Lime Class Newsletter

Autumn Term 2017

Welcome back to the Autumn Term!
I hope you all had a lovely Summer and are raring to go for our first term together!
Topics this term:
History = The Stone Age
Science – Chemistry – Chemical change
Literacy – Grammar / Narratives / Recounts / Poetry/ Settings/Instructions
Maths –Problem Solving/ place value, addition and subtraction, multiplication and division.
Art / DT – 3D – creating stone age jewellery, cave painting and silhouette pictures. Drawing.
PE – Gym, dance, games and basketball.
ICT – Google – using search engines, presenting data.
French = Bonjour – greetings.
Philosophy / PSHE – Amelia Ellicot’s Garden Themes: What is it to be lonely? How does loneliness feel?/ Family networks and peer influences.
RE – Christianity and Hinduism.
Music – Mood and movies and Poetry.
Homework, Spellings and Times Tables!
One piece of homework will be issued on a Friday to be completed for the following Wednesday. This earlier hand in date ensures I have had time to mark their homework before the next piece is issued. The children can put completed homework in the homework box as soon as they have completed it.
Spellings will be sent home on a Friday this term to be tested the following Friday. Spellings will be stuck into the children’s’ spelling books for them to bring home to practise. The children will be practising the spellings we are learning in class which follow the No Nonsense Spelling Programme.
Times tables will be sent home on a Tuesday and tested the following Tuesday.
Reward System.
The reward system in Lime class this year will be treat tickets! The children will have the opportunity to collect as many treat tickets they can over the half term. Treat tickets are given for excellent effort in homework, getting full marks in times tables and spelling tests, following the class rules and going above and beyond in their efforts. A treat will take place in the last week of half term and at the end of the Autumn term too! Good luck everyone! Get earning those treat tickets!
Mrs Parsons will be teaching the class every Monday and Mr Hepper will be covering my PPA time this term, on a Tuesday afternoon, and will be teaching the children RE. The children will also have PE on a Tuesday afternoon with Tom Bigg so will need their PE kit in school. Our timetable for the coming term is overleaf for your information.
Reading- HELP!
Parental help is always greatly appreciated. If you are able to come in and listen to readers either at the beginning (8.45am to 9.15am) or the end (2.55pm to 3.20pm) of school on a regular or ad hoc basis, please speak to me!
Your child needs a named water bottle in school every day. P.E. kits will need to be in school on Tuesdays and Thursdays for PE lessons. Long hair needs to be tied back and any earrings removed.
As the weather gets cooler, please send your children into school with a named coat as break times and lunch times can be quite chilly!
Thankyou. / Keeping in touch
Please take a look at our class page on the school website which I update every week J
If you have any questions or concerns please get in touch, either in the morning when you drop your child off or preferably, after school.
Here is a copy of our timetable for this term: