Custer County Commission Meeting (Wednesday 12/13/17)
Members present:
Commissioners Travis Bies, Phil Lampert, Jesse Sorenson, Jim Lintz, Mark Hartmanand Attorney Tracy Kelley
- Commission Meeting was called to order at 8:00 AMfollowed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
- Adopting of the agenda
Motion by Hartman and seconded by Lintz to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried, unanimous.
- Consent Agenda
Motion by Lampert and seconded by Sorenson to approve the minutes of the November 29, 2017 commission meeting, the following vouchers and travel requests. Motion carried, unanimous.
Travel requests approved: DOE staff to USPAP class in Rapid City, SD, cost of $597; Mike Carter and Rick March to Drone Use & Integration IMT, cost of $200; Sherry Weber to Staff Meeting in Sturgis, SD, cost of $46.90.
Vouchers approved as follows:
COMMISSIONERS: Southern Hills Publishing $214.31
CONTINGENCY: Buglin’ Bull $897.76
COURT: Beesley Law $559.20; Laubach Law $1,283; Goff Law $4,166.50; Colbath Law $983.20
AUDITOR: Kim Horkey $147; Golden West $177.54; Ricoh $26.16; Evergreen Office Products $124.94
TREASURER: Dawn McLaughlin $500; Golden West $177.54; Tim Holland $99.34
INFO SYSTEMS & TECH: Golden West $2,932.22; Innovative Office Solutions $42.86
STATE’S ATTORNEY: Black Hills FCU $10; Lexis Nexis $289; SD States Attorneys Assn $836; Golden West $177.54; Ricoh $9.05; SDCLE $615
COURTHOUSE BUILDING: Southern Hills Publishing $39.60; Custer True Value $99.45; SD Public Assurance Alliance $113.77; Servall Linen $55.52; North Central Supply $5,279.10; Golden West $35.51; Tim Holland $173.82
DIRECTOR OF EQUALIZATION: Quill $536.86; McLeod’s Printing $309.44; Golden West $213.05; Ricoh $48.55
REGISTER OF DEEDS: Golden West $142.04; US Bank $117.50
VETERANS SERVICES: Golden West $35.51; Ricoh $6.90; VFW Post 3442 $250
INFO TECHNOLOGY: Golden West $1,940; Heartland Paper $560; Pitney Bowes $399; Ricoh $119.53
SHERIFF: Black Hills Energy $94.54; Jenny’s Floral $42.60; Pennington Co. Sheriff $482.70; Yankton Co. Sheriff $50; Innovative Office Solutions $41.06; Golden West $359.09; Ricoh $23.03
PRISONER CARE: Pennington Co. Jail $10,440; Western SD Juvenile Services $13,330; Rapid City Medical Center $61.95; Correct RX Pharmacy $109.89; Regional Health Client Billing $43.80
AIRPORT:Custer Gas $293.68; Golden West $199; MG Oil $6,967.90; Mark & Shannon Stites $3,000
FOOD PANTRY: Custer Storehouse $875
MENTALLY ILL: SD Human Services $600; Lewis & Clark Behavioral Health $160
MENTAL ILLNESS BOARD: Darcy Lockwood; $22.50; Mark Katterhagen $22.50; Lucy Lewno $172.96
LIBRARY: Southern Hills Publishing $16.80; Golden West $701.30; Mt. Rushmore Telephone $112.59; Roberta Upton $500
CULTURE/RECREATION:Southern Hills Publishing; $8.10; Lynn’s DakotaMart $95.23
EXTENSION: U.S.P.S. $247; Golden West $220.67; Ricoh $3.71; Brad Keizer $488.04
WEED & PEST: Troy Schmidt $58; Golden West $48.74; Ricoh $8.76
PLANNING: Golden West $142.04
COUNTY ROAD & BRIDGE: Butler Machinery $9,742.78; Southern Hills Publishing $36.78; Custer True Value $47.24; French Creek NAPA $202.94; Mt. Rushmore Telephone $114.69; R&B Supply $986.60; Quill $78.63; Kenny Brendel $524.48; Rancher’s Feed & Seed $375.50; S&B Motor $943.28; Kieffer Sanitation $152.79; Servall Linen $98.18; Snap-On Tools $274.74; West River International $98.60; Craig Golder $500; Allen Skrdlant $500; Golden West $270.61; Pirates $200; Croell $170.90; Nelson’s Oil & Gas $783.12; MG Oil $827.75; Advanced Drug Testing $36; Lamb Motor Co. $63,032; Great Western Tire $5,686.86; Forward Distributing $35.25; CBH Cooperative $6,514.80
FIRE PROTECTION :Argyle $11,000; Buffalo Gap $5,000; Custer Volunteer $36,500; Dewey $2,500; Folsom $5,750; Highlands Fire Dept $5,750; Pringle $8,000
NON-DEPARTMENTAL: Custer County Search & Rescue $21,406.38
EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT:Corner Station $77.22; Golden West $106.53
24/7: Redwood Toxicology $691; Quill $40.39
BUILDING:Custer City $277.86; Sander Sanitation $327.68
EMERGENCY LINE:Golden West $1,376.04; Ricoh $14.33; RT Communications $23.91
- Conflict of Interest Declarations
None declared.
- Highway Department
1.Motion by Lampert and seconded by Hartman to authorize the purchase of a 2018 140M3 AWD Motor Grader from Butler Machinery Company for $152,930 after trade-in of 1997 140H Caterpillar and a 2009 140M AWD Caterpillar. Motion carried.
2.Bids for gravel at Buffalo Gap and Ghost Canyon areas were opened at 8:30 am. Motion by Lampert and seconded by Lintz to approve the bid from Croell of $11.50 per ton for 10,000 tons of road base, haul the road base and deliver the road base onto Ghost Canyon into a windrow at a spread rate that would give the Highway Superintendent the desired thickness to cover the road. At that point, Custer County Highway work forces would only have to water and lay the gravel. Motion carried, unanimous. Motion by Lintz and seconded by Lampert to approve the bid from Croell for 94,000 tons of crushed limestone road base at $4.00 per ton for the Buffalo Gap area. Motion carried, unanimous. Motion by Hartman and seconded by Lintz to accept the bid from Croell for 3,000 tons of crushed limestone chips at $10.00 per ton for the Buffalo Gap area. Motion carried, unanimous. Motion by Lampert and seconded by Lintz to accept the bid from Croell for crushed limestone fines as needed at $3.00 per ton for the Buffalo Gap area. Motion carried, unanimous. Sorenson stated that he wanted to make sure the gravel was not taken from the Buffalo Gap area and brought to the Pringle/Custer area.
3.Motion by Hartman and seconded by Sorenson to authorize the Highway Superintendent to open bids for the water truck with the County Auditor in the Auditor’s Office on December 19, 2017 at 8:30 AM. Motion carried, unanimous.
4.Motion by Hartman and seconded by Sorenson to approve the Bridge Improvement Grant Resolution to replace Bridge #17-535-143 located 2 miles south and 10.5 miles east of Fairburn. Motion carried. Motion by Lampert and seconded by Lintz to approve the Bridge Improvement Grant for Bridge #17-379-260 located .4 miles east of Buffalo Gap. Motion carried, unanimous. Motion by Lampert and seconded by Hartman to approve the Bridge Improvement Grant for Bridge #17-547-020 located 12 miles east of Hermosa. Motion carried, unanimous. Motion by Lampert and seconded by Hartman to approve the Bridge Improvement Grant for Bridge #17-540-147 located 11 miles east and 2 miles south of Fairburn. Motion carried, unanimous. All these Bridge Improvement Grants are included in the Custer County Five-Year County Highway and Bridge Improvement Plan Guide.
- Planning Department
1. Motion by Hartman and seconded by Lampert to approve the Plat Amending a Private Access and Utility Easement located in Powers Tract and Hallawasa Tract. Motion carried, unanimous.
2.Motion by Sorenson and seconded by Lampert to approve the Plat of Dubois Subdivision. Motion carried, unanimous.
3.Motion by Lampert and seconded by Hartman to approve the Plat of Rhoda Tract 1 & Rhoda Tract 2. Motion carried, unanimous.
4.Motion by Lintz and seconded by Sorenson to approve the Plat of Mellow Meadows Tract, Tract A-1 and Tract A-2. Motion carried, unanimous.
5.Motion by Hartman and seconded by Sorenson to approve the plat of South Park Ranch Subdivision Phase Four. Motion carried, unanimous.
- Airport
- Motion by Hartman and seconded by Sorenson to approve the Project Pay Request in the amount of $5,932.25. Motion carried, unanimous.
- Final Change Order #1 had previously been approved at the November 8, 2017 commission meeting.
- Motion by Lampert and seconded by Lintz to approve Amendment No.1-Final Project #10516110 & Conclusion Section G of the FAA Closeout documents. Motion carried, unanimous.
- Motion by Hartman and seconded by Lampert to table a request for reimbursement for a survey until the next commission meeting , to allow the States Attorney to review the information. Motion carried, unanimous.
- Sheriff’s Department
1.Motion by Sorenson and seconded by Hartman to approve the change in status of Deputy Matthew Kunz from permanent full-time to temporary part-time. Motion carried, unanimous.
- Annex
1. Motion by Hartman and seconded by Lintz to approve the 2018 Lease Agreement Lease#1400-449-48 with the State of South Dakota for the Pine Room at the Custer County Annex to be used for the Drivers Licensing office. Motion carried, unanimous.
- Equalization
1. Patty Caster appeared before the board to discuss concerns about the 2018 county assessed values.
2.Motion by Hartman and seconded by Lintz to surplus a 4-Drawer Legal File Cabinet – green to the Human Resource office. Motion carried, unanimous.
- Human Resource
1. Motion by Lampert and seconded by Lintz to approve the transfer of Paula Arthur from the DOE office to the Auditor/Treasurer Office. Motion carried, unanimous.
- Treasurer
1. Motion by Lintz and seconded by Lampert to approve the 2016 Delinquent Taxes to be advertised. Motion carried, unanimous.
- Auditor
1. Motion by Lintz and seconded by Lampert to approve the renewal packet for the county property and liability insurance with the South Dakota Public Assurance Alliance. Motion carried, unanimous.
2.Motion by Lampert and seconded by Sorenson to approve the 2018 Memorandum of Understanding Between SDSU Extension and Custer County. Motion carried, unanimous.
3.Motion by Hartman and seconded by Lintz to approve the promotion of Christine Browning from Deputy Auditor III to Deputy Auditor II. Motion carried, unanimous.
- Public Comment –none
- Commission
1.Mail call – none
2.Meeting Schedule – none
3.Meeting Reports – Sorenson reported on Conservation meeting regarding the pine beetle situation. Hartman attended a Custer County Housing meeting and everything is on track.
4.Ryan Brunner, Commissioner of School and Public Lands appeared before the board to discuss the STAR Academy property. The property will be offered again for auction on January 4, 2018 with a minimum bid of $2,340,000. The auction will be held in the Commissioner’s room of the Custer County Courthouse. A tour of the property is scheduled for 1p.m. or potential bidders can request a private showing of the property.
- Executive Session
1. Motion by Hartman and seconded by Sorenson to go into Executive Session pursuant to SDCL 1-25-2(1). Executive session began at 10:05 a.m. and concluded at 11:09 a.m.
2.Motion by Lintz and seconded by Lampert to reinstate the $6300 wage to the Highway Superintendent’s salary. Aye-Lintz and Lampert, Nay- Hartman, Sorenson and Bies. Motion failed.
3.Motion by Hartman and seconded by Lintz to approve an indigent burial request. Motion carried, unanimous.
4.Motion by Lintz and seconded by Lampert to deny Indigent Request #2. Motion carried, unanimous.
5. Motion by Lintz and seconded by Lampert to table the request to release a lien until the next commission meeting on December 28, 2017. Motion carried, unanimous.
- Adjourn
Motion by Hartman and seconded by Lintz to adjourn the meeting at 11:25 a.m. The next meeting will be at 8 a.m. December 28, 2017, in the Commissioner’s Room in the Custer County Courthouse.
Travis Bies, Chairman
Terri Cornelison, Custer County Auditor
Published once at the total approximate cost of ______.