JTC1/SC2/WG2 N2447


Date: 2002.05.09

Ideographic Rapporteur Group
Resolutions of IRG #19
Source : IRG
Meeting: Macao Cultural Centre, Macao SAR
Title : IRG #19 Resolutions

The IRG#19 was attended by China, D.P.R.Korea, HKSAR, Japan, Macao SAR, R.O.Korea, Singapore, TCA, USA, Vietnam, and Unicode (Liaison member) and have made the following resolutions:

Resolution IRG M19.1: Future meeting schedule


The IRG resolves to adopt the following meeting schedule:

IRG #20 Hanoi, Vietnam, 2002.11.18-22

IRG #21 China, 2003.04.07-11

IRG #22 TCA expresses its intention to host IRG#22

Resolution IRG M19.2: New Work Proposal for a basic subset of CJK Unified Ideographs


The IRG accepts the contribution from Japan(N905) on the basic subset of CJK Unified Ideographs, and would like to form an interest group to discuss the need, scope and criteria of the basic subset of CJK Unified Ideographs.

The IRG instructs the Rapporteur to inform WG2 of the work on the basic subset of CJK Unified Ideographs and to seek formal instructions from WG2.

Resolution IRG M19.3: Single column for Unified CJK ideographs of ISO/IEC 10646-1 (ref. N910)

All members except D.P.R. Korea

The IRG has again reviewed the request of WG2 on single-column layout for CJK Part 1 and would like to keep IRG resolution M18.3 on multi-column presentation for the following reasons:

CJK Part 1 is made up of frequently used ideographs and reduction to single column layout will imply a loss of glyph information from the original sources;

Multi-column layout is necessary to reflect the differences amongst sources and is helpful for unification of future extension(s);

Printing cost is not a problem since publication of the standard is now in the form of CD ROM.

Resolution IRG M19.4: Use of TrueType Font requested by WG2 and Unicode (ref.: N902, N915)


The IRG has resolved to reconfirm IRG resolution M18.8:SC2/WG2 resolution M41.13should not be applied as is to CJK-unified ideographs and its extensions.

The IRG acknowledges the need to have appropriate fonts in order to print the Universal Character Set and will work to help to resolve the issue.

Resolution IRG M19.5: Variants within the CJK Unified Ideographs(ref.: N906, N914)


The IRG reaffirms IRG resolution M18.9. IRG members are encouraged to continue researching this issue.

Resolution IRG M19.6: CJK ideographs error correction(ref.: N856, N869R, N903,N904, N908, N909, N911, N916, N923R, N924, N925R)


The IRG accepts documents N923R, N924, and N925R prepared by the Encoded CJK Editorial Group. IRG instructs its Rapporteur to forward the document N924 to WG2 in time to be presented in the WG2 #42 meeting.

Resolution IRG M19.7: Ext C1 EditorialProject Group report (ref.: N903, N922R)


The IRG accepts the Ext C1 Editorial Project Group’s report N922R. The IRG resolves to accept the checking methods, the report format and the schedule N922R outlines.

Resolution IRG M19.8:IRG mailing list


The IRG instructs Mr. John Jenkins of Unicode and Mr. Lee Kin Hong to add all the email addresses of the IRG#19 participants to the mailing list and the IRG web site respectively.

Resolution IRG M19.9:Additional ideographic characters for inclusion in CJK Ext C1 (ref. N927)


The IRG resolves to accept the two characters proposed in IRG N927 for inclusion in CJK Ext C1.

Resolution IRG M19.10: Appreciation
By Acclamation

The IRG would like to express its sincere appreciation to the IRG#19 meeting host, Public Administration and Civil Services Bureau, University of Macau and Macao Polytechnic Institute. IRG would also like to thankthe Macao Government Tourist Office, Mr. Joe Tou, Mr. Arnie Chan, Mr. K.M. Chan, Mr. Clement Chau and Mr. Jimmy Lei of Public Administration and CivilServices Bureau, Mr. Steve Lai of University of Macau, Ms. S.I. Lai of Macao Polytechnic Institute for their excellent logistics, arrangements and hospitality.