Sem 1 2017/2018-PJJ
PO2: To use the available software package with appropriate computer components.
Submit your assignment tin softcopy form (TOC.doc , letterhead_matricNumber.doc, Act1_xxx.xls, Mahani Spa.accdb, andOperator.doc, OROperator.doc )
Question 1: Word Processing
A. Create Table of Content automatically
The student needs to generate Table of Content from sample thesis provided in your putrablast (SampleThesis.doc). You can refer this website ( to get an idea in creating this activity. Figure 1 shows example of generated Table of Contents from the sample thesis.
· Change the style of Title of each chapter to Heading 1 (e.g. Acknowledgements, Abstract, Declaration, Approval, Table of Contents, Chapter 1 Introduction, …etc)
· Change the section of each chapter to Heading 2 (e.g. 1.1 Background, 1.2 Problem Statement,..etc)
· Change the subsection to Heading 3 (3.1.1 Use Case Diagram Description)
Once completed, save the document as TOC.doc.
Figure 1
B. Creating a letterhead
· Below is shown a sample letterhead (Figure 2).
· Create your business letterhead using header. It must include:
o Your business name – use WordArt
o Your address and phone number
o Your email
o Your website
o Graphic that pertain to your company
· Location of items is up to you.
· Letterhead must extend no more than 2 inches from the top of the page.
· Save as ‘letterhead_matricNumbe.doc”.
Figure 2: Example of letterhead
Question 2 : Excel Spreadsheet
All calculations must be done using Excel formulas.
Table 1 contains data for the number of pedestrians that were killed in the XY city during 2014 in motor vehicle crashes. Perform the following procedures in Excel.
Pedestrians killed by Time of Day and Day of weekDay of Week
Weekday / Weekend / Total
Time of Day / Number / Percent / Number / Percent / Number Percent
12-2.59 a.m / 188 / 450
3.00-5.59 a.m / 142 / 211
6.00-8.59 a.m / 346 / 63
9.00-11.59 a.m / 281 / 96
12.00-2.59 p.m / 382 / 98
3.00-5.59 p.m / 601 / 159
6.00-8.59 p.m / 694 / 665
9.00-11.59 p.m / 470 / 592
Table 1
· Calculate the total number of pedestrian fatalities that occurred during weekdays. Calculate the percent of all weekday fatalities that occurred during each of the given times of day.
· Calculate the total number of pedestrian fatalities that occurred during weekends. Calculate the percent of all weekday fatalities that occurred during each of the given times of day.
· Calculate the total number of fatalities that occurred during each time of day (i.e., add weekday and weekend fatalities for each time of day). Calculate the percent of all pedestrian fatalities that occur during each time of day (weekdays and weekends combined).
· Format your percentage data so that percentage signs and only one decimal place is shown.
· Create a bar graph for the percent of all fatalities by the time of day as shown in Figure 1(i.e., the figures in different worksheet).
· Rename the new worksheet as barChart.
· Save your Excel document with the filename Act1_xxx.xls (where xxx is your matric).
Figure 1
Question 3: Access Database
After being open for only four months, Mahani’s Day Spa is quickly becoming recognized for its excellent service to the Damansara community. The spa’s owner Madam Mahani originally delayed computerizing the spa operations. However, she now recognizes the numerous benefits she will receive from using a database management system. Madam Mahani has asked you to build a database that will enable her to keep information about her clients.
Create a database named Mahani Spa. Design a table using the following field information:
Field data Type Description Field Size
Client ID Text A unique 3-digit number 3
Name Text 25
Hand Phone Text 8
Street Address Text 30
City Text 25
State Text 15
Post Code Text A 5-digit number 5
Gender Text M/F 1
Age Number 3
a. Make the Client ID field the primary key field.
b. Save the table as Clients.
c. Switch to database view and enter at least 15 records into the table.
d. Adjust the column widths appropriately.
e. Print, save, and close the table.
Modifying the Table and Creating a Form
a. As you continue to add more client records to the table, you realize more information should be included such as date of first visit, customer’s satisfaction and number of visits. Modify the database structure to include such fields.
b. Make data entry by creating a form.
c. Add 3 more records.
d. Save and close the table.
Question 4: Search engine
Searching documents based on two keywords.
1. Double-Click on INTERNET EXPLORER.
2. Click on the website address.
3. Press the DELETE key.
4. Type this website address:
5. Press ENTER.
5. is a search engine. Look for the search box. Click in the search box.
6. The search box is where you type keywords. Do not type websites addresses in the search box. Keywords are words that describe what you are looking for. The search engine will search millions of websites to find those words.
7. In the search box type Chicken Mushroom to find documents that contain the keywords ‘chicken’ and ‘mushroom’( i.e. type in chicken mushroom (the AND is implicit)). In this type of search, the search results contain both keywords (connecting search terms with AND tells the search engine to retrieve web.
8. Press ENTER.
9. In the new tab, type search engine.
10. Repeat step 6 to 9.
11. From the output, how many results are obtained from the Google and Yahoo search engines?
12. Click and capture the screenshot for the first result page of both search engines (use Alt-PrintScreen for this).
13. Save the document as andOperator.doc
14. You also can see the result of images, video, news and etc. related to both keywords.
15. Repeat tasks 7-14 using OR operator.
16. Linking search terms with OR tells the search engine to retrieve web pages containing ANY and ALL keywords. Note that the OR must be in capital letters for both Google and Yahoo i.e. chicken OR mushroom.
17. What is the different of searching using AND and OR operator?
18. Save the document as OROperator.doc