Q1) I would also like to enquire as to if alternate batteries can be offered which offer the same performance and quality standards?
A1) Any other type of battery would need to go through a long term testing regime because the risk of putting out unknown batteries with no track record would be unacceptable.
Q2) Are all of the batteries to be delivered in one drop to Oban?
A2) The batteries are required within 8 weeks with the first batch being delivered in 2 weeks. These will be accepted in batches. Please state what quantities you can provide and delivery timescales.
Q3) Is the Capacity test pass mark required to be both A and B or just A or B.
i.e. If the battery is >68Ah on first cycle does that count as a pass? And subsequently if a battery does not reach 68Ah on the first cycle, then it should be cycled a total of 5 times to ensure it reaches 72Ah?
Or does it have to reach both 68Ah on the first cycle and 72Ah on the fifth cycle, therefore requiring all batteries to be cycled a total of 5 times?
A3) It has to reach both 68Ah on the first cycle and 72Ah bythe fifth cycle, therefore requiring all batteries to be cycled up toa total of 5 times. So the criteria is:
Has it reached 68Ah on the 1st cycle? pass/fail
Has it reached 72Ah within5 cycles? pass/fail
Q4) Are the batteries required to be tested individually, or can they be tested as series strings? For example as 48V 80Ah sets tested at the C5 rate to 40.8V.
A4) The batteriesshouldbe tested individually. If tested as a string, it would be possible for one low capacitybattery to go undetected if the others were above the 72Ah pass mark.