Review 2016-17 and Funding Allocation 2017-18
The Purpose
The Government believes that the Pupil Premium, which is additional to main school funding, is the best way to address the current underlying inequalities between children eligible for free school meals (FSM) and their peers by ensuring that funding to tackle disadvantage reaches the pupils who need it most.
The Pupil Premium was introduced in April 2011 and is allocated to schools to work with pupils who have been registered for free school meals at any point in the last six years (known as ‘Ever 6 FSM’).
Schools also receive funding for children who have been looked after continuously for more than six months, and children of service personnel.
Schools have the freedom to spend the Premium, which is additional to the underlying schools budget, in a way they think will best support the raising of attainment for the most vulnerable pupils. The Service Premium level of funding for 2016-17 was £300 per pupil.
Pupil Premium will continue to be provided for children in care who have been looked after continuously for at least six months. Pupil Premium provision will also continue to be provided for children of parents in the armed services. These children often face particular challenges.
Much research has analysed the key factors which affect pupil’s performance at school. National statistics suggest that there is a strong correlation between those pupils who fall within the above-mentioned categories and underachievement when compared with their peers.
The purpose of the Pupil Premium is to provide school with additional financial support to be used with the aim of closing the achievement gap. The amount allocated to St. Osmund’s Middle School for 2016 -2017 was £80,795
At St. Osmund’s Middle School the money has been used strategically to benefit the learning of many groups of pupils, including those children who fall within the specific groups mentioned above. The table below outlines the key areas where the Pupil Premium funding has been used to support the children and as a result enhance their progress.
2016 – 2017
Total number of pupil premium pupils = 101 of our 650 pupils (16 % of pupils)
The table below indicates how this funding was allocated
Approach / Activity / Rationale / CostSTAFF
Targeted interventions to take place / Teaching Assistants are used to lead intervention groups across the school e.g an HLTA delivering reading intervention for all of the English groups. /
£34 465.50
Small group tuition to take place / Teaching Assistants are used to support individual and small groups of children within the teaching of literacy and numeracy.
Additional teachers to support English / Literacy and Mathematics Numeracy teaching. / Additional teaching groups within each year group enables the pupils to be arranged across seven teachers, creating smaller teaching groups for core subjects. For 2016 – 2017 there are refined setting arrangements within both KS2 Maths and KS 2 and 3 English.
£21 000
£ 3 500
£3 600
£2 500
£2 000
Pastoral Care Worker –transition mentor
Learning Support Assistant x 1.5
/ Interventions which target social and emotional aspects of learning seek to improve attainment by improving the social and emotional dimensions of learning e.g.Forest Schools type activities / Nurture Groups
One-to-One sessions / Teachers are leading additional sessions each week to enable children to move from one attainment level to the next.
Improved tracking system and monitoring of pupil progress / The use of SIMS ensures that progress and attainment levels of all pupils can be tracked. This then is used to inform meetings held between teachers and pupils. This year we are refining our Students of Concern (SOC) intervention programme. / £5 000
Use of formative assessment : teaching time / TA CPD / Much educational research over the past ten or so years has highlighted the importance of developing practice which is line with Assessment for Learning strategy (AfL). There has been a great emphasis placed on embedding key aspects of this strategy over the past two years at St.Osmund’s Middle School. / £ 2 000
Digital technology / Use of digital technology has been proven is associated with learning gains. This technology should be used to supplement other teaching learning rather than replace more traditional methods. Recently the school has purchased iPads / Apple TV / upgraded Admin. System . / Staff laptops upgrade to Windows 7 / £1 440
Breakfast Club / By subsidising this facility we aim to maximise the overall attendance figures of the pupils as well as providing the pupils with an appropriate diet to start the day. / £ 1 000
Supporting pupils attendance within extra-curricular activities / trips etc. / Evidence indicates that attainment increases when pupils are able to access stimulating extra-curricular activities. / £ 4289.50
£ 80 795
Headline summary of the Attainment and Achievement of Pupil Premium Children 2016-2017 at the end of Key Stage 2
62 % of Pupil Premium children met the age expected standard.
(In 2015-16 53 % of Pupil Premium children met the age expected standard.)
The gap between Pupil Premium and Non-Pupil Premium children was 9%
(In 2015-16 the gap was 20 %)
81% of Pupil Premium children met the age expected standard.
(In 2015-16 74 % of Pupil Premium children met the age expected standard.)
The gap between Pupil Premium and Non-Pupil Premium children was 4%
(In 2015-16 the gap was 21 %)
58 % of Pupil Premium children met the age expected standard.
(In 2015-16 53 % of Pupil Premium children met the age expected standard.)
The gap between Pupil Premium and Non-Pupil Premium children was 14%
(In 2015-16 the gap was 15 %)
Headline summary of the Attainment and Achievement of Pupil Premium Children 2016-2017 at the end of Year 8
The Year 8 G.L. Progress tests are a Standard Age Score. As a result nationally 50% of children who sat the GL Progress test will receive a score of less than 100 and 50% will receive a score of 100 or more. The results will be a standard distribution.
Maths / English / ScienceAll Children / 113.4 / 110.1 / 108.9
Non Pupil Premium / 114.7 / 111.8 / 110.2
Pupil Premium / 106.6 / 104.6 / 102.1
Key School priorities and areas for development in 2017-2018 for the Pupil Premium Group, as outlined in the 2017-2018 School Improvement Plan
· To raise the attainment of Pupil Premium children at the end of Key Stage 2
· To raise the attainment of Pupil Premium children at the end of Year 8
· To narrow the gap in attainment between Pupil Premium children and all children within the School
The amount allocated to St. Osmund’s Middle School for 2017 -2018 is £97,185
The table below outlines the key areas where the Pupil Premium funding will be used to support the children and as a result enhance their progress
Approach / Activity / Rationale / CostSTAFF
Targeted interventions to take place / Teaching Assistants are used to lead intervention groups across the school e.g an HLTA delivering reading intervention for all of the English groups. /
£ 35 600
Small group tuition to take place / Teaching Assistants are used to support individual and small groups of children within the teaching of literacy and numeracy.
Additional teachers to support English / Literacy and Mathematics Numeracy teaching. / Additional teaching groups within each year group enables the pupils to be arranged across seven teachers, creating smaller teaching groups for core subjects. For 2017 – 2018 there are refined setting arrangements within both KS2 Maths and KS 2 English.
£ 25 000
£ 7 335
£ 10 000
Pastoral Care Worker –transition mentor
Learning Support Assistant x 1.5
/ Interventions which target social and emotional aspects of learning seek to improve attainment by improving the social and emotional dimensions of learning e.g.Forest Schools type activities / Nurture Groups
One-to-One sessions / Teachers are leading additional sessions each week to enable children to move from one attainment level to the next.
Improved tracking system and monitoring of pupil progress / The use of SIMS ensures that progress and attainment levels of all pupils can be tracked. This then is used to inform meetings held between teachers and pupils. This year we are refining our Students of Concern (SOC) intervention programme. / £ 6 250
Use of formative assessment : teaching time / TA CPD / Much educational research over the past ten or so years has highlighted the importance of developing practice which is line with Assessment for Learning strategy (AfL). There has been a great emphasis placed on embedding key aspects of this strategy over the past two years at St.Osmund’s Middle School. / £ 3 500
Digital technology / Use of digital technology has been proven is associated with learning gains. This technology should be used to supplement other teaching learning rather than replace more traditional methods. Recently the school has purchased iPads / Apple TV / upgraded Admin. System . / Staff laptops upgrade to Windows 7 / £ 2 500
Breakfast Club / By subsidising this facility we aim to maximise the overall attendance figures of the pupils as well as providing the pupils with an appropriate diet to start the day. / £ 2 000
Supporting pupils attendance within extra-curricular activities / trips etc. / Evidence indicates that attainment increases when pupils are able to access stimulating extra-curricular activities. / £5 000
£97, 185