Purdue University Calumet
School of Technology
Course Syllabus
ITS 36200 – Distributed Application Development
Credits and Contact Hours:
3 credit hours – 2 hour lecture and 2 hour lab
Instructor’s or Course Coordinator’s Name:
Keyuan Jiang
Text Book, Title, Author and Year:
Sams Teach Yourself JavaScript in 24 Hours, 4th Edition. Michael Moncur.2006
PHP: A Beginner’s Guide. Vikram Vaswani. 2009
Developing .NET Enterprise Applications. John Kanalakis, Apress, 2003
Designing Enterprise Applications with Microsoft® Visual Basic® .NET. Robert Ian Oliver. 2002
Microsoft Application Architecture Guide, 2nd Edition
Professional JavaScript for Web Developers, 2nd Edition. Nicholas C. Zakas. 2009
JavaScript, The Definitive Guide, 5th Edition. David Flanagan. 2006
Object-Oriented JavaScript. Stoyan Stefanov. 2008
ASP.NET 2.0 QuickStart Tutorial
Overview of Microsoft ADO.NET
SQL Server Books Online. Microsoft
ASP.NET State Management Overview
ASP.NET Security: An Introductory Guide to Building and Deploying More Secure Sites with ASP.NET and IIS. Jeff Prosise
ASP.NET Security Tutorials [videos]
Building Secure ASP.NET Applications: Authentication, Authorization, and Secure Communication
Web Application Security
Web Testing: Complete guide on testing web applications
Introduction to the Course:
- Brief description of the content of the course (Catalog Description)
This course is a project oriented course in multi-tier application development, interface design and implementation, component based application development, and configuration of multi-tier applications. Extensive laboratory exercises are assigned.
- Rational for studying the subject matter
This course is offered to cover part of the body of knowledge required by ACM/IEEE CC IT Volume 2008
- Prerequisites or co-requisites
ITS 36000
- This course is required
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ITS 36200 – Distributed Application Development
Specific Goals to the Course:
- What students should know as a result of having taken the course
- Understand issues related to the development of distributed enterprise applications
- Understand and master technologies used in Enterprise Web development and Distributed Web applications
- Understand the use of server-side backend databases in web sites and web applications
- Understand how a framework facilitates integration of components
- Understand middleware platforms
- List some advantages and disadvantages of some middleware platforms
- Understand the need and issues involved in web site implementation and integration
- Understand the purpose of message and queuing services and how they work
- Understand the legitimate uses of cookies, and the methods of security for cookies
- Understand the importance of testing and tuning, and master the techniques
- What students will be able to do after having taken the course
- Define integration in terms of components and interfaces
- Identify web applications that are using an encrypted connection
- Master the use of public key encryption to enhance security
- Grasp ways to increase the trustworthiness of a website such as security certificates
- Identify web sites that are using cookies
- Specific outcomes of instruction (e.g. the student will be able to explain the significance of current research about a particular topic)-(ABET criteria a,b,i,j,l,m,c,k,n,d,f,e,h,g)
Course Delivery Methods (check all that apply):
Lecture Laboratory Online Discussion groups Projects Other (explain)
Factors Used to Determine the Course Grade (check all that apply):
Lab Reports
Class participation
How final grade is determined
Labs - 35%Exam - 35%Project - 30%
A: ≥ 90%; B: ≥ 80%, but < 90%; C: ≥ 70%, but < 80%; D ≥ 60%, but < 70%; F < 60%
Brief List of Topics to be Covered:
- Application architectures
- Client-side scripting
- Server-side scripting
- Data Access
- State Management
- Application Security
- Testing & Performance Tuning
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