Stadler Form Aktiengesellschaft

What do Ray and Charles Eames haveto do with Stadler Form?

In 1950, the Eames team was a foundingmemberoftheGood Design Awards. Stadler Form hasrecentlyreceivedthiscovetedawardfortwoproducts.

Zug Switzerland, September 2016, The world-famousdesignerduo Ray and Charles Eames standsforpioneeringaswellastimelessly modern design. Theyhelpedshapethisspirit in 1950 asfoundingmembersofthe "Good Design Awards" ofthe Chicago Athenaeum Museum ofArchitectureand Design. Stadler Form createshouseholdappliances in a timelessly modern design togetherwiththebesttechnology. This - theoldest design award - was recentlyreceivedfortwoproducts: Jasmine, thearoma diffuser and Oskar big, theeconomicalhumidifier.

The renowned German Design Council also presents a prestigious design award - The German Design Award. The awardispresentedfor top-classanduniqueproductdesignswhicharepioneering in the international design scene. Stadler Form becametheproudrecipientoftheaward in February 2015 for Oskar, theeconomicalhumidifier.

Stadler Form'sproductsarecharacterisedby an exceptional design coupledwith premium qualityand innovative technology. More thanten national and international awardsattesttothis.

Stadler Form marketsitsproductsaroundtheglobe via selecteddepartmentstoresand spe-cialistretailer.

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Jasmine forfeel-goodfragrance! (Good Design Award)

With a perceptiblyunobtrusivefragranceandyetwith a discreetappearance, thisis Jasmine – forfeel-goodfragrance! Shequietlyemits her favouritefragrancefrom a simple bowl. Ifrequired at intervalsof 20 minutes –- for a wholeday! Usingultrasoundtechnology, thewaterisconvertedinto extra finemistwithetherealoilandemittedintotheambientair. The aroma diffuser showcasesitself in a soft rubber design in thefourcolourversionswhite, black, berryandmetal. Jasmine, forfeel-goodfragrance in rooms.

Recommended retailpriceforJasmine€ 59.- / CHF 59.- / USD 65.- I


•Rated power: 12V – 7.2Watt

•Performance duration: approx. 21 hours per filling


•Tank capacity: 100ml

•Intervalfunction (10 min. on, 20 min. off)

•Dimensions: 130 x 90 x 130 mm

•Rubber coating


•Weight: 0.4 kg

Oskar big – Air humidification on a grandscale...(Good Design Award)

...ensuringthat not onlypeopleandanimalsfeelgood in thecomingheatingseason but that also thewoodenflooringandthefurniture will begratefulfortheconstantairhumidity. The economicairhumidifier Oskar from Stadler Form has a bigbrother: Oskar big! Thankstoitsunique V4 filtertechnology, the high-performance evaporativehumidifieristhe ideal devicefor large roomsofupto 100m2. Withits 6-liter water tank, Oskar bigisoneofthelargest in itsclass. The memofunctionremindstheusertochangethefilterandthankstothenightmodeitworksalmostunnoticed. Itiswellpossiblethat Oskar big, like itsyoungerbrother in November 2011, will bevotedthetestwinnerby "Kassensturz"!

Recommendedretailpricefor Oskar big€ 259.- / CHF 259.- / USD 279.- I

Technical Data

•Rated power: 8 – 30 Watt

•Water tank: 6 liter

•4 outputlevels

•Humidificationoutput: max. 700 g/h

•Roomsize: upto 100 m2 / 250 m3

•Dimensions: 470 x 290 x 200 mm

•Nightmodewithdimmable LEDs

•Ecological filter-materialmadefrom

plant- and textile-fibre



•Integrated hygrostatforcontrolling


•Filter changereminder

•Weight: 4.7 kg

Oskar– the Economist! (German Design Award)

Oskar is a newhumidifiercreatedjointlyby Stadler Form anddesigner Matti Walker, andthereislittledoubtthatit will soonreachcultstatus, just like olderbrother Fred! A compact, stylishcube, available in plainwhite, elegant blackor trendy seasonalcolors, Oskar complementsanyroom. Oskar is also economical, usingonly 6 to 18 watttohumidifyroomsofupto 50 m2 in size. Plus, an automaticshut-off preventsunnecessary power consumptionwhenthewater tank isempty. Nowthat’shardtobeat! Oskar also features an integratedhygrostattoachievemaximumenergyefficiencyandguarantee a healthful, relaxingsleep, evenwhentheheatisturned on. In bedrooms, Oskar worksvirtuallyunnoticed, becausethecontrol LEDs canbemutedwiththenightdimmerandthefragrancedispenserensures optimal well-being.

Recommended retailpricefor Oskar€ 159.- / USD 179.- / CHF 179.- I


•Rated power: 6 – 18 Watt

  • Humidificationoutput: max. 370 g/h
  • Roomsize: upto 50 m2 / 125 m3

•Dimensions: 246 x290 x 246 mm

•Water tank: 3.5 L

•Weight: 3.1 kg

•Ecological filter-materialmadefromplant- and


•Integrated hygrostatforcontrollingthedesired



•Nightmodewithdimmable LEDs

  • Windowforvisual check ofwaterlevel

• 2 outputlevels


Stadler Form Aktiengesellschaft was founded in Zug in September 1998. The company specializes in the development, manufacture and sale of household appliances with a focus on improving indoor air quality (air purifiers, humidifiers, fans, heaters, dehumidifiers, aroma diffusers). The product development emphasis is on timeless design in combination with high-end technology. The initiator and founder of the company is Martin Stadler, who attracted a lot of attention and achieved great success in 1998 with the first product, “FRED the humidifier”. Stadler Form designs and develops the appliances in Switzerland in collaboration with Swiss Designers, such as Mathias Walker (Matti), Carlo Borer, Kurt Zimmerli, Fabian Zimmerli and Bernhard I Burkard. Stadler Form products have already been internationally recognized with several design awards. The company exports its products to more than 48 countries around the world and has become a leading supplier in the field of air treatment.


FREDThe air humidifier1999

MAXThe fan heater2000

HUGOThe water bubbling system2002

LISAThe filter pitcher2003

KURTThe kettle2004

OTTOThe wooden fan2005

GINAThe espresso maker2005

CHARLYThe metal fan2006

Table and free-standing version2007

SEPPThe fondue set2007

ELSAThe raclette grill2007

HENRYThe air purifier2007

LILLYThe fan2008

MONAThe fondue chinoise2008

The table grill2008

QThe fan2009

OSKARThe air humidifier2009

VIKTORThe air purifier2009

ANTONThe air humidifier2010

ANNA & ANNA littleThe fan heater2011

JASMINEThe aroma diffuser2011

OSKAR bigThe air humidifier2012

ALBERT & ALBERT littleThe dehumidifier2012

SELINAThe hygrometer lady2013

ROBERTThe air washer2013

CHARLY NEWThe metal fan2014

LEAThe aroma diffuser2014

PAULThe fan heater2015

MIAThe aroma diffuser2016

JULIAThe aroma diffuser2016

EVAThe air humidifier2016


1999"Complimenti" Ornaris Bern FRED the humidifier

1999"Prix des Découvertes" FRED the humidifier

Maison et Objets Paris

2002"Accent on Design Award" MAX the heater

International Gift Show New York

2004"Complimenti" Ornaris ZürichLISA the filter pitcher

2008Best in Category Housewares MAX the heater

Design Awards Chicago

Other FinalistsFRED the humidifier and

HENRY the purifier

2011ECARF-Qualitätssiegel, EuropäischenVIKTOR the purifier


2012Best of Best Gold Medal andANNA the heater

Best in Category,

Housewares Design Awards Chicago

2012observeur du designJASMINE aroma diffuser

APCI, Paris

2013Best of Best Bronze Medal andJASMINE aroma diffuser Best in Category

Housewares Design Awards Chicago

2013red dot design awardALBERT the humidifier

OSKAR big the humidifier

ANNA the heater

2014iF product design awardROBERT the air washer

2014red dot design awardROBERT the air washer

2014good design awardOSKAR big the humidifier

JASMINE aroma diffuser

2015german design awardOSKAR the humidifier

2016german design awardROBERT the air washer

2016iF product design awardCHARLY the fan

2017german design award nomineeANTON the humidifier

PAUL the fan heater

CONTACT:Stadler Form Aktiengesellschaft

Chamerstrasse 174

6300 Zug, Switzerland

Phone +41 41 720 48 48, Fax +41 41 720 48 44


PressRelease Stadler FormAwards, 2016page1-5