Massachusetts Law Reform Institute, Jan. 30, 2014
Temporary MassHealth Enrollees / Commonwealth Care EnrolleesEnrollment in Nov. 2014 (est.) / 300,000 / Enrollment in Oct. 2014 / 84,700
Temporary MassHealth ends Jan 31, 2014 (waves 1 & 2) / 200,000
Temporary MassHealth ends Feb. 15, 2014* (wave 3) / 100,000
Status as of Jan. 28, 2015** / Status as of Jan. 28, 2015**
Enrolled in MassHealth / 80,159 / Enrolled in MassHealth / 18,667
Enrolled in ConnectorCare / 18,727 / Enrolled in ConnectorCare / 22,072
Enrolled in QHP-APTC / 1,126 / Enrolled in QHP-APTC / 577
Enrolled in QHP-unsubsidized / 5,409 / Enrolled in QHP-unsubsidized / 1,840
Total enrolled / 105,421 / Total enrolled / 43,156
Not enrolled: Eligible for ConnectorCare / 26,911 / Not enrolled: Eligible for ConnectorCare / 13,923
Not enrolled: Eligible for QHP-APTC / 8,849 / Not enrolled: Eligible for QHP-APTC / 2,806
Not enrolled:Eligible for QHP-unsubsidized / 9,833 / Not enrolled:Eligible for QHP-unsubsidized / 3,494
Total eligible not enrolled / 45,593 / Total eligible not enrolled / 20,223
Total not determined eligible / 148,986 / Total not determined eligible / 21,321
Total coverage ending 1-31-15 / at least 95,000 / Total coverage ending 1-31-15 / 41,544
* Will continue to end of month for persons enrolled in Connector coverage for Mar 1
** Payments are still being processed for Feb 1 coverage
Advocacy issues to look out for
1. People found eligible for unsubsidized QHP instead of ConnectorCare
May be related to people not understanding questions on application e.g.
answered No to question, Do you need help paying for insurance;
answered No to question, Do you intend to file taxes in 2015.
2. People found eligible but unable to select a plan e.g.
On-line application did not allow people to select a plan if people in household qualified for different kinds of Connector plans, for example, if they both applied a spouse with other coverage who is only eligible for an unsubsidized QHP and an uninsured spouse eligible for ConnectorCare could not select a plan on-line.
3. People found eligible, selected a plan but did not have payment attributed to coverage e.g.
Person listed 2014 account number on check and it was attributed to 2014 or person thought they paid on-line but money not withdrawn from bank account
4. People who were not able to complete the application e.g.
On-line application could not complete "identity proofing" & person does not have required identity documents,
or sent in required documents but was never notified that they could now proceed with application;
person experienced technical problems with on-line application, unable to get through to customer service or not helped by customer service.
5. People who did not enroll because premium was unaffordable due to error determining income
Person made data entry error and unable to reach customer service to correct it; person did not understand
that only taxable "other income" should be reported & reported nontaxable income;
person did not understand that self-employment and other losses could be reported and did not report loss; etc.
6. People who applied before deadlines but have never received notice of decision for MassHealth and/or Connector
7. People received denial notice based on residence, incarceration, citizenship/immigration status, income, access to other insurance, etc.