edTPA 2014LITERACYShortLesson Plan

Date: Grade: Number of students: Total lesson time: Name:



Common Core State Standards
Central Focus (Big Idea)
Learning Objective(s)
Student Learning Target(s)


1.Informal assessments (beginning, during & end of lesson)
2.Formalassessments (beginning, during & end of lesson)
3.Student Voice (self-assessment)includes understanding of the learning target(s), identifies why the target is important, resources,and how students will demonstrate that they have reached the target(s)

1. Choose ONE Language Function (LF)
2. Identify one key LF learning task in lesson segment providing LF practice
3. Identify Language Demandsstudents need to understand and/or use in the key learning task i.e.,
A. Vocabulary or Key Phrases (written or oral)
B.Syntax or Discourse (written or oral)


Describe your support for students with IEPs, 504 Plans
English language learners
Struggling, underperforming or gifted students
Describe the feedback strategies to respond to common developmental approximations or common misconceptions(e.g. what might students do?How will you respond?)
Identify instructional resources and materials that will assist student in meeting thelearning targets.


1. Describe how you will hook students into this lesson. How will you link to prior learning, personal, cultural, or community assets?
2. Describe how youwill introduce (a) the learning task(s),
(b) learning target(s) and their importance & (c) behavioral expectations? Describe how students will articulate (a), (b), & (c) in their own words?
3. Describe how you will introduce self-assessment tools and strategies and how you and your students together will identify general and individualized resources to support their progress toward the LT(s).


1. Provide a detailed outline of the core Learning Tasks and Assessmentsthat you will use to engage students to (a) develop, (b) practice, and (c) applythe essential literacy strategy, requisite skills and reading/writing connections to meet the learning targets. Highlight the time for each task and grouping structures (whole class, pairs, groups, individual).
2. Describe extensions that will support struggling students to access lesson and provide extra challenge if students finish the lessonearly?


1. How will you debrief the lesson with students, specifically pulling out the big ideas of the lesson?
2. Student voice: How will students (A) identify the learning target, (B) self-assess and communicate (orally or in writing) their own progress towards the math learning targets and(C) identify how to access resources(i.e. what they are doing well and what they need to work on to meet or exceed the learning targets).
3.Assessment/exit task: What can you ask students to do that will inform your next instructional step (e.g. exit task, follow up problem, reflection question)?
4. Homework (If Applicable)