Students will show respect in the classroom.
Brainstorm: As a group, discuss what in means to be respectful in the classroom.
ROAR Expectations:
- use a proper tone of voice
- accept differences
- treat others as you want to be treated
- show kindness
- respect school property
Brainstorm: Discuss again how to show respect in the classroom
Role-Play Negative Examples:
- Yell across the classroom to ask the teacher a question
- Make fun of the new shirt your classmate is wearing
- Roll your eyes when someone gives a wrong answer to a question
- Leave your school supplies in different parts of the classroom
Role-Play Positive Examples:
- Answering a question in the classroom using a “2” voice
- Someone’s favorite color is different from yours
- Someone gives a wrong answer in class and you encourage them to try again
- Your neighbor drops his/her crayons and you help pick them up
- Putting books and supplies away when you are finished using them.
Check for Understanding:
- Review reasons for respectful behavior in the classroom.
- Talk about comments and concerns students voiced during the role-play.
Students will show respect in the hallway.
Brainstorm: As a group, discuss what it means to be respectful in the hallway.
ROAR Expectations:
- Voice level 0
- Respect the hard work that went into the bulletin boards
Brainstorm: Discuss again how to show respect in the hallway.
Role-Play Negative Examples:
- Students talk to each other in the halls as they move to their destination.
- Students touch artwork on bulletin boards in the hallway, leaving fingerprints.
Role-Play Positive Examples:
- Students walk through halls to their destination without talking
- Students walk through halls to their destination admiring student work on bulletin boards without touching it.
Check for Understanding:
- Review reasons for respectful behavior in the hallway.
- Talk about comments and concerns students voiced during the role-play.
Students will show respect in the restroom.
Brainstorm: As a group, discuss what it means to be respectful in the restroom.
ROAR Expectations:
- Clean up after yourself
- Respect the privacy of others
Brainstorm: Discuss again how to show respect in the restroom...
Role-Play Negative Examples:
- Student throws paper towels on the floor after washing hands.
- Student leaves water running after washing hands.
- Student clogs up sink and leaves water running.
Role-Play Positive Example:
- After washing hands, student throws paper towels in the trash can.
- Student turns water off after washing hands.
- Student waits a few feet away from other students until it is his/her turn to use the restroom.
Check for Understanding:
- Review reasons for respectful behavior in the restroom.
- Talk about comments and concerns students voiced during the role-play.
Students will show respect in the cafeteria.
Brainstorm: As a group, discuss what it means to be respectful in the cafeteria.
ROAR Expectations:
- Follow directions the first time
- Keep hands and utensils on your own food and tray
- Raise your hand to clear your tray
Brainstorm: Discuss again how to show respect on the cafeteria.
Role-Play Negative Examples:
- Student is asked to move to a different seat by an adult and he/she pretends not to hear the adult.
- Student flips some of his/her mashed potatoes onto another student’s tray.
- Student gets up out of seat without asking and wanders the cafeteria talking to friends.
Role-Play Positive Examples:
- Students eat their own lunch keeping their own food and utensils on their own trays.
- Student raises his/her hand and asks to go and clear his/her tray
- Student is asked by an adult to pick up napkin on the floor and student does so the first time.
Check for Understanding:
- Review reasons for respectful behavior in the cafeteria.
- Talk about comments and concerns students voiced during the role-play.
Students will show respect on the playground.
Brainstorm: As a group, discuss what it means to be respectful on the playground.
ROAR Expectations:
- Be a good sport
- Use kind words
- Play in designated areas only
- Follow adult direction the first time
- Respect playground equipment
Brainstorm: Discuss again how to show respect on the playground.
Role-Play Negative Examples:
- Student makes fun of another student who was on a losing team.
- Student ignores teacher when asked to play another game.
- Student wanders to a side of the school building where the teacher cannot see him/her.
Role-Play Positive Examples:
- Student on a winning team at recess congratulates a student on the losing team for a game well played.
- Students getting ready to play a team game at recess make sure they are in their teacher’s designated spot on the playground.
- Students kick balls away from the school building.
Check for Understanding:
- Review reasons for respectful behavior on the playground.
- Talk about comments and concerns students voiced during the role-play.