School Board of Trustees

Clark County School District No. 161

Regular School Board Meeting Minutes—November 8, 2010

High School Library

6:00 p.m.

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Present from the School Board of Trustees: Present from the District:

Mrs. Kelli Whittier Chair Dave Kerns, Superintendent

Mrs. Sherrie Mead Gayle Woods, Business Manager

Mrs. Erin Haight-Mortensen Cindy Bramwell, Trans. Sup.

Ryan Berrett, Maint. Sup.

Dorothy Hutchings, SPED

Patrons: Mark Williams, Alberto Ruiz, Michelle Stewart

Call to Order

Meeting was called to order at 6:02 p.m. with three Trustees present. Dr. Rhodes-Shenton was excused due to a prior commitment.

Pledge of Allegiance

Approval of Agenda

The agenda was amended as follows: Policies on first reading to be added as the third action item. Mrs. Mead moved and Mrs. Haight-Mortensen seconded the motion to approve the agenda as amended. There was no discussion. The motion was unanimously approved.

Approval of Minutes

Changes to the October 11, 2010 minutes are as follows: Page 2, under Informational Items, the seventh sentence should read, Mr. Kerns feels that it would not be feasible to restore the Principal position. Page 3, under Food Program Supervisor Report, the first sentence should read, …has been awarded a $3,000.00 grant for the Middle/High School Grab-n-Go breakfast program. Mrs. Mead moved and Mrs. Haight-Mortensen seconded the motion to approve the minutes as amended. There was no discussion. The motion was unanimously approved.

Board Training-None

Consent Agenda (Bills/Payroll/Extracurricular)

Mrs. Haight-Mortensen moved and Mrs. Mead seconded the motion to approve the consent agenda as presented. There was no discussion. The motion was unanimously approved.

Informational Items – Mr. Kerns reported that Idaho has received national recognition because of recent testing results across that state. In the recent Scratch for Schools competition, our district earned $423.00 for the middle school and $126.00 for the elementary school. This money is used for discretionary spending at each school. Mrs. Whittier reported on a scholarship fund that has been set up for children of current or past school board trustees. There was discussion on several of the proposed 2011 resolutions to be presented at the upcoming ISBA Convention.

Delegations/Committee/Patron Input

PTO/Booster Report – Michelle Stewart reported on the recent Spooktacular Event that was held at Lindy Ross. The evening was a success despite the limited number of volunteers to help out. The following criteria were decided on by the PTO Presidency:

Spooktacular 2011 will only happen if there is a committee of 10 people minimum, by spring 2011. The Spooktacular will remain a free evening of games and trick-or-treating for the families of this community. And finally, if a committee of 10 people can be secured by February 2011, then the PTO would like to try a spring carnival as a fundraiser. The 21st Century Grant Director has offered to help, in any way, with Spooktacular in the future.

Student Delegations- None

Activities Director Report- The Activities Director reported that the football and cross country seasons have ended. The volleyball team placed 3rd at District. Also, Mary Frances Small finished the Cross Country season with a 4th place finish at District and an 8th place finish at State.

21st Century Grant Report- The 21st Century Grant Director reported on the various activities held in October that were sponsored by the 21st Century Grant. The elementary after school program is in full swing and the kids are enjoying all the many enrichment and academic activities available to them. The extended kindergarten students are working hard and learning a lot, with the help of their wonderful teacher, Mrs. Nelson. He reported that the Middle/Sr. High School program is picking up momentum and the numbers are rising for student involvement. The Science and Chess Clubs are in full swing and several field trips were made available to students in October. The 21st Century Grant partnered with the 4-H club on two Friday activities. There was a movie night held in October with two more planned for November. Finally, he reported on the intramural programs that are being co-sponsored by the Idaho Falls YMCA and the Idaho Falls Parks and Recreation Department.

Maintenance Supervisor-The Maintenance Supervisor reported to the board that he has the grounds and sprinkler system ready for the winter months. The exhaust fans for the shop are due to arrive soon, and he has a bid from Sermon Electric for their installation. The furnaces in the Middle/Sr. High School have been re-programmed to be off on the weekends and also to shut off two hours after students leave the building. They come on two hours before students arrive. These setting will be adjusted as the weather gets colder. Finally, he reported that he has been busy keeping up with teachers’ repair requests.

Food Program Supervisor Report- The Food Program Supervisor reported that there has been a lot of good feedback regarding some of the new lunch selections. The lunchroom is providing a choice of an entrée or soup every Thursday in November in hopes of bringing the lunch count up. Also, the lunchroom ladies will be giving away a new Vivitar video camera. Each time a student eats lunch he or she fill out a ticket, and a winner will be drawn on December 16th. This drawing is designed to bring in more high school students for lunch. They will also be giving away a twenty five dollar gift card to one lucky elementary student.

Transportation Supervisor Report- The Transportation Supervisor reported that all is going well in the transportation department.

District Technology Report- The District Technology Director reported that she is working on the ISEE project for the State Department of Education. It has taken quite a bit of her time over the past several weeks. She prepared a spreadsheet of the 2008 EETT Grant expenditures for board members.

Special Education Directors Report- The special Education Director reported that she has turned the Part B Application in to the state department. She thanked Gayle and Susie for all their help with the report. She reported on her attendance at the Council for Exceptional Children/Idaho Talented and Gifted Conference in October and also on the Specific Learning Disability process and paper work. She reported on the transition training she attended in Pocatello. There needs to be a transition planning inventory (TPI) completed by the age of 16 for any student with an IEP or a 504 plan. She reported that the IEP meetings are almost all complete. The fall and early winter are the busiest times for these meetings. Her students are working hard and making progress.

Superintendent’s Report- The Superintendent’s report included information on the yearly audit. There were suggestions made regarding segregation of duties, which will be implemented once a new board member is appointed and the board is reorganized. Board members were invited to the Induction meeting of National Honor Society on Wednesday November 10th. He thanked Mrs. King for organizing the event this year. The Veterans’ Day assembly will be Thursday November 11th at 10:30 am in the Middle/Sr. High School gym. Mrs. Bramwell has worked very hard on the program this year. Mr. Kerns recommended that teachers be allowed to leave school on Thursdays and prior to holiday’s right after the last bell rings. He believes this gesture will help with teacher morale. He reported that two middle school students are participating with the West Jefferson Middle School Wrestling program. The boys’ absence from school will be minimal, and the season will be completed by the end of November. Finally, he reported that the Girls and Boys Varsity Basketball teams are gearing up for the winter season. Their first games will be in the beginning weeks of December.

Business Office/Treasurer’s Report- The Business Manager reported that this year’s audit has been completed. She told board members that the reports to the Idaho Financial Accounting Reporting Management System have been completed. This is the system used to disperse funds to school districts. All employees are now signed up for direct deposit. This saves time and money, and it all seems to be going very well. She gave board members an itemized breakdown of the spending for the 2008 EETT Grant funds.

Patron Input- Alberto Ruiz attended the board meeting at Mr. Kerns request. He is interested in applying for appointment to the school board. Mark Williams thanked the board for the opportunity he had to work with the football team this year as the coach. He stated that the students worked hard to keep their grades up, and their attitudes have improved. He also noted that the football field was in great shape this year and he thanked the Maintenance Supervisor for his hard work

Action Items

Purchases over $1,000- None

Board vote on supplemental levy- Mrs. Mead moved and Mrs. Haight-Mortensen seconded the motion to approve a supplemental levy election to be held on March, 8, 2011 in the amount of $150,000.00, each year for two years. There was no discussion. The motion was unanimously approved.

Policies on first reading- The 6000 and 7000 series of the Board Policies were distributed to board members. These policies will be presented for a second reading at the next regular board meeting.

Open Positions- Mrs. Mead moved and Mrs. Haight-Mortensen seconded the motion to open positions for a 21st Century Grant Weight Room Supervisor, a JV Boys Basketball volunteer coach, and a JV Girls Basketball volunteer coach. There was no discussion. The motion was unanimously approved.

Hire Personnel- Mrs. Mead moved and Mrs. Haight-Mortensen seconded the motion to hire Kristine Nelson as the 21st Century Grant / Idaho Falls YMCA indoor soccer supervisor for grades 6-8. There was no discussion. The motion was unanimously approved.

Personnel Issues (Executive Session)-

The board moved into Executive Session at 7:40 pm. Mrs. Haight-Mortensen,

Mrs. Mead, and Mrs. Whittier all voted “aye”.

Open session resumed at 7:22 p.m.

No action was taken as a result of Executive Session.


Mrs. Mead moved and Mrs. Haight-Mortensen seconded the motion to adjourn.

There was no discussion. The motion was unanimously approved.

Meeting adjourned at 7:23 p.m.


Board Chair Date

District Clerk Date