BuS PPG – Get on board!
Minutes of the meeting held on 22nd September2016
At Two Steeples Medical Centre
Present:Chris Caban – Member (CC)– in the chair
Maureen Lanston - Member(ML)
Joan Pratt – Member (JP)
Angela Roberts – Member(AR)
Geoffrey Roberts – Member (GR)
Sue Lobb – Member (SL)
Dr Sarah Levy – Partner (SLe)
Julie Bentley – Assistant Practice Manager (JB)
Diane Elliott – Senior Administrator (DEl)
David England – Member (DE)
Jill Gore – Member (JG)
Marguerite Sturgeon – Member (MS)
Shashi Jogia – Member (SJ)
- Welcome and introductions – CC welcomed everyone to the meeting.
- Apologies –Lynda Eaton – Member (LE), Rob Eaton – Member (RE), Lynn Hailes – Member (LH), Russ Hailes – Member (RH), Stanley Davies (SD), Jean Dale (JD), Lynda Payne (LP), Doreen Corby (DC), Pauline Rockley (PR), Keith Price (KP) and from the surgeryNikki Allen – Senior Receptionist (NA), Jane Martin – Receptionist (JM), Louise Dalby – Nurse Practitioner (LD) and Robert Whitehead – Practice Business Manager (RW).
- Minutes of the meeting held on 3rd August 2016– AR stated that she had informed RW that her name had been missed off of the list for the Patient Experience Survey working group and had asked him to amend - ? still to do. With this exception the minutes were accepted as a true and fair record.
- Matters arising (not on the agenda)
a)Consideration of adding cost of DNA data to patient call in screens–JB informed the group that this information was currently in the process of being added to the call in screens and should soon be sorted.
b)Room temperatures – CC read out information from RW with regards to the ongoing problem with temperature control within the building. RW says, “we have temperature data loggers installed in a number of rooms to enable capture of accurate information to determine whether parts of the building are over or under heating. This is time consuming and disappointing in that it should all have been resolved in the first 12 months after occupation, not still be ongoing 24 months later”. SL asked whether it would be possible have good quality fans in problem areas to help cool rooms. AR also commented about the unacceptably high temperature in waiting areas as well as consulting rooms. JB agreed to talk to RW with regards to possibly methods of cooling and revisit at next meeting.
c)Wall-mounted toys –JB updated the group with regards to the wall mounted toys. As the “crocodile” on the ground floor had been purchased more than 12 months previously, it was not possible to obtain replacement parts – however Bill from Central Surgery had apparently managed to resolve the problem. With regards to the smaller wall mounted toy on the first floor, JB reported that she had contacted the company in an attempt to get a replacement as the toy appeared to be faulty, but was yet to receive a satisfactory response. It was however generally agreed that the toy looked a little small and out of place in its present location and the group would prefer to purchase another “crocodile” in its place. JB to contact the company to ask for a crocodile wall toy as a replacement to the bear wall toy whilst offering to pay the difference in price.
d)Touch screen–SJ requested that the touch screen should have an “out of order” sign placed on it if it became faulty at any time.
- Treasurer’s Report
AR reported a current balance of £302.93. A cheque for £92.43 has been presented to the surgery for the cost of the wall mounted toy and mat – once cleared the balance will be £210.50
- Long Street Surgery update
SLe reported that there had been one consultation evening and a second one was taking place this evening. The consultation offered an opportunity for patients to understand more about the choices faced by the CCG in delivering their care. Key pieces of information are that neither of the partners will return to Long Street, and the CCG is therefore left with a decision to “disperse” the list of 2,700 patients or to “re-tender” the list. Dispersal would be complete by mid-December whereas re-tendering could take as much as 9 months to bring certainty. We will find out for certain by mid-October. So far Wigston Central has logged several 100’s of new patients, we have signed up approximately 50 new patients in the same period. This is undoubtedly due to Wigston Central having the caretaking contract. SLe stated that she felt it was very unlikely that the list would be re-tendered as the list size was decreasing with a significant number of Long Street patients already having registered at either Central Surgery or Bushloe Surgery. Indeed if the list size dropped below 2,100 it would cease to be a viable option to re-tender. General discussion ensued about the building and the potential financial effect on both Bushloe and Central Surgery. The possibility of hiring more rooms out to private users was discussed and the fact that income could be generated in this way. SLe indicated that she felt it was possible that Bushloe Surgery could see between 500 and 1000 extra patients from Long Street registering and that the practice needed to plan for this possible outcome. For update at next meeting as ongoing agenda item.
- Patient Experience Survey 2016
JB informed the group that the working group had met recently to discuss this year’s patient experience survey and that it had been unanimously agreed that the survey should be considerably shorter this year following last year’s lengthier questionnaire. Members were given a copy of the proposed survey to look over and comment upon. CC asked about the possible inclusion of a question asking patients “how long they had waited to see the doctor after arriving at the surgery”. SLe however felt that this would not be particularly useful information to gather as it was impossible to gauge how long a doctor needed to spend with each patient and given that appointment lengths were only 10 minutes, it was all too easy to run significantly behind when seeing patients. General discussion ensued regarding whether it was possible to indicate via the check-in screen if a particular doctor was running behind or indeed if reception could inform patients when booking in if their appointment was likely to be delayed. JB to look into this and report back at next meeting.
JG asked if question 5 on the survey could be altered to be more specific in relating to question 4 – JB to change.
MS commented on the small type face of the survey and asked if this could be increased to aid those people who may not bring their specs to their appointment. SL offered to re-type the survey to make it more “user friendly” and CC also suggested it would be a good idea to print on coloured paper for easy identification.SL suggested this should perhaps be blue in order to make it easier for patients with dyslexia. Thank you to SL for offer of help with re-typing survey.
Otherwise general agreement by members with regards to questions asked in survey. Members to attend Flu Clinics as below to hand out questionnaires:-
1.10.16 – CC and JG.
8.10.16 – JD and ML.
22.10.16 – AR and other.
29.10.16 – SL and other.
If any other Members are able to help fill the gaps above please contact RW or JB.
Survey to be added to website for completion on-line.
CC and SL offered to input paper results of survey.
Results of last year’s survey to be displayed on notice board in waiting room.
- Voice Connect (patient partner) feedback – all
JB informed the group that the 24 hour automated telephone booking system had saved the surgery 137.21 hours of reception time since its introduction in May 2016. This equated to around 35 hours saved time per month. The general feeling was that access to the surgery via the telephone was much improved since the introduction of the automated telephone system.
- News from the practice
a)SLe stated that a part-time pharmacist was joining the practice and whose role would include ensuring people were taking the correct drugs in an attempt to help the practice become more efficient in relation to its prescribing costs. She would also be involved in carrying out medication reviews.
b)SLecommented that the surgery would be checking the blood pressure and pulse of patients aged 65 and over at the upcoming flu clinics to look for any irregularity that might indicate an undiagnosed case of atrial fibrillation. This is a condition that if untreated could put a patient at greater risk of suffering a stroke or other cardiac event.
JG and DE left the meeting at 7.20 pm.
- Proposed dates for 2017 meetings:
Members voiced their concern that it was not ideal to hold the PPG meetings on different days of the week and that this in fact possibly discouraged regular attendance. It was agreed that a vote should be taken at the next meeting as to whether meetings should continue to be held on different days of the week or revert to being held on the same day of the week (with Tuesday appearing to be the preferred day). The two options of dates for 2017 are therefore:
- Thur 2nd Feb, Tues 21st March, Wed 3rd May, Thu 15th June, Tue 1st Aug, Wed 20th Sep, Thu 2nd Nov, Tue 5th Dec. Or:-
- Tue 31st Jan, Tue 21st March, Tue 2nd May, Tue 13th June, Tue 1st August, Tue 19th Sep, Tue 31st Oct, Tues 5th Dec.
- Christmas Raffle 2016
- SL happy to co-ordinate Christmas hampers again and produced a master list of items to bring for inclusion in hampers. (List to be re-circulated at next meeting).
- ML and JD happy to pack and prepare hampers.
- All contributions for hampers to be brought to surgery by 01.12.16. Other contributions for extra prizes can be brought in at later date.
- Draw to take place on Monday 19.12.16.
- AR to manage money and collect intermittently from surgery.
- A big thank you to everybody for their offers of help and support.
- Any other business
- JB commented that she would like to produce quarterly Bushloe Surgery newsletter, with the first “Autumn” edition hopefully being ready by the beginning of October. JB asked if a member of the PPG could write a small article for inclusion in the newsletter, outlining the role and aims of the PPG. CC to ask LE as Chair if she would be happy to do this.
- SL asked if the PPG minutes on the Bushloe Surgery website could be updated – JB to sort.
- SL asked if details of the Christmas raffle and hamper could be uploaded onto the website – JB to sort.
The date of the next meeting is 6.30pm on Tuesday 01 Novemberin the surgery.
CC closed the meeting at 7.45 pm.
Meeting Dates for 2016:Tuesday 01 November; Wednesday 14 December.
2016-09-22 JB
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