Relaxation Skills
Rating Scale
Rating your level of tension/relaxation:
When learning to generate the Relaxation Response, it helps to track and record your progress. Begin by scanning your body and notice how much tension you seem to be carrying. Notice clues such as tight muscles, an upset stomach, negative thoughts, fear, and anger.
While there isn’t a standard measurement for degrees of tension or relaxation, you can approximate your feelings on a scale of one to ten. Number one on the scale, Extremely Relaxed, would represent the most relaxed you can imagine. Number ten on the scone, Extremely Tense, would represent the opposite.
On the Relaxation/Tension Rating Scale, record the date, time, beginning rating and any symptoms of tension that you notice. At the end of practice record changes in your rating and symptoms.
Relaxation/Tension Rating Scale
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
(1=Extremely Relaxed) (10=Extremely Tense)
Date / Time / BeginningRating / Ending
Rating / Symptoms of Tension
Allen Ebel * University of Wisconsin-Stout * * 2008