contiguous portion of theirname. East Blue Mounds road could be referred to as Blue, East Blue, Blue Mounds, etc. Wisconsin county roads are identified by signs such as . County PDroad, for example,may be referenced asPD or as County PD, but could not be referred to as P or as D. Road name signs that are roughly parallel to a road also identify the road on the opposite side of the intersection unless the other road has a different road designation or unless an arrow on the road name sign indicates that the road name only applies to one direction.
- References
Any reference that appears in quotation marks is a reference to words, letters, numbers or symbols on a sign. Spelling of quoted material will be precise. Capitalization, punctuation, and exact word spacingare irrelevant. Signs may be quoted in full or in part but always in a sequential manner as intended to be read.
Signs may also be referenced graphically. For example: . Agraphic representation of a sign will not be enclosed in quotation marks in the Route Instructions. Ignore any graffiti or other disfiguration on signs. If there are multiple signs sharing a common support, the graphic representation may be of one or more than one of these signs. No trap here.
Any reference that does not appear in quotation marks, other than a graphic representation of a sign,is a reference to a landmark. Any landmark referenced in a route instruction must be identified by a sign, or referenced to an Official Mileage, or defined in theglossary. These identifying signs will be obvious and readable at rally speeds.Glossary refers to the glossary in the RRRs and as supplemented by the glossary in these GI’s.
- Route Instructions
Route instruction numbers revert to 1 at the start of each leg (sanction exception). Each leg starts on a new page. When you complete the last NRI on a page, the first NRI on the next page becomes active. No trap here.
Route Instructions will be issued in the breakfast area of the headquarters hotel 30 minutes prior to your starting time. Car #1 receives 2 sets of Route Instructions at 7:31 AM.
Both Numbered Route Instructions (NRI) and Lettered Route Instructions (LRI) will be used.NRIs and LRIs will conform to Article 25 of the RRRs as supplemented by these General Instructions. An LRI becomes active upon completion of the immediately preceding NRI. Once active, an LRI is cancelled by any of the following:
- Your arrival at a Control.
- Completion of that LRI. (An LRI may be completed only once, or never.)
- Execution of an instruction that reads: Cancel LRI (letter). For example: Cancel LRI A. This instruction may be executed even if that LRI is no longer active.
LRIs can overlap NRIs and other LRIs. NRIs may overlap LRIs. An LRI that is referenced to a mileage may only be executed at that mileage. If two or more LRIs can be executed at the same intersection, only execute the LRI closest to the beginning of the alphabet. An LRI may be executed at the same intersection and concurrently with an NRI only if the LRI does not direct a course of action. If an NRI and an LRI are both executable at the same point or intersection, both may be executed only if both instructions are not course following actions. If an NRI and an LRI are both executable at the same point or intersection and both instructions are course following actions, they may not both be executed at that point or intersection.
- Route Following Priorities
As you travel the rally route, apply the rules below in the order listed.
- Execute an emergency instruction.
- Execute aNumbered Route Instruction.
- Execute a Lettered Route Instruction.
- Follow the main road by using the Onto MRD. (as defined in the RRRs)
- Follow the main road by using the Protection MRD. (as defined in the RRRs)
- Follow the main road by using the T-Rule MRD. (defined below)
- Follow the main road by using the Straight as Possible MRD. (as defined in the RRRs)
T-Rule MRD: The main road is Left at T if you are seeking to execute or complete an odd numbered NRI. The main road is Right at T if you are seeking to execute or complete an even numbered NRI. You will not encounter the situation where you are seeking to execute or complete both an even numbered NRI and an odd numbered NRI.
Right, Left, Turn, Straight, Bear Right, and Bear Left are course-directing actions. As such, they must be executed so as to result in following a course other than the main road. The exception to this is when Right, Left, Turn, Straight, Bear Right, or Bear Left is referenced to an official mileage. In that case, the action may be executed redundantly with the main road. It is the responsibility of the contestant to determine whether such execution qualifies as a course-directing action.
It is possible to carry over an Onto road from one leg to the next leg. It is possible to be Onto more than one road at the same time.
- Controls and scoring
Open controls will be operated as per the RRRs. You will be timed as your front wheelspass the checkpoint sign. If there is a pneumatic hose there, be sure that your front wheels drive across this hose. After crossing the timing line, proceed at a reasonable speed to the timing car where you will turn in your DIYC slip (if the previous leg was a DIYC) and a Time Allowance slip (if applicable). These must be submitted prior to receiving your critique slip. Critique slips will contain the official mileage at the control line, the leg time, your arrival time, your departure time, the location of and OIM to the restart point, and critique of the leg. It may also contain official information which will be identified as such. Leg time calculations are printed on the back of the critique page. Once you receive your critique page from the control crew, proceed ahead to the restart point. Your restart point is the first action in NRI 1 on the next page. The location and distance to the restart point will be described on the critique slips. Pay attention to this information as the restart point may be some distance away. You may have to execute several route instructions to reach the restart point. Time for the next leg starts at the restart point unless told otherwise. Controls will open 15 minutes before car #1 is due to arrive. They will close 30 minutes after the last car is due to arrive or when all cars are through, whichever occurs first.
Several controls will be DIYC. At each DIYC, write your calculated arrival time of day on one of the DIYC slips that were included in your registration package. Submit this slip at the next open control. Then you will receive a critique slip for the DIYC leg at that control. Your restart time at the DIYC restart point is 3.00 minutes after your arrival time(sanction exception). Your restart point from a DIYC is NOT at the DIYC, rather it is at the first action in NRI 1 on the next page (sanction exception). In this way, it is similar to your restart from an open control, that is, there is some distance between the control and the restart point. The location of and distance to the restart point from a DIYC will be described in the Route Instructions. Do not submit a Time Allowance for a DIYC leg.
Penalty points are assigned as follows: 1 point for each hundredth of a minute early or late at a control, up to a maximum of 50 points per control. Stopping or creeping (traveling less than 10mph) in sight of a control, unless instructed to by a route instruction or to investigate an intersection, is a 25 point penalty. The control crew will signal to a rally car by flashing headlights and/or a wave that the rally car is creeping. The creeping penalty will be assessed if the rally car does not respond to the flash and/or wave in a decisive manner.
Scoring will be done from control timing logs. Please submit your scoresheet after the rally. We will use that to double check the scores that we calculated from the control timing logs. Ties will be broken for trophy awards first by counting the number of legs won, then by the number of zeros, then by the number of 1’s, etc.
- Police notification and Wisconsin law
The Sheriff’s Departments in both Dane and Iowa Counties have been notified of this event. A copy of the police letter to the Iowa County Sheriff and a copy of the Dane County road use permit will be included in your registration packet. Right turn at a red light is legal after a full stop. Rural Wisconsin roads have a 55 mph speed limit unless posted otherwise.
- Glossary
Terms defined in this Glossary and in the Glossary of the RRRs may be used only as defined unless the term is contained within quotation marks indicating it is text on a sign.
Bear left - a Turn to the left of between 100 and 600.
Bear right - a Turn to the right of between 100 and 600.
BFZ - Begin Free Zone.
EFZ - End Free Zone.
Delta - a roughly triangularly shaped untraveled, grassy area in the middle of an Intersection. Consider this road configuration to be one Intersection. The rally course takes the shortest legal route at a Delta. No trap here.
SAG - Either or . (abbreviation for ‘Stop Ahead Graphic’. The highway department is replacing the older “Stop Ahead” signs with the newer graphic signs. This definition is a safety measure against last minute sign changes.)
Replace the definition of T in the RRRs with the following definition:
T – An intersection of exactly three roads having the general shape of the letter T as approached from the base by the contestant, or a road that could bereferenced as T. (For example: County T) You may not execute the instruction straight at a T.
15. Sanction exceptions
- Route instruction numbers revert to 1 at the start of each leg.
- Restart time after a DIYC is 3.00 minutes, not 2.00 minutes.
- Restart point after a DIYC is at the first action point of NRI 1 on the next page, not at the DIYC.
- Redefine T.
16. Contestant evaluation reports
We really want to hear your feedback on this event. To that end, contestant evaluation reports will be distributed after the rally at the rendezvous. We would appreciate your completing this report and dropping it in the box provided.
Emergency contacts, vehicle inspection, and insurance requirements
Please complete this form and submit it at registration prior to receiving your Route Instructions.
Events: SCCA Roads Scholar 2017NationalCourse Rally and Badger Burrow 2017 National Tour Rally
Dates: May 20 and 21, 2017 Car # ______
I warrant that an auto insurance policy with liability limits of not less than the minimum required by the state in which the vehicle is registered is in effect. I certify that the car entered is on the road legally and is either owned by the entrant or is being used by the entrant with the owner’s permission.
Driver name: ______Navigator name: ______
Car # ______Class ______Vehicle make: ______Model: ______
Driver: In case of emergency, the following person should be notified (excluding rally partner)
Name: ______Relationship to you: ______
Address: ______
Phone: ______
Navigator: In case of emergency, the following person should be notified (excluding rally partner)
Name: ______Relationship to you: ______
Address: ______
Phone: ______
The following items are to be inspected on your rally car:
______Headlights (high/low beams), parking lights, taillights, and stop lights
______Horn ______Windshield wipers ______Directional signals
______Rear view mirror ______Foot brakes (subject to static brake test)
______Parking brake (holding ability) ______Tires (condition of sidewalls and tread)
______Seat belts properly installed for both occupants ______Class equipment limitations
I warrant that I have inspected these items on my rally vehicle and they are in working order.
Competitor signature: ______Date: ______
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