State of New Jersey

Statewide Voter Registration System

Production System Changes

Report Date: Tuesday Sep 7th, 2010

The following system changes, including bug fixes and enhancements, were put into Production on 5th Sep, 2010.

Bug Fixes:

Item / JIRA # / Description of t,..he Fix / Issue Logged County / County Office Type
1.  / NJP-8735 / Corrected the SVRS to print the Last name without special characters on Poll Book. / Ocean / BOE
2.  / NJP-8835 / Corrected the SVRS to change the wording on Permit to agent or challenger letter. / Monmouth / BOE
3.  / NJP-8845 / Corrected the SVRS to show the signature on challenger letter. / Somerset / BOE
4.  / NJP-8883 / Corrected the SVRS to show district in numerical order on Add/Maintain Street module. / Middlesex / BOE
5.  / NJP-8904 / Issue is similar NJP-8920 / Monmouth / SOE
6.  / NJP-8914 / Issue is similar to NJP-8917 / Hunterdon / County Clerk
7.  / NJP-8917 / Regarding --> Voter Id #112464831, Lisa Geraci
The last two absentee ballot requests for this voter are as follows -
1. "UOCAVA - All Elections for Calendar Year" --> Process Date: 3/3/2009; Exp date: 12/31/2010; Status: Accepted
2. "UOCAVA - All Elections for Calendar Year" --> Process Date: 2/19/2009; Exp date: 3/3/2009; Status: Accepted
The problem is - Exp date of #2 is same as Process Date of #1. According to the business rule - A voter can't have multiple over lapping requests at the same time if both of them are ACCEPTED. While updating the request, system checks for this rule and restricting user form updating (expiring) the request.
In fact, system shouldn't have allowed entering request #1 with a Process Date of 3/3/2009 in the first place. But in early 2009, Absentee Module was not as structured as today. So, to expire request #1, Modify the Process Date as well (3/4/2009 should be fine). / Camden / County Clerk
8.  / NJP-8920 / Corrected the SVRS to access Reminders successfully. / Mercer / SOE
9.  / NJP-8933 / Issue is similar to NJP-8883 / Statewide / SOE
10.  / NJP-8964 / Issue is similar to NJP-8917 / Somerset / County Clerk
11.  / NJP-8944 / Issue is similar to NJP-8917 / Passaic / County Clerk
12.  / NJP-8946 / Issue is similar to NJP-8845 / Warren / BOE
13.  / NJP-8954 / Issue is similar to NJP-8917 / Monmouth / BOE
14.  / NJP-8973 / Corrected the SVRS to show the street number on Assign Poll Worker letter / Monmouth / BOE


Item / Title / Description
1. / CCR-274 Document Imaging – Part -2 Changes / Followings are the major changes/updates related to Document Imaging.
1.  Counties that don’t have SOE office, default SOE doc types has been assigned to BOE office.
2.  VBM doc types have been assigned to BOE office.
3.  For the default doc types, Retention period can’t updated to a smaller value than defined by State.
4.  ‘Rename’ functionality has been introduced in the Batch Scanning screen.
5.  Office Type has been made as the primary filter in Document Search screen. It will be pre-selected based on logged in user and Document Type dropdown will be populated based on that. Document Type selection is still mandatory.
6.  Voter Inquiry and Document Search will no longer pull Merged voters. Instead their docs will be shown as part of the “Merged Onto” voter. Additionally, Merged Voter’s ID will be shown for the records that got merged in the Duplicate Voter column.
7.  Restricted merging a voter who doesn’t have any document.
8.  If A is merged to B, and later B is merged to C, then unmerging A and B is not possible, unless unmerging B and C is done first.
9.  As a double check, disabled the Merge/Unmerge button in the comparison screens if not SOE.
2 / CCR-287 / The State is requesting updates to the County Committee Module - the users should be able to assign a voter as a County Committee (CC) to a Ward and the associated District different from the one he/she is currently residing in.

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