Community Based
Shire Service Division
Position Description
Position Title:Operations Coordinator
Level:5 - 6
Department:Infrastructure and Civil Services
Position Reports to:Shire Service Manager
Position objectives:The achievement of the principal objectives of the position of Operations Coordinator within the context of council’s strategic plan, responsibilities and delegations, will be measured in the following terms:
- Provision of a high standard of service management including, inspection, maintenance and statistical services.
- Effective and efficient management of contractors to provide a high standard of subcontract building services.
- Supervision of staff and ensuring work teams operate in an efficient and effective way.
- Continued planning and development of services to the community.
- Ensure all council assets and facilities are maintained in accordance with service standards and community expectations.
- Support the Shire Service Manager in all aspects of Council’s operations
Wadeye Community Profile
Wadeye is Victoria Daly Shire’s largest community located on the Western Side of the ‘Top End’ of the Northern Territory overlooking the Indian Ocean approximately 230kms South-West of Darwin (by air). The community requires significant focus for Council due to the population size and is the largest indigenous community in the Northern Territory.
Wadeye has a population of approximately 2500 people comprising of 22 indigenous clan groups from the surrounding region. The traditional owners for the township itself are the Diminin people and the main language of the area is Murinpatha.
Wadeye is well serviced for a population of its size and includes a twice daily plane service to Darwin, daily mail service, one petrol station, two stores, one takeaway, one library/community knowledge centre, a museum, police, health clinic, childcare centre and school from preschool to grade 12 plus a range of other services.
Roads to the community are cut by flooding during the wet seasons (usually December to May) when access is only available by aircraft. The main road into the community is from Daly River. Wadeye has weekly barge freight services from Darwin and continues all year round.
Council provides a range of services including road maintenance, garbage collection, aged care, library, parks and gardens, sport and recreation, youth services, community broadcasting, night patrol (community safety), indigenous housing management and swimming pool services.
Organisational Relationships
Position Relationships
Staff Reporting to this Position:
- Housing Team Leader, Housing staff and contractors
- Civil Services Team Leader
- Essential Services Officer (Homelands)
with: / Internal
- Regional Housing Manager
- Supervisors within the division
- Other Council staff
- External Organisation Representatives
- Sub -contractors
- Territory Housing Representatives
- Suppliers
- Community Members
- Community organisations
Key Responsibilities
Key responsibilities of the position: /
- Supervise building maintenance and civil work to all community housing and businesses premises as required.
- Develop a preventative maintenance program for all community buildings and facilities.
- Develop plans and priorities for future development of activities and services.
- Develop and maintain an effective administration system within the service, based on contractual reporting requirements, keep such systems under review and recommend changes as may be required in the interests of overall effective management.
- Allocate tasks to, direct, supervise and consult regularly with staff.
- Mentor Team Leaders and assist in their development.
- Ensure Essential Services Homelands staff are carrying out duties as appropriate and that equipment and reporting requirements are managed as required.
- Liaise with Territory Housing on the appropriate maintenance and management programs when required.
- Ensure a professional and compatible work environment at all times.
- Maintain a safe working environment and ensure that proper Occupational Health and Safety regulations are adhered to and that daily safety meetings are held.
- Monitor compliance with all Council policies and procedures and make recommendation for change and/or addition where necessary.
- Ensure plant and equipment is suitable for purpose and is utilised safely and in accordance with manufacturer’s specifications and Standard Operating Procedures.
- Ensure the service plant and equipment is maintained in a serviceable condition
- Ensure the workshop is secure and maintained to an acceptable standard, at all times.
- The Operations Coordinator may be contacted in case of an emergency, out of standard hours where emergency assistance is required.
- Ensure all stores and equipment are logged and accounted for and records kept
- Provide day to day support to the Shire Service Manager and act in this position during times of absence.
- Carry out any other duties associated with the job description as directed by the Shire Service Manager.
Selection Criteria
Skills: /
- Ability to work within limited supervision and direction.
- Ability to motivate staff to achieve organisational objectives.
- High level of coordination and team based skills.
- Strong interpersonal skills and friendly disposition.
- High ethical standards and personal integrity.
- An ability to manage relationships and adapt to circumstances in a small aboriginal community is essential.
- Sound supervisory and training skills.
- A high level of fitness and positive attitude toward health and well-being
- Sound communication and liaison skills.
- Computer literacy in the full use of Microsoft applications.
- Demonstrated understanding of the issues affecting Indigenous Australians; and an ability to communicate work with and negotiate sensitively and effectively with Aboriginal people.
Knowledge: /
- Relevant industry knowledge and experience in the field of asset management, building renovation and civil works programs.
- Relevant staff and team management experience in similar position.
- A good general working knowledge of the policies and practices of the council and its service
- A working knowledge of Workplace Health and Safety Regulations.
Experience and/or qualifications: /
- Appropriate trade qualifications relevant to the responsibilities of the position.
- Certificate IV Business or Frontline Management
- At least 5 years post trade experience.
- Previous experience in a similar position.
- Previous experience working in indigenous organisations/remote communities.
- A current driver’s licence.
- Holds or is willing to train for a St Johns or Red Cross first aid certificate.
Appointment Conditions
This appointment is a full time permanent position subject to ongoing funding and the appointed applicant will be required to undergo a Police check. The position holder must be willing to adhere to Councils Code of Conduct, Policies and Procedures.
______October 2012
Stuart Duncan Date
Chief Executive Officer