Norbord Inc.June 2013

1 Toronto Street, Suite 600

Toronto, Ontario

Canada M5C 2W4




Product Guide Specification

Specifier Notes: This product guide specification is written according to the Construction Specifications Institute (CSI) 3-Part Format,including MasterFormat, SectionFormat, and PageFormat,as described in The CSI Construction Specifications Practice Guide.

This section must be carefully reviewed and edited by the Architect or Engineerto meet the requirements of the project and local building code. Coordinate this section with other specification sections and the Drawings. Delete all “Specifier Notes” after editing this section.

Section numbersand titlesare from MasterFormat 2012 Update.

SECTION06 16 36


Specifier Notes: This section covers Norbord “TallWall” oversized, structural, oriented strand board (OSB) wall sheathing panels. The oversized panels extend full-length vertically to the top plates in one piece. “TallWall”OSB panels are 4 feet wide and 9 feet and 10 feet long.

“TallWall”OSB wall sheathing panels may contribute to LEED credits or qualify to receive points toward National Green Building Certification. Consult Norbord for more information.

Consult Norbord for assistance in editing this section for the specific application.



  1. Oversized, structural, oriented strand board (OSB) wall sheathing panels.


Specifier Notes: Edit the following list of related sections as necessary. Limit the list to sections with specific information that the reader might expect to find in this section, but is specified elsewhere.

  1. Section 06 11 00 – Wood Framing.


Specifier Notes: List reference standards used elsewhere in this section, complete with designations and titles.

  1. American Forest and Paper Association (AF&PA) / American Wood Council (AWC) Wood Frame Construction Manual (WFCM) for One- and Two-Family Dwellings.
  2. APA - The Engineered Wood Association PRP-108 – Performance Standards and Qualification Policy for Structural-Use Panels.
  3. ASCE 7 – Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures.

Specifier Notes: Include reference to CSA O325 for projects in Canada.

  1. CSA O325 – Construction Sheathing.

Specifier Notes: Delete the following reference if FSC Chain-of-Custody Certification is not specified.

  1. Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) Chain-of-Custody Certification.
  2. ICC NER-108 – APA Standard for Structural Use Panels.
  3. ICC 600 – Standard for Residential Construction in High-Wind Regions.

Specifier Notes: Delete the following reference if SFI Chain-of-Custody Certification is not specified.

  1. Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI) Chain-of-Custody Certification.
  2. US Dept. of Commerce Voluntary Standard PS 2 – Performance Standard for Wood-Based Structural-Use Panels.


Specifier Notes: Edit preinstallation meetings as necessary. Delete if not required.

  1. Convene preinstallation meeting [1 week] [2 weeks] before start of installation of OSB wall sheathing panels.
  2. Require attendance of parties directly affecting work of this section, including Contractor, Architect, Engineer, and installer.
  3. Review materials, preparation, installation, protection, and coordination with other work.


  1. Comply with Section 01 33 00 – Submittal Procedures.
  2. Product Data: Submit manufacturer’s product data, including installation instructions.
  3. Manufacturer’s Certification: Submit manufacturer’s certification that materials comply with specified requirements and are suitable for intended application.
  4. Warranty Documentation: Submit manufacturer’s standard warranty.


  1. Manufacturer’s Qualifications: Manufacturer regularly engaged, for past 10 years, in manufacture of OSB wall sheathing panels of similar type to that specified.
  2. Installer's Qualifications:
  3. Installer regularly engaged, for past 5 years, in installation of OSB wall sheathing panelsof similar type to that specified.
  4. Employ persons trained for installation of OSB wall sheathing panels.


  1. Delivery Requirements:
  2. Deliver materials to site with labels clearly identifying product name and manufacturer.
  3. Ensure OSB wall sheathing panels are identified by the following:
  4. Label or stamp bearing manufacturer’s name or trademark.
  5. APA assigned plant number.
  6. Panel thickness.
  7. Panel span rating.
  8. APA logo.
  9. Date of manufacture.
  10. Storage and Handling Requirements:

Specifier Notes: The Exposure 1 exposure durability classification of Norbord OSB indicates that unprotected exposure during ordinary construction periods will not adversely affect the structural properties. Exposure to adverse moisture conditions could result in edge swell. Sanding may be required to level uneven edges before finish-covering application.

  1. Store and handle materials in accordance with manufacturer's instructions.
  2. Store OSB panels flat, indoors or under cover, protected from weather.
  3. Keep OSB panels off ground on flat base, if stored outdoors.
  4. Do not expose OSB panels to weather or moisture on a continuous basis.
  5. Cover OSB panels loosely to allow air circulation at sides.
  6. Align blocking/supports to prevent warping, if OSB panels are stacked.
  7. Place full-width blocking 6 inches from each end and at 24-inch intervals over length of unit, on OSB panels too large to have supports banded to unit.
  8. Use inventories of OSB panels on first-in, first-out basis.
  9. Protect materials during storage, handling, and installation to prevent damage.


  1. Warranty Period: 25 years from date of manufacture.



  1. Manufacturer: Norbord Inc., 1 Toronto Street, Suite 600, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5C 2W4. Phone 416-365-0700. Fax 416-777-4415. Website


Specifier Notes: Specify additional design criteria as necessary. Edit the following as required for the project.

  1. Walls shall be sheathed with oversized panels of OSB extending full-length vertically to the top plates in one piece.
  2. Design and install wood-framed structure by one of the following:
  3. Wood Frame Construction Manual (WFCM).
  4. ICC 600.
  5. ASCE 7.
  6. Wind Load Design Criteria: ASCE 7.

Specifier Notes: Raised Heel Trusses:

Testing at the Home Innovation Research Labs (formerly the NAHB Research Center) confirmed that TallWall OSB wall sheathing panels that extend to the underside of the top chord can eliminate the use of hurricane clips of some high wind zones. TallWall OSB wall sheathing panels with the proper nailing schedule provide the required continuous load path.

The panels that extend over the top plates to the underside of the rafters act as the required blocking of the trusses and allow insulation to reach the outside edge of the top plate. According to IECC 2009 and 2012 Energy Codes, in some climate zones this allows for lower attic R-values to be used (i.e. In Climate Zone 4, R-30 can be used instead of R-38 in the attic).


  1. OSB Wall Sheathing Panels: “TallWall”.
  2. Description: Oversized, structural, oriented strand board (OSB) wall sheathing panels.
  3. Certification:
  4. APA - The Engineered Wood Association, in compliance with APA PRP-108 and carrying APA grade stamp and reference to NER-108 and PS 2.

Specifier Notes: Specify FSC or SFI Chain-of-Custody Certification. Delete if not required.

FSCChain-of-Custody Certification may be available from some mills. Consult Norbord for more information.

  1. [FSC] [SFI] Chain-of-Custody Certification.
  2. Home Innovation NGBS Green Certified.

Specifier Notes: Include reference to CSA O325 for projects in Canada.

  1. Compliance: CSA O325.
  2. Bond Classification, PS 2: Exposure 1.

Specifier Notes: Specify nominal panel size.

  1. Nominal Panel Size: [4 feet by 9 feet] [4 feet by 10 feet] [As indicated on the Drawings].

Specifier Notes: Specify panel thickness.

  1. Panel Thickness: [3/8 inch] [7/16 inch] [15/32 inch] [As indicated on the Drawings].
  2. Panel Edges: Sealed.
  3. Does not contain added urea-formaldehyde resins.


Specifier Notes: Specify type of fasteners.

  1. Fasteners: [______] [As indicated on the Drawings].



  1. Examine areas to receive OSB wall sheathing panels.
  2. Notify Architect of conditions that would adversely affect installation.
  3. Do not begin installation until unacceptable conditions are corrected.


  1. Acclimate OSB wall sheathing panels to surroundings for a minimum of 24 hours before installation.


  1. Install OSB wall sheathing panels in accordance with manufacturer's instructions, local building code, fasteners schedule, and as specified in this section.
  2. Install OSB wall sheathing panels at locations indicated on the Drawings.
  3. Install OSB panels vertically.
  4. Install OSB panels with 1/8-inch gap between panels.

Specifier Notes: Specify required nail spacing at panel edges.

  1. Nail Spacing at Panel Edges: [______inches] [As indicated on the Drawings].
  2. Install nails a minimum of 3/8 inch from panel edges.

Specifier Notes: Consult local building code for minimum nail penetration into framing.

  1. Install nails to penetrate framing [a minimum of ______inches] [as indicated on the Drawings].
  2. Install nails to resist shear wall and uplift loads.
  3. Install additional nails at openings as indicated on the Drawings.
  4. Install OSB panels to be continuous over 2 or more spans.
  5. Install OSB panels to overlap joist area and top plates.
  6. Provide 3/4-inch expansion joints for every continuous section of OSB panels exceeding 80 feet in length.


  1. Protect installed OSB wall sheathing panels from damage during construction.



TallWall OSB Wall Sheathing06 16 36 - 1