May 3, 2017

The Calumet County Protection of Persons and Property (PPP) Committee meeting was called to order by Chairperson Pete Stier on May 3, 2017 at 8:30 a.m.

Members Present: Supervisors Peter Stier, Joe Mueller, Alice Connors, Mary Schwalenberg and Heather Gibler

Staff Present: Sheriff Mark Ott, Chief Deputy Brett Bowe, Lt. Mark Wiegert and Emergency Management Director Matthew Marmor

Others Present: None

A motion was made by Connors, seconded by Mueller, to approve the Agenda for the May 3, 2017 meeting and the minutes of the December 7, 2016 meeting. Motion carried unanimously.

Public Participation: None

Report of Committee Members: Gibler indicated with regard to bail reform/dosage probation, the state has grants for counties to start moving forward and she will forward the information to Todd Romenesko.

Stier attended the conference on courtroom security and a discussion on this will be held at a later date.

Communications: None

Report of Departments:


Dispatchers’ Report. Ott indicated the calls for April were 1,094, with 5,500 calls so far for the year. The department is also in the process of hiring a part-time casual dispatcher.

Projects. With regard to CAD, the sheriff’s department still plans to end their FoxComm relationship at the end of 2017. There will be a Kickoff meeting on 05/09/17 with Motorola for the new CAD/Records system.

The radio project should be up and running by the end of 2017. The department is working on this project in conjunction with Frank’s Radio and Motorola.

The jail expansion/sheriff’s department remodel study will potentially be budgeted for next year. National Institute of Justice (NIJ) will be conducting a jail study in the next month or so with no cost to the county. Lt. Wiegert stated the jail currently has 74 inmates, 12 of whom are on GPS and 10 are being housed at other jails – 2 at Winnebago, 2, at Outagamie, 4 at Fond du Lac and 2 at Sauk. Next year Lt. Wiegert plans to contract with surrounding counties for the housing of inmates.

Supervisor Joe Mueller was excused at 8:56 a.m.

Chief Deputy:

Patrol Report. Chief Deputy Bowe presented the patrol report. Bowe indicated that Deputy Matthew Eberhardt has completed his probation. Bowe indicated the Finance Department and Personnel Department have given the sheriff’s department permission to start the process of hiring a patrol deputy in the fourth quarter of this year.

Chief Deputy Bowe stated the Chilton Tower was in violation of FCC Code. Improvements have been made to the tower by vendors renting the tower and were not made in color compliance. Red and white lights will be added; the white light will flash during the daytime and the red light will flash at night. Bowe is working to recoup the cost of adding the lights to the tower from the vendors renting the tower space.

Lieutenant (Jail/Investigations):

Jail. Lt. Wiegert informed the members that Correctional Officer Denise Juckem has retired after working in the jail for 20 years. Wiegert indicated the department is currently in the process of hiring two part-time female correctional officers.

Investigators. Lt. Wiegert indicated the drug investigator is very busy working with the local drug task force and the MEG Unit on heroin and meth cases. Wiegert indicated the other investigators are busy working on sexual assault investigations and doing background checks.

Emergency Management:

Discussion on the Role of Training and Exercises in Emergency Management Programs. Emergency Management Director Marmor presented an overview of understanding the principals of emergency management training and exercise program for a disaster. Marmor is working on the development of a multi-year training and exercise plan, tracking trainings and participation in trainings, the cumulative tracking of exercise after action report and improvements to be made to training and planning.

Supervisor Alice Connors was excused at 9:40 a.m.

Overview of Local Emergency Management Programs. Emergency Management Director Marmor shared a copy of the Emergency Management Training and Exercise information listed on the Calumet County website. Marmor indicated he has received a list of names and contact information from the local municipalities. Marmor has put together and shared his Municipal Emergency Management Services Designee Training Syllabus. Marmor shared a draft list of local emergency management program investment, which was created for discussion. Marmor is working on ways to support municipal programs in planning, support, training and exercises with the municipal emergency management directors.

Presentation on the Role and Structure of the Calumet County Emergency Coordination Center. Emergency Management Director Marmor shared an Emergency Organization Overview, which is a position specific responsibilities/considerations checklist. Marmor indicated the emergency coordination center has two sides, a “push” and “pull.” “Push” is comprised of personnel authorized to represent or commit agency resources and funds and supports the local municipalities. “Pull” is the request for information, which requires access to decision makers. The Calumet County Emergency Coordination Center works on coordination, communication, resource allocation, and information collection with the local municipalities. In times of a disaster/hazard, the emergency coordination center may be in an extended mode, which can be activated by request and may require 24/7 operations.

The next meeting is scheduled for June 7, 2017 at 8:30 a.m.

A motion was made by Schwalenberg, seconded by Gibler, to adjourn the meeting at 10:16 a.m. Motion carried unanimously.

Unapproved minutes.

Calumet Co. Sheriff’s Dept.


Minutes approved 07/12/17.