(1) This organization shall be called the McAllen Texas Association of Sports Officials Soccer Chapter
(1)To provide trained, experienced, and capable soccer referees whose integrity and professionalism is above reproach.
(2)To foster the highest standard of ethics, fair play and sportsmanship.
(1)The geographical area to be covered will be, but not limited to Hidalgo county and surrounding area.
(1)Nominations for the various offices may be made by committee and/or from the floor by verbal/written nomination.
(2)The election of offices will be by secret ballot
(3)Only Chapter members in good standing as defined in these By-Laws will be permitted to vote.
(4)If a member is in bad standing if he/she has a letter on file stating that this member is in bad standing.
(5)The term of office for all elected officials shall be for two years, extending from July 1st of one year to June 30th of the second following year. The President, Secretary and Treasurer shall be elected in the odd numbered years and the Vice-President and Registrar shall be elected in even numbered years.
(6)The limit a member can be elected for president shall be no more than two continuous terms.
(7)The election shall be held at the last general membership meeting of the year, but no later than June 30th or an election may be held by written ballot. In the event that one candidate does not receive a simple majority vote on the first ballot, the second ballot will contain only the two candidates who received the most votes or those receiving the highest number of tied votes.
(8)In case of a vacancy in the office of the President, the Vice-President shall perform the duties of the President until a new President is elected in accordance to By-Laws.
(9)Any officer or member of the Executive Committee is subject to recall upon a two-thirds vote of the members present at the time of the recall vote.
(10)In case of a vacancy of any Executive Committee member, there shall be a special election within a month. This member will finish the present term of the official.
(1)Demonstrate abilities in successful officiating, leadership, and dedication to the positive advancement of the McAllen chapter.
(2)A member in good standing of the McAllen Chapter. The member must continue to be in good standing through-out the term of the office.
(1)Officers - The officers of the McAllen Chapter shall beelected, hold offices as provided in the By-Laws and will serve as the governing body of the chapter. The make up the Executive Committee is as follows:
(a)A member of the Executive Committee cannot be a paid assigner for the McAllen Soccer Chapter of TASO. An Executive Committee member may give up his/her office to become a paid assigner.
(3)Duties of the President
(a)The President shall preside over all meetings of the McAllen chapter and the Executive Committee. That person, together with the vice-president, shall assist in the negotiations on behalf of the Chapter and assist in the execution of any and all Chapter and school contracts.
(b)The President shall appoint all members to any standing or special committees, subject to the approval of the Executive Committee, except as otherwise provided in these By-Laws. Committees shall terminate upon completion of their assignment or when directed by the President.
(c)The President shall be the Chairman of the Executive Committee and shall preside at the meetings of this Committee.
(d)The President shall appoint a school liaison whose responsibility it will be to build cooperation and better understanding among school Administrators, coaches, players, parents, fans and the McAllen Chapter.
(4)Duties of the Vice-President
(a)The Vice-President shall assume the duties of the President, in that person’s absence.
(b)The Vice-President shall be responsible for securing facilities for McAllen Chapter meetings.
(c)The Vice-President shall be responsible for administering all applicable contracts between the school districts and the Chapter. Also, shall negotiate, together with the President on behalf of the Chapter any and all Chapter and school contracts.
(5)Duties of the Secretary
(a)The Secretary shall assume the duties of the President in the absence of the President and Vice-President.
(b)The Secretary shall be responsible for the proper recording of the minutes of all Chapter and Executive Committee meetings. These minutes will be available at all Chapter meetings.
(c)Shall maintain Chapter meeting attendance records.
(d)The Secretary shall be responsible for all soccer related correspondence of the Chapter.
(e)The Secretary shall maintain copies of the current By-Laws and make them available to all members.
(f)The Secretary and the President shall be responsible for the tabulation of all votes as outlined in Article IV (2).
(6)Duties of the Treasurer
(a)The Treasurer shall be responsible for the Chapter’s finances.It shall require two elected officers to sign any Chapter check exceeding $100.00.
(b)The Treasurer shall present a written financial report to the Executive Committee for the fiscal year which shall run from July 1 through June 31. After the Executive Committee has accepted the financial report, the information shall be presented to the membership at the first scheduled meeting.
(c)The Treasurer shall receive all monies addressed to the Chapter.
(d)The Treasurer is responsible for paying all Chapter expenses in a timely manner.
(e)The Treasurer shall be responsible for informing members of any late fee fine to be charged to each official who has not paid their assignor fees on or before October 1st of each year. If any official ends the year with an outstanding debt, the official will be classified as an official in bad standing and will not be allowed to register with the Chapter until all debts and fines are paid.
(7)Duties of the Registrar
(a)The Registrar shall be responsible for maintaining a current membership roster listing only those persons who have qualified for Chapter membership according to the By-laws.
(b)The Registrar shall be responsible for registering Chapter members with Texas Association of Soccer Officials.
(c)The Registrar shall be responsible for all training, assessment and educational activities of the Chapter. All assessors shall be Chapter members and shall be ratified by the Executive Committee.
(1)Composition of the Executive Committee
(a)President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and Registrar shall make up the Executive Committee.
(a)The Executive Committee is required to have a quorum in order to approve/reject any changes to policies or rules for the McAllen Chapter.
(b)A quorum is defined as a majority of the Executive Committee.
(3)Duties of the Executive Committee
(a)The Executive Committee shall be responsible for:
1)Serve a mentors to other soccer officials
2)Chapter policies for the coming season.
3)Enforcement of applicable regulations regarding uniform, required equipment and appearance.
4)Review of financial information, to include financial reports submitted by the Treasurer.
5)Improvements in game officiating and other areas deemed appropriate by the Executive Committee including any special assessments.
6)Educating members in the application of the laws of the game.
7)Proposing the day, time and place of all Chapter meetings and training sessions. Notification will be given to members 48 hours in advance.
8)The enforcement of payment of dues, fines and assessments by each member.
9)The enforcement of meeting attendance regulations.
10)The evaluation of current, new and transfer members.
11)The amount of chapter dues that will be paid by each member.
12)Appointing an assignor. The assignor shall be responsible for making all game assignments.
13)Ratifying members appointed by the President to special committees.
(b)The Executive Committee shall be empowered to investigate any alleged violation of the Bylaws or McAllen Chapter Policies by any member and to require full cooperation by any member in such investigation.Failure by any member to cooperate with an investigation shall be considered as a resignation from the Chapter.
1)Accused shall be notified in writing within (5) days of the action.
(c)The Executive Committee, after consultation with the accused, shall have the power to suspend from membership in the Chapter for a period determined by the Committee and/or it’s designated committee in matters concerning, but not limited to:
1)Non-payment of dues, fines, and/or assessments before prescribed deadline
2)Failure of any member to give full cooperation to the Executive Committee in the investigation of any matter.
3)Failure of any member to appear for two (2) scheduled game dates in a season.
4)Conduct detrimental to the reputation and/or professional ethics and goals of the Chapter. The member under investigation shall be notified in writing of the findings of the Committee. The notification shall be post marked within five (5) days after the conclusion of the investigation.
5)The guilty member shall have the right to appeal that person’s suspension to the membership.
(d) A member of the Executive Committee or their designee shall attend the Annual State
Meeting, provided this does not cause an undue burden to the Chapter. ie: too expensive to
the officer or designee
Expense Reimbursements
(a)Executive Committee members may be reimbursed for any expenses incurred while performing McAllen Chapter duties. President and Vice-President will approve/deny reimbursement.
(1)A member in good standing is a member who fulfills the McAllen Chapter attendance requirements, has paid all dues, assessments, and who, as determined by the Executive Committee, renders satisfactory service as a soccer official.
(2)Each member is only allowed to miss the following meeting:
a.)New members only two (2) meetings
b.)Returning members only three (3) meetings
(3)Each member must wear the uniform as prescribed by the McAllen Chapter.
(4)Each member must complete a physical test and a written test (date to be determined by the Executive Committee). The results will be used to help with the game assignments.
(5)Membership does not automatically guarantee any official game assignments.
(6)Members are responsible for notifying the Assignor or his designee at least 48 hours in advance of scheduled game assignments if unable to work the game, except for emergencies as defined by the President. Any official that fails to show up for any assigned and accepted game or fails to give proper notification of cancellation shall be brought before the Executive Committee for a hearing. The Executive Committee may issue punishment from probation through suspension.
(7)Should an official fail to appear for a scheduled game without an acceptable excuse, that official may receive punishment from probation through suspension. If the official continues to fail to appear at assigned games, the Executive Committee may expel the official from the Chapter and a written report will be filed to the state organization.
(8)No member other than the Chapter Officers shall solicit games in the name of the McAllen Chapter.
a)A member will be expelled from this chapter if he/she is caught soliciting games without the consent of the Executive Committee.
(9)By accepting membership in this Chapter, each member agrees to fully observe the By-Laws, or any regulations adopted by the McAllen Chapter.
(1)The McAllen Chapter By-Laws may be amended only at ageneral membership meeting and provided that the proposed amendments are presented in writing before that meeting. General Membership meeting date will be determined by the Executive Committee. The amendment will be made by an affirmative majority vote of the members present at the meeting. A quorum of 51% of members in good standing is needed to amend the bylaws.
(1)Any situation, problem, conflict, or question (not specifically covered herein) shall be decided by the Executive Committee,who then may take it to the membership for a vote.
02-19-14 – amended Article IV Section 5. Added the word treasurer to the article. The President, Secretary and Treasurer shall be elected in the odd numbered years and the Vice-President and Registrar shall be elected in even numbered years.
Article used to say
The term of office for all elected officials shall be for two years, extending from July 1st of one year to June 30th of the second following year. The President and Secretary shall be elected in the odd numbered years and the Vice-President and Registrar shall be elected in even numbered years
02-29-14 –amended Article IV Section 6. Added the word continous to the article. The limit a member can be elected for president shall be no more than two continuous terms.
Article used to say
The limit a member can be elected for president shall be no more than two terms.
02-19-14 – amended Article IV Section 10. Removed “not including the presidency” from the article. Article used to say
“In case of a vacancy of any Executive Committee member (not including the Presidency),there shall be a special election within a month. This member will finish the present term of the official.”