SIOP: Planning Your Lesson

Verb List Reference Sheet

Verbs for Content Objectives / Verbs for
Language Objectives
Listening / Speaking / Reading / Writing / General
·  Reflect
·  Contrast
·  Reflect upon
·  Generate
·  Rationalize
·  Apply
·  Analyze
·  Identify
·  Compare
·  Demonstrate
·  Examine
·  Distinguish
·  Demonstrate
·  Modify
·  Relate
·  Classify
·  Integrate
·  Create
·  Design
·  Invent
·  Formulate
·  Prepare
·  Decide
·  Justify
·  Select
·  Review
·  Engage
·  Plan
·  Provide / ·  Listen to identify
·  Listen to compare
·  Listen for the difference between…
·  Focus on stated concept
·  Listen for key vocabulary
·  Listen to a story
·  Listen to… / ·  Tell why
·  Ask
·  Answer
·  Articulate understanding…
·  Interview
·  Explain to a partner
·  Debate
·  Negotiate
·  Discuss
·  Argue
·  Deliver an oral presentation
·  State your position orally, the equation…
·  Dialogue respectfully
·  Disagree with partner in a respectful manner
·  Orally present results…
·  Tell a story
·  Describe ______to a partner using five key vocabulary
·  Share out loud / ·  Read for information
·  Read for facts
·  Read for the purpose of….
·  Read in pairs read to summarize
·  Skim text to…
·  Scan text to…
·  Overview text to…
·  paraphrase
·  Read to… / ·  Write key vocabulary…
·  Write conclusions…
·  Summarize using (complete sentences, five key vocabulary words, etc,)
·  List…
·  Write a paragraph about key concepts
·  Write an outline of key concepts
·  Record results on a graph
·  Write conclusions in ______sentences
·  Classify/categorize
·  Paraphrase reading in ______complete sentences
·  Write definition in own words
·  Write summary of concepts in learning log
·  Freewrite about ______
·  Chart
·  Graph
·  Highlight key terms / ·  Generate
·  Compare/contrast
·  Identify
·  Use key vocabulary
·  Use appropriate (math, scientific, literature, historical, etc.) terms for…
·  Defend a position
·  Define
·  Explain
Language Structure/Function
Typically related to the structure of words, sentences, or even larger units, such as paragraphs.
·  Complete sentences
·  Fluency
·  Use of descriptive words
·  Consistent verb tense usage
·  Subject/verb agreement