ATHENA EU-LMOs operating manual : Fiche 0-0/EN
Based on lessons identified and learnt from past and current EU-led military operations and actions with military implications, ATHENA and the European Union Military Staff have jointly compiled this ATHENA "Operating Manual".
This tool, covering financial, budgetary, contractual and accounting aspects, has been designed "by users for users", during a nine-month working cycle from June 2008 to March 2009. For this purpose, representatives of all EU HQs, subordinate designated units and other pertinent actors gathered in Brussels.
Aiming to facilitate the implementation of the ATHENA decision and financial rules in EU real life operations and exercises, the objective of this manual is to ensure :
- 1) a common understanding for all phases of an EU-led military operation or any other action with military implications where the ATHENA rules and regulations may apply (see the list of the proposed fiches), as well as,
- 2) common practical procedures, easy to implement and understand (through the attached standard operating procedures and other documents templates).
The ATHENA "Operating Manual" is a living, non legally binding document. It is a complementary tool which does not replace but provides clear references to the existing official documents. Its release shortly after the review of both the ATHENA Decision and Financial Rules aims at keeping abreast of the new regulations.
Depending on your own operational experience in the field of EU led military operations or exercises, the update of this manual lies also within your responsibility. Thus, you are welcome to participate in its development process, by sending any comments for improvement to .
Signed at Brussels, 12.03.2009
José-Antonio MARIGUESA Lt Gen David LEAKEY
ATHENA Administrator EUMS Director General
ATHENA EU-LMOs operating manual : Fiche 0-1/EN
0-0 Foreword Page 3
0-1 Synopsis Page 4
0-2 User's guide Page 6
0-3 Points of contacts Page 7
1) Overview :
1-1 General overview Page 11
1-2 Athena support Page 12
1-3 Workflow - Timelines Page 13
2) Eligibility :
2-1 Common costs financed by Athena Page 15
2-2 Common costs during the preparatory phase Page 17
2-3 Common costs during the active phase Page 19
2-4 Common costs during the winding up phase Page 21
2-5 Nation Borne Costs and third parties expenses Page 22
3) Financial chain :
3-1 Organisation of the financial chain Page 24
3-2 Administrative & financial actor's role Page 25
3-3 J8 Cell tasks Page 27
3-4 Bank and cash Page 29
3-5 Internal Control and audit Page 31
4) Procurement & contracting :
4-1 Contracting general characteristics : Framework Page 33
4-2 Contracting : choice based on financial thresholds Page 38
4-3 Contracting : Time-limits during a procedure Page 40
4-4 Contracting : Publication, communication & language Page 45
4-5 Contracting : Deviation Page 49
4-6 Use of National framework contracts Page 52
4-7 ATHENA arrangement with potential operators Page 53
5) Before the mission :
5-1 Joint action & preparation of the Reference Amount Page 55
5-2 Expenditure under Reference Amount period Page 57
5-3 Organising the preparatory missions Page 59
5-4 Advance parties Page 62
6) During the mission :
- a) Budget management :
6-1 Budget implementation Page 64
6-2 Budgetary chart Page 67
6-3 Payment Page 73
6-4 Imprest accounts Page 75
6-5 Exemption of taxes Page 77
- b) Personnel :
6-6 Employment of civilian personnel Page 78
6-7 Remuneration & mission expenses in EU operation Page 80
- c) Running costs :
6-8 Representation expenses covered by ATHENA Page 82
6-9 Transport covered by ATHENA Page 83
6-10 Disputes and liabilities Page 84
- d) Equipment and investment :
6-11 Inventories and related software Page 86
6-12 Write off of equipment Page 88
6-13 Infrastructure financed through ATHENA Page 90
6-14 Inventories of fixture of land and buildings Page 92
6-15 Handover of equipment and infrastructure Page 94
7) End of the mission :
7-1 Anticipating the winding up phase Page 96
7-2 Final destination of equipment and infrastructure Page 97
8) Accounting :
8-1 Accounting Page 99
8-2 Administrative and accountancy documents Page 101
8-3 Accounting software Page 103
9) Reporting :
9-1 Budgetary reports Page 104
9-2 Closure of the accounts Page 106
9-3 Final report Page 112
9-4 Lessons process Page 113
10) Annexes :
- 1) C J8 SOPs Model : Organization, Mission and Tasks Page 115
- 2) C J8 SOPs Model : Budget Page 145
- 3) Model of cash flow management SOP Page 158
- 4) Model of accounting SOP Page 163
- 5) Model of inventories of fixture of land and buildings Page 167
- 6) Model of non-debt certificate Page 172
- 7) Delegation of Authority template Page 173
- 8) Stand down order template Page 174
- 9) Employment of civilian personnel templates
o Employment of civilian personnel in EU territory (Indefinite term) Page 176
o Employment of civilian personnel in EU territory (Fixed term) Page 181
o Employment of international civilian personnel (Indefinite term) Page 187
o Employment of international civilian personnel (Fixed term) Page 194
o Employment of local civilian personnel (Indefinite term) Page 201
o Employment of local civilian personnel (Fixed term) Page 207
Personal notes : Page 213
ATHENA EU-LMOs operating manual : Fiche 0-2/EN updated on 18/02/2009 by ATHENA (LP)
Operational timelines:
1) Key words : The key words related to the study of the subject are recalled within this paragraph, to give to the user a first general impression of the topics which the subject embraces.
2 ) Governing idea : In complement with the key words, the governing idea details the main thrust or the strong ideas which guide the subject and should correctly orientate the user.
3) Texts of reference :
- This paragraph gathers the texts to which the subject refers and in particular the specific articles and paragraphs that detail the methods within the two key documents which are :
o Council decision 2008/975/CFSP of 18 December 2008 (ATHENA decision)
o ATHENA financial rules n°1203/08 of 23 December 2008
- These references can be supplemented by mention of the specific fiches which cover the subject, as well as within the memorandum as within the ATHENA contracting guide.
NB : On the CD Rom accompanying the operating manual, the references are supported with hyper links which point directly on the documents mentioned.
4) Elements to be checked (or to know) :
- This paragraph generally aims at gathering all the parameters and elements necessary to know or check before taking adequate implementing measures.
5) Measures to be taken :
- This paragraph proposes a list of common sense implementing measures or implementing measures inspired by former operations, aimed at facilitating the understanding of the subject and its implementation.
ATHENA EU-LMOs operating manual : Fiche 0-3/EN updated on 20/01/2009 by ATHENA / EUMS (LP /JS)
Operational timelines :
NB : This information enables you to contact directly certain authorities. It is to be used with understanding.
1) ATHENA : Mail :
Fax 1 : + 32 2 281.5359
Fax 2 : + 32 2 281.5188
Address : ATHENA / CGS / EU, DGA IV
Rue de la loi, 175
Fonction : / Nom : / Téléphone : / E-mail :Administrateur / MARIGUESA José / + 32 2 281.6058 /
Head of unit / VRIES Jacob / + 32 2 281.5619 /
Deputy / BOUCHER Thierry / + 32 2 281.6569 /
Contracting off. / BULON Alain / + 32 2 281.6973 /
Budget off. / PACCAUD Laurent / + 32 2 281.2017 /
Accountant off. / WATZKE Frank / + 32 2 281.2014 /
Nation borne costs / CLANCY Bernard / + 32 2 281.9391 /
Assistant / ARNAUTS Anne / + 32 2 281.5901 /
Assistant / BODINI Evelina / + 32 2 281.2588 /
Secretariat / Sonia HAVAUX / + 32 2 281.7189 /
2) EUMS : Mail :
Fax : + 32 2 281 59 57
Address : EUMS / LOG DIR / J8
Avenue du Cortenberg,
Fonction : / Nom : / Téléphone : / E-mail :LOG Director / Assistant / + 32 2 281 5729
Action officer
(OpCentre ACOS J8) / LtCol STIRBA Jiri / + 32 2 281 5625 /
Action officer
EUMS J8 / LtCdr GODINEZ Ramón / + 32 2 281 5785 /
3) EU OHQ DE :
ULM : Mail:
Tel : + 49 731 1690 3802
Fax : + 49 731 1690 3805
Address : RFOC Response Forces Operation Command
KdoOpFüEingrKr / J8
Stuttgarter Str. 199
89081 ULM
POTSDAM : Mail : EinsFueKdoBwJ8@
Tel : + 49 3327 50 4580 // 2800 // 2801
Fax : + 49 3327 50 2809
Address : BwOpsCmd - Bundeswehr Operations Command
EinsFüKdoBw / J8
PO BOX 600955
4) EU OHQ IT : Mail :
Tel / Fax: +39 6 4691 9022
Aeroporto Roma Centocelle,
Via di Centocelle, 301
00175 ROMA
5) EU OHQ FR :
Tel : + 33 1 58 47 34 95
Fax + 33 1 58 47 30 42
Address : Etat Major français d'opération de l'Union européenne
Forteresse du Mont Valérien
Rue du Colonel Destrée
PARIS : Mail :
Tel : + 33 1 42 19 80 65
Fax : + 33 1 42 19 81 36
Address : Centre de Planification et de Conduite des Opérations
231, Boulevard Saint-Germain
00456 Armées
6) EU OHQ GR : Mail :
Tel : +30 24 10 99 47 41 // +30 24 10 99 47 95
Fax : +30 24 10 53 40 18
Address : HFA/EL EU OHQ
Iroon Politechniou and Karathanou
Larisa 41222D
7) EU OHQ UK : Mail :
Tel: + 44 19 23 83 32 02
Fax : + 44
Address : UK MNHQ
Northwood HQ
Sandy Lane
Middlesex HA6 3HP
Mail :
Tel: + 32 6 544 67 21
Fax : + 32 6 544 64 88
Address : EU STAFF GROUP / J8
Building 101, room A 341
B-7010 SHAPE
Based on Council Decision on ATHENA following "Administrative Arrangements with International organization" were completed:
Administrative arrangement between ATHENA and MCCE was signed on 26 OCT 07.
Arrangement opens the possibility for ATHENA to request the MCCE to help identify and optimize solutions for air., sea-, inland surface transport and air-to-air refueling necessary to the EU-led military operation, including military Rapid Response.
Mail :
Tel : + 31 40 206 60 01
Fax : + 31 8 47 59 85 05
P.O. box 90102
Framework agreement between ATHENA and AMSCC was signed on 29 OCT 07.
Arrangement opens the possibility for ATHENA to request the AMSCC to provide movement and transportation services to the EU-led military operation, including military Rapid Response.
Mail :
Tel : + 30 21 06 57 17 42
15569 Holargos
C) Economat des Armées (EdA) (FR):
Administrative arrangement between ATHENA and EdA was signed on 10 MAR 08.
Arrangement opens the possibility for ATHENA to request EdA to provide real life support dedicated services to the EU-led military operation and exercises.
Mail :
Tel : + 33 1 49 42 43 20
Fax : + 33 1 48 43 67 11
Address : Direction générale de l’économat de l’armée (DGEA)
BP 50
00300 ARMÉES
ATHENA EU-LMOs operating manual : Fiche 1-1/EN updated on 20/01/2009 by ATHENA (LP)
Operational timelines:
1) Key words : EU operations, organization, common costs, nation borne costs
2) Governing idea : ATHENA is the mechanism endowed with legal capacity that administers the financing of common costs of EU operations or exercises having military or defence implications. ATHENA can also pre-finance the «Nation Borne Costs» of such operations, managed in common, but billed to States or other parties based on their consumption.
3) Texts of reference :
- Treaty on European Union : Articles 17.2 & 28.3
- Council Decision 2008/975/CFSP of 18 December 2008 (ATHENA Decision)
- ATHENA Financial Rules n°1203/08 of 23 December 2008 (including Part II to be reviewed)
4) Elements to know :
- ATHENA was set up by the Council of the European Union on 1 March 2004 to administer the financing of common costs of EU operations having military or defence implications. The Council Decision establishing ATHENA was amended in late 2004/early 2005, early 2007 and late 2008. Its review is foreseen if necessary after every operation and at least every 3 years.
- ATHENA deals with :
o EU military operations in the classical sense. In this course of action, costs financed in common are listed at Annexes appended to the Council Decision establishing ATHENA; additional costs may be decided on a case-by-case basis.
o EU military supporting actions, decided by the Council in support of a third state or a third organisation. In the second instance, costs eligible for common funding will be determined by the Council on a case-by-case basis.
- ATHENA is managed under the authority of a Special Committee, acting as a budget committee, composed of representatives of the Member States contributing to the financing of each operation. Together with the Commission which attends the Special Committee's meetings, Third States contributing to the financing of an operation may take part in its meeting, although not in its votes.
- ATHENA's management bodies include the Special Committee, the Administrator, the Operation Commander(s), the accountant, and a College of external auditors.