Liberty in Religion or Politics
“Then the devil taketh him up into the holy city, and setteth him on a pinnacle of the temple, And saith unto him, If thou be the Son of God, cast thyself down: for it is written, He shall give his angels charge concerning thee: and in their hands they shall bear thee up, lest at any time thou dash thy foot against a stone. Jesus said unto him, It is written again, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God.” Matthew 4:5-7
“God will never do anything for a man that a man can do for himself.” Bob Jones Sr.
The verses above show one way that Lucifer tempts a believer. You have to be a believer before you would consider jumping off the temple believing angels would catch you. We also note that the word temple connects this with the religious community. This is a good picture of the propaganda the Luciferians in Christian seminaries have been feeding folks since the Civil War.
If I were Satan and wished to deceive the sheep who are normally a peaceful and passive bunch anyway, I would say to them: “Look, you are spiritual not carnal, don’t concern yourself with the problems of this life. Don’t get involved with politics. God is in control. Just wait on the LORD. Do nothing to rock the boat, sit back, enjoy your blessings, jump of the temple, sing praises on the way down and wait for the rapture. Today’s Christians’ have been taught to identify spirituality with passivity. Don’t put on the brakes before you hit a tree; let the angels do it; the sin of omission. Thecountries going down the tubes anyway; relax, enjoy, peace be still. The angels guide thee to thy rest. Render unto Caesar.
The outline of this sermon is simple: The foundations of Christian liberty in America. Our liberty is in peril. Restore Christian liberty in America.
The fight for liberty in this country was centered in the pulpit, not in some smoke filled back room. Preachers had honor and integrity. Boy, that’s a thought! I’ve been in the ministry over 30 years since I first preached this and what I see for the most part are paranoid, prideful, ignorant, self-centered, double-minded, terminally brainwashed egotists who would sell their children into slavery to keep their tax exemption. They talk about freedom and at the same time do anything they can to bring their congregations into slavish subservience to themselves and the non-existent Caesar. How can anyone extol the virtues of our founding fathers on the fourth of July and turn around the next week and accuse anyone who thinks like the founding fathers of being an unchristian dog for not “rendering unto Caesar”?A double minded man is unstable in all his ways. These guys are about as stable as a two-legged dog in a horse race. But I digress.
“Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.” II Corinthians 3:17
“And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” John 8:32
Colonial pastors believed in the preservation of man’s God given natural rights by the use of compacts and constitutions. There is a difference between the civil rights of the masses regulated by politicians and the natural God given rights of the individual.
The great advantage of colonial pastors was they knew the Bible to be the word of God and they could understand English. Neither is true today. Today’s religious expositor or idol shepherd believes the Bible he uses contains the word of God but the man needs to find what it is by the use of corrupt manuscripts in language he does not understand using his human intellect as the final authority. Let’s make it simple. The 1611AV or King James is the only Bible that fulfills Ps 12:6,7. It is the preserved and purified word of God. Every version after that is a corruption. One God, one Bible.
“Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and four-footed beasts, and creeping things.” Romans 1:21-23.
In these verses we have the story of modern textual criticism. Vain men wishing to be gods.A version of choice for each man.Many gods, many versions. That makes things easier to understand, doesn’t it? Colonial preachers believed God. Today’s religious speakers believe men.
Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. Whosoever therefore resisteth the powerresisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation.For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same: For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for hebeareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil. Romans 13:1-6
Let us see what this verse says, in English
“For rulers are not a terror to good works,..” But what if they are?
“For he is the minister of God to thee for good.” But what if he isn’t?
“…execute wrath upon him that doeth evil.” What if he is executing wrath upon those who do good?
If politicians do the above, they do not fit the biblical definition of a ruler. Actually, in this country, they are servants. You do understand the difference between a ruler and a servant? Colonial preachers understood this. Modern idol shepherds understand if they told the truth they would lose their tax exemption. I am making this simple enough for you, am I not? We do get in a mess when we try to excuse cowardice using scripture.
Let’s examine the history. Oliver Cromwell was a Christian. God blessed Oliver Cromwell in battle. Oliver Cromwell cut of the king of England’s head (Charles the 1st). Oliver Cromwell set up a commonwealth in England that prospered England and made it a great country. We have freedom in this country because Oliver Cromwell cut off the rulers head. God should have doubly damned Cromwell and England as well for cutting of their rulers head. Why did He do the opposite!
Let me quote a sermon entitled “A Discourse Concerning Unlimited Submission and Non-Resistance to Higher Powers”, preached by Jonathan Mayhew (1720-1766) in the West Church, Boston, January 30, 1750: the anniversary of Charles beheading.
“Nothing can well be imagined more directly contrary to common sense than to suppose that millions of people should be subjected to the arbitrary, precarious pleasure of a single man,--- who has naturally no superiority over them in point of authority,---so that their estates and everything that is valuable in life, and even their lives also, shall be absolutely at his disposal, if he happens to be wanton and capricious enough to demand them. The only reason for the institution of civil government, and the only rational ground for submission to it, is the common safety and utility. Now, as all men are fallible, it cannot be supposed that the public affairs of any state should be always administered in the best manner possible, even by the persons of the greatest wisdom and integrity. Nor is it sufficient to legitimate disobedience to the higher powers that they are in some instances very ill-managed; for upon this principal it is scarcely supposed that any government at all could be supported. Those in authority may abuse their trust and power to such a degree that neither the law of reason or of religion requires that any obedience or submission be paid to them; but on the contrary that they should be totally discarded, and the authority which they were before vested with transferred to others, who may exercise more to those good purposes for which it was given.”
We will see latter that the law of the United States says the same thing, yet there is a conspiracy of silence to keep it from us.Jonathan Mayhew was known as the “Morning Gun of the Revolution.” Some of Mayhew’s friends were James Otis, John Adams and Samuel Adams. Some other preachers of the revolution were: 1. Jonas Clark of Lexington, Harvard College, 1752, for 50 years the pastor at Lexington. On April 18, 1775, Jonas Clark was entertaining Samuel Adams and John Hancock at his modest home when Paul Revere rode up to work of the government troops coming. Asked if his congregation would fight, Clark replied:” I have trained them for this very hour.” 2. Richard Salter, A.M. of Mansfield, Conn., Election Sermon, 1768” “God never gives men up to be slaves till they lose their national virtue and abandon themselves to slavery.”
3. Samuel Cooke, A.M. of Cambridge, Mass., Election Sermon, 1770: Rulers are appointed for this very end—to be ministers of God for good. The people have a right to expect this from them, and to require it, not as an act of Grace,but as their reasonable due. It is the express or implicit condition upon which they were chosen and continued in public office, that they attend continually upon this very thing. Their time, their abilities, their authority—By their acceptance of the public trust—are consecrated to the community, and cannot in justice be withheld.. In Justice to the people, and in faithfulness to God, they must either sustain it with fidelity, or resign the office.
4. Charles Turner, A.M. of Duxbury, Mass., Election Sermon, 1773: “The Scriptures cannot be rightfully expounded without explain them in a manner friendly to the cause of Freedom”
5. Jonathan Mayhew, D.D. of Boston, Mass., Election Sermon, 1754” “ God Forbid that any son of New England should prove such a profane Esau as to sell his birthright!”
And so the quotes go on and on. It would be wise for every pastor and lay church minister to read “They Preached Liberty,” by Liberty Press, Indianapolis, Indiana.
Yes, this is the foundation of Christian Liberty in America. Bible-believing Christians who are not afraid to stand up for what was right. Preachers, who not only preached resistance, but trained the militias in their areas, or as one man put it,”God, guts, and Guns made America.”
Today Christian liberty is imperiled; the foundations of our common law are under attack. Why? Is it the lost, the Illuminati, or the Roman Church? Are they the ones responsible for the fall of freedom and Christianity in this country or is the problem closer to home? Has some one jumped off the temple rather than to live up to their responsibilities being a Christian AmericanCitizen? I have learned two things since I have been a Christian. One is that people run to the book of Acts to get their heresies. Two is that the Bible should be taken literally, unless it is impossible to do so.
Acts 4:13 “They were unlearned and ignorant men…”
Rom 1:13 “Now I would not have you ignorant…”
Rom 11:25 “For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery…”
1 Cor 10:1 “I would not that ye should be ignorant…”
1 Cor 12:1 “I would not have you ignorant..”
2 Cor 1:8 “For we would not, brethren, have you ignorant of our trouble...”
1 Thess 4:13 “But I would not have you to be ignorant…”
“For the Jews require a sign, and the Greeks seek after Wisdom.” Peter,was the apostle to the Jews. His Apostleship was a sign to the Pharisees, to the Jews, that things were changing. When God wished to deal with the gentiles, who did he choose? Paul, the educated Pharisee. Why? The Greeks seek after wisdom. When you give a Jew a bunch of signs, he gets more spiritual: When you give Gentiles signs, wonders and feelings instead of wisdom, they began to act like demented heathens. Christians should be educated as Christians, and should read the Bible, History and the Classics in that order. A Christian who changes the order and priority of his reading will end up just as self-deceived as an unread Christian, only in a different direction. I hate culture. I despise it. Not for its own sake, but because many modern Christians use it as a substitute for spirituality. I hate the other side also, the “Well, it jess feels right: or “Well my pastor said so, so it must be right.” Is your pastor bigger than God? Feelings and traditions, feelings and traditions with no room for the scriptures, just feelings and traditions.
And the other problem of: spiritualizing the Text. Pastors have lied to their flocks for so long, whether from ignorance or intent I honestly don’t know, that they have had to spiritualize the American Christian right out of being a human being and an American Citizen in order to cover their tracks.
You know the party line, translated into understandable language goes: “You’re spiritual now not Carnal: You are an incorporeal spirit being livingtemporarily in a dead human corpse: Take no heed for the things of this world Sit around on your dead laurels and do nothing but pray until the Lord come back” but ps. Pay your tithe. I am tired of hearing idolatrous Israel going into bondage preached as a type of the Lost, Israel is a type of the Church, got it , THE CHURCH. It is a picture of the Christian Americans going into bondage because they turned away from the Bible and the Constitution. The Bible and Common Law in this country are like the thumb and fingers on the same hand;they are and should be separate but are connected through the body of Christ, (The Church) physically and spiritually. If one falls, the other must surely follow. The fall of the common law will be the end of the propagation of the Scripture as we know it today.
I am sick of being told Patrick Henry was a hero on July 4thfight Compromise Day: and then told that he was a liar and a scoundrel the next week when the preacher expounds Romans 13. I am sick of being told the Amendments of the Constitution are no longer in effect. The Amendments are inviolable: The Constitution cannot be subtracted from, it can only be added to. I’ll tell you what the problem is: So many of our Bible-believers preachers today are receiving so much information from the Roman Catholic or Luciferian Socialist Propaganda machinesor from ungodly cult members, such as doctors and lawyers, that they don’t know what the truth is any more. One would think the AMA and the American Bar Association might do better to send out a quarterly rather than to have their pawns search Time, Look and Life for the information, but, then again this might be too obvious.
Nothings runs more contrary to my Christian sense of right and wrong than listening to some pompous, self-righteous, ignorant, religious ass (apologies to Balaam’s ass) who tells me I should obey Creaser when there is none, and who tells me to submit to slavery, when I was born with the natural right to freedom as an American Citizen. That right was purchased with the blood of Christian American patriots and guaranteed in a free republic by constitutional law.
“Render unto Caesar, Render unto Caesar.” Let me ask you a question; what if the IRS came and said to you people on the right side of the congregation that you have to pay taxes to buy the equipment needed to kill the people on the left side of the congregation. Would you pay?? How about your brothers in Africa? Is the body of Christ complacent slobs withseared consciences? If you had to stand at the Judgment Seat tonight and see the millions that will be sent to Hell because you refused to uphold a Christian form of government for the propagation of the Gospel, would you weep? You know why Christian liberty is imperiled in this country;It is you!
Gross ignorance and sloth in the people must lay the foundation (for tyranny). Ignorance is as much the mother of slavery as Popish devotion. Samuel Webster, A.M. of Salisbury, Mass., Election sermon, 1777.
The peril of America in Old Testament type is as follows: The prophet Samuel, who was a judge over Israel, is a type of the Common Law based on scripture to judge America.
1Samuel 8:19,20 “Nevertheless the people refused to obey the voice of Samuel; and they said, Nay; but we will have a king over us; That we also may be like all the nations; and that our king may judge us, and go out before us, and fight our battles.”
Hosea 8:3,4 “Israel hath cast off the thing that is good: the enemy shall pursue him. They have set up kings, but not by me (stick that in your faulty Ro 13 theology): they have made princes, and I knew it not: of their silver and their gold have they made them idols, that they may be cut off.”