AmericanaChoice Board
Complete activitiesadding up to75 points.You MUSTselect ONE ESSAY and one 25 point activity. If you want extra credit you may do another 25 point activity.
1920s and 1930s / Essay (50 pts)Write a 2 – 3 page essay explaining whether or not the term “Roaring 20s’ appropriately described the time period.
Essay Title
Times New Roman 12 font
Double Spaced
Underlined thesis
At least 5 paragraphs
typed / Advertising/Propaganda (25 pts)
Create a propaganda poster from WWI or a New Deal poster from the 1930sOR an advertisement poster displaying a new product of the 1920s
Explanation on the back describing the purpose
Blank paper or poster
Use color
Make it original/ Don’t just trace something / Create a PowerPoint/Prezi (25 pts)
Choose an entertainment star of the 1920s and make a PowerPoint or Prezi biography of their life. Minimum of 6 content related slides with pics)
- Examples include Louis Armstrong, Irving Berlin, Langston Hughes, Babe Ruth, Charlie Chaplin, Charles Lindbergh, Al Capone, Duke Ellington, Walt Disney, Al Jolson
1930s / Create a Standards Poster (25 points)
Create a museum display that covers the standard and elements of SSUSH18 (FDR and the New Deal)
- Visuals required for each element, hand drawn or clip art
- Notes can be in graphic organizer form, but must be detailed and cover all aspects of the elements.
- You can type things out and tape them to the poster
Write a 2 - 3 page essay detailing the causes of the Great Depression and/orthe most successful responses to the Great Depression
Essay Title
Times New Roman 12 font
Double Spaced
Underlined thesis
At least 5 paragraphs
typed / 1920s/1930s Movie Analysis (25 pts)
Compare history vs Hollywood. Write a paper summarizing the plot and explaining which historical elements were portrayed correctly and incorrectly in the film.
Grapes of Wrath
Cinderella Man
It’s a Wonderful Life
Singin in the Rain
The Untouchables
Bonny and Clyde
Others can be watched with approval 1st
1940s / Music Video (25 pts)
Download music from the 1930s, or 40s and create a music video or silent film using PowerPoint or moviemaker. Save your FINALIZED product and bring it in on a flashdrive
Include lyrics or dialogue cards
Include at least 20 images if not live action
Organize video with the theme of the decade chosen / World War II TIMELINE (25 pts)
Create a Timeline on a poster or PPT with maps and annotations of WWII Events and battles
Include lend-lease program, Pearl Harbor, Battle of Midway, D-Day, the fall of Berlin, Manhattan project, Stalingrad, El Alamein, Battle of the Bulge, Iwo Jima, Okinawa, Battle of Britain, Internment Camps
Be sure to explain each one; Don’t just list them / Essay (50 pts)
Write a 2 - 3 page essay explaining how US entry into WWII impacted the home front
Essay Title
Times New Roman 12 font
Double Spaced
Underlined thesis
At least 5 paragraphs