Questionnaire: MOSW

Q.1 Interviewer initials Hello, my name is (caller name). May I please speak to (READ NAME BELOW)?

(IF RESPONDENT AVAILABLE) I'm calling for Missouri Opinion Surveys and (CALLING HOUSE). I would like to ask you a few questions concerning the problems facing our nation, state and local communities. I am NOT selling anything, and I will NOT ask you for a donation.

(IF RESPONDENT NOT AVAILABLE ON FIRST NIGHT OF CALLING) Thank you. I will call back another time.

q 1 Dial Region 1

q 2 Dial Region 2

q 3 Dial Region 3

q 4 Dial Region 4

q 5 Dial Region 5

q 6 Logoff


Q.2 First of all, are you registered to vote at this address?

q 1 Yes




q 1 Male

q 2 Female


Q.4 Many people weren't able to vote in the election for President in November 2004 between George Bush and John Kerry. How about you? Were you able to vote, or for some reason were you unable to vote?

(IF NO): Is that because you were too young or not registered to vote, or for another reason?

q 1 Voted

q 2 Ineligible/too young

q 3 Did not vote

q 4 (Can't remember/Don't know) q 5 (Refused)


Q.5 I know it is a long way off, but what are the chances of your voting in the election for President, Governor and other offices in November -- are you almost certain to vote, will you probably vote, are the chances 50-50, or don't you think you will vote?

q 1 Almost certain

q 2 Probably

q 3 50-50 (TERMINATE)

q 4 Will not vote (TERMINATE)

q 5 (Don't know/Refused) (TERMINATE)


Q.6 Generally speaking, do you think that things in Missouri are going in the right direction, or do you feel things have gotten pretty seriously off on the wrong track?

q 1 Right direction

q 2 Wrong track

q 3 (Don't know/Refused)


Q.7 Now I'm going to read some issues, and I'd like you to tell me how serious of a concern this issue is to you personally-- a very serious concern, a somewhat serious concern, not much of a concern, or not a concern at all.



___1 = Very serious concern

___2 = Somewhat serious concern

___3 = Not much of a concern

___4 = Not a concern at all

___5 = (Don't know/refused)

____ 7 Salaries and wages are not keeping up with the cost of living

____ 8 The high cost of health care

____ 9 Dependence on foreign energy

____ 10 The quality of education in public schools

____ 11 Taxes that are too high

____ 12 The price of gas

____ 13 The loss of jobs in small towns and rural areas

____ 14 The War in Iraq


Q.15 Now, I'd like to rate your feelings toward some people and organizations, with one hundred meaning a VERY WARM, FAVORABLE feeling; zero meaning a VERY COLD, UNFAVORABLE feeling; and fifty meaning not particularly warm or cold. You can use any number from zero to one hundred, the higher the number the more favorable your feelings are toward that person or organization. If you have no opinion or never heard of that person or organization, please say so. You can give any number from zero to one hundred.


(READ BELOW) Give (READ BELOW) a rating, with 100 meaning a very warm, favorable feeling; zero meaning a very cold, unfavorable feeling; and 50 meaning not particularly warm or cold.


____ 15 (SPLIT A) National Environmental Groups

____ 16 (SPLIT B) Missouri Environmental Groups

____ 17 George W. Bush (ALWAYS ASK FIRST)

____ 18 Claire McCaskill (mah-CASS-kuhl)

____ 19 Matt Blunt

____ 20 Labor unions

____ 21 Barack Obama

____ 22 John McCain

____ 23 Kenny Hulshof (HULS-hoff)

____ 24 Jay Nixon

____ 25 Missouri Farmers Union

____ 26 Planned Parenthood of Missouri

____ 27 Michelle Obama

____ 28 Cindy McCain


Q.29 Now for something different. If the election for president were held today and the candidates were (ROTATE CANDIDATES) Republican John McCain and Democrat Barack Obama, for whom would you vote -- Republican John McCain or Democrat Barack Obama?

q 1 Barack Obama

q 2 John McCain

q 3 (Undecided)


Q.30 (IF UNDECIDED IN DEMPRSA) Well, if the election for president were held today and you had to decide right now, to which candidate would you lean -

(ROTATE CANDIDATES) Republican John McCain or Democrat Barack Obama?

q 1 Barack Obama

q 2 John McCain

q 3 (Undecided)



How certain are you to support \&CAN\ -- are you very certain, somewhat certain, or not really certain at all?

q 1 Very certain

q 2 Somewhat certain

q 3 Not really certain at all

q 4 (Don't know/refused)


Q.32 And if the election for Governor were held today, and the candidates were:

(ROTATE CANDIDATES) Democrat Jay Nixon and Republican Kenny Hulshof (HULS-hoff), for whom would you vote -- Democrat Jay Nixon or Republican Kenny Hulshof (HULS-hoff)?

q 1 Jay Nixon

q 2 Kenny Hulshof

q 3 (Undecided)


Q.33 (IF UNDECIDED IN GOVVOT) Well, if the election for Governor were held today and you had to decide right now, to which candidate would you lean - (ROTATE CANDIDATES) Democrat Jay Nixon or Republican Kenny Hulshof (HULS-hoff)?

q 1 Jay Nixon

q 2 Kenny Hulshof

q 3 (Undecided)



How certain are you to support \&CAN\ -- are you very certain, somewhat certain, or not really certain at all?

q 1 Very certain

q 2 Somewhat certain

q 3 Not really certain at all

q 4 (Don't know/refused)


Q.35 (SKIP IF UNDECIDED IN DEMPRSAF) Thinking back to your vote for (CANDIDATE IN DEMPRSA/DEMPRSAF), why are you supporting (CANDIDATE IN DEMPRSA/DEMPRSAF) for president?







Q.36 (SPLIT C) Now I am going to ask you something different. I am going to read a list of issues and traits and I want you to tell me whether, overall, you think (ROTATE) Barack Obama (buh-ROCK owe-BAHM-uh) or John McCain would do a better job with this issue. If you do not know, just tell me and we will move on to the next item.


(PROMPT) Do you think Barack Obama (buh-ROCK owe-BAHM-uh) or John McCain would do a better job with that?

(FOLLOW UP) Would that be much better or somewhat better?

_____1 = Barack Obama much better

_____2 = Barack Obama somewhat better

_____3 = John McCain somewhat better

_____4 = John McCain much better

_____5 = (Both)

_____6 = (Neither)

_____7 = (Don't know/Refused)


____ 36 The economy

____ 37 Health care

____ 38 Gas prices

____ 39 Bringing the right kind of change

____ 40 Energy policy

____ 41 Taxes

____ 42 The War in Iraq

____ 43 Being on your side

____ 44 Has a vision for the future


Q.45 (SPLIT D) Now I am going to ask you something different. I am going to read a list of issues and I want you to tell me whether, overall, you think (ROTATE) Jay Nixon or Kenny Hulshof would do a better job with this issue. If you do not know, just tell me and we will move on to the next item.


(PROMPT) Do you think Jay Nixon or Kenny Hulshof would do a better job with that?

(FOLLOW UP) Would that be much better or somewhat better?

_____1 = Jay Nixon much better

_____2 = Jay Nixon somewhat better

_____3 = Kenny Hulshof somewhat better

_____4 = Kenny Hulshof much better

_____5 = (Both)

_____6 = (Neither)

_____7 = (Don't know/Refused)


____ 45 The economy

____ 46 Health care

____ 47 Gas prices

____ 48 Bringing the right kind of change

____ 49 Energy policy

____ 50 Taxes

____ 51 Education

____ 52 Being on your side

____ 53 Has a vision for the future


Q.54 (SPLIT C -- ROTATE REPCONV WITH DEMCONV) Now let me read you some more information about some of the topics we've been talking about. After I read each statement, please tell me whether this is a very convincing, somewhat convincing, a little convincing, or not at all convincing reason to John McCain this November.

John McCain says that the best way to jump start the economy is to cut taxes for all Americans and American businesses who face the highest tax rates in the industrialized world. He proposes trade policies that lower costs for American consumers and creates markets to export American products. Republicans will reduce our dependence on foreign oil and solve the current energy crisis by opening up additional areas offshore for drilling and building more refineries to expand our oil capacity here in the U.S. to increase domestic oil production.

q 1 Very convincing

q 2 Somewhat convincing

q 3 A little convincing

q 4 Not at all convincing

q 5 (Don't know/refused)


Q.55 (SPLIT D -- ROTATE REPCONV2 WITH DEMCONV2) Now let me read you some more information about some of the topics we've been talking about. After I read each statement, please tell me whether this is a very convincing, somewhat convincing, a little convincing, or not at all convincing reason to Kenny Hulshof this November.

Kenny Hulshof says that the best way to jump start our economy here in Missouri is to cut taxes for Missourians and Missouri businesses. He believes that education is the key to our future, and he will fight to improve our education system so that our children are ready to compete in the twenty-first century world. And he will work to recruit businesses to the state so hardworking Missourians don't have to leave the state to find good jobs. He also believes it is time to break free from our dependence on foreign oil which is why he has been a leader in enhancing the market for homegrown fuels like biodiesel and ethanol.

q 1 Very convincing

q 2 Somewhat convincing

q 3 A little convincing

q 4 Not at all convincing

q 5 (Don't know/refused)


Q.56 (SPLIT C -- ROTATE WITH REPCONV) Now let me read you some more information about some of the topics we've been talking about. After I read each statement, please tell me whether this is a very convincing, somewhat convincing, a little convincing, or not at all convincing reason to Barack Obama this November.

1 = Very convincing

2 = Somewhat convincing

3 = A little convincing

4 = Not at all convincing

5 = (Don't know/refused)


____ 56 Obama proposes the Patriot Employer Act to help create businesses and jobs here in the US. Obama's plan will help Missouri's economy by providing tax credits to companies that maintain or increase the number of workers here, and Obama will end the tax breaks for companies that outsource American jobs to other countries.

____ 57 Obama believes we need to change our energy policy to reduce our dependence on foreign oil and boost our economy. He would repeal subsidies to big oil, and invest to fast track the development of renewable energies like wind and solar power.. Obama's plan would raise gas mileage in vehicles, speed up the production of electric and battery powered cars, and use tax credits to help people afford these cars and trucks. He also believes that we should use ethanol as a way of reducing our foreign oil dependence and boosting our local economy.

____ 58 Obama believes that Washington is broken and he proposes action to make government more accountable. He led the effort to pass the strongest ethics bill in the Senate in decades. He will root out wasteful spending and reduce the influence of lobbyists and corporate special interests.

____ 59 (SPLIT SAMPLE -- HALF HEAR THIS MESSAGE FIRST/HALF HEAR THIS MESSAGE LAST. TRACK THE ORDER) The son of a single mother from small-town Kansas, Barack Obama's grandfather signed up to fight in World War II after Pearl Harbor and fought in General Patton's Army. His grandmother worked on a bomber assembly line. Obama has lived the American Dream, working his way through Columbia and Harvard before turning now big Wall Street jobs to work with a church-based group seeking to improve conditions in communities devastated by steel plant closings. After teaching law school, he was elected to the Illinois State Senate and eventually to the U.S. Senate. Just as he has throughout his career, as President, Obama will bring the change our country needs.

____ 60 Obama proposes action now to help families deal with rising costs of gas, groceries and health care. He proposes a permanent middle class tax cut. Obama proposes repealing the Bush tax cuts for the wealthiest and big corporations, and instead would provide families with an immediate one-thousand dollar tax credit to help relieve the pressures of rising prices of gas, home fuel and health care.

____ 61 In the Illinois Senate, Barack Obama passed bipartisan legislation to provide health coverage for one hundred and fifty four thousand uninsured people. In the U.S. Senate he has supported expanding children's health insurance and providing greater access to cancer screenings. He proposed a plan to reform health care by cutting costs and make health insurance affordable to every American, regardless of age or pre-existing condition.