confirmation agreement
This agreement is applicable to the following grants (Indicated with an “x” the applicable grants for this agreement).
Registered Name:Trading Name:
Skills Development Levy (SDL) Number: (If applicable)
Company Size (Please mark with an X) / Small / Medium / Large
Skills Development Levy (SDL) Numbers to be linked to main SDL number (if applicable):
Contact Person:
Telephone numbers: / W: / Cell:
E-mail address
Postal address
Physical Address
NB: All applications must be submitted electronically to . All applications must be submitted by no later than 15 February 2013.
NB: All learners agreements must submitted to the relevant W&RSETA Regional Office by 15 March 2013.
Employers can only apply for a maximum of three grants funding.
Small companies are limited to a maximum of 10 learners across all grants applied for.
Medium companies are limited to a maximum of 50 learners across all grants applied for
Large companies are limited to a maximum of 150 learners across all grants applied for
Example: If it is a large company applying, it could be 50 learners for each grant funding for three grants or 150 learners in one grant funding.
Discretionary Grant / Number of learners available / Grant Applying For (Please tick) / Number of Learners Applying For (indicate number) / Total Amount RequiredNQF1/Adult Education and Training (AET) / 500
Artisan Training / 200
Critical Skills Training / 1000
FET Lecturer Training / 50
Training for Cooperatives / 50
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) / 500
Rural Development Funding / 500
Workplace Experience and Employment Grants (WEEG) / 1000
FET College Graduates Placement Grant (Internships) / 1500
Important Note:
This confirmation agreement should be read in conjunction with the Discretionary Grant Implementation Guide (Annexure B) Document for each Grant
“Skills Development for
Economic Growth”
SECTION 1. Definitions and GlossaryABET / Adult Basic Education and Training
Accredited Training Provider / A registered business entity which is accredited with an appropriate Education and training quality assurance body as per the SAQA act
Contracting party / will mean the party to this agreement with the W&RSETA which can include a constituent employer or any other party as provided for within the Discretionary Grant Regulations
Critical Skill / refers to a skill deficiency within an occupation which a broad range of skilled people in a particular occupation lack in the performance of their duties.
In keeping with international trends is reserved for internal skills gaps:
§ Key or generic skills / critical cross-field outcomes such as problem solving, learning to learn), language and literacy skill, mathematical skill, ICT skill)
§ Technical (top-up) skill linked to occupational classification system
§ Firms or sectors experiencing productivity, service delivery, and quality (wastage) problems linked / related to skills deficits
DHET / Department of Higher Education and Training
Employer / ‘Employer’ as defined in the Fourth Schedule to the Income Tax Act
Female learners / are female gender learners from all race groups including non SA citizens and people with disabilities
FET / Further Education Training
Funding Priorities / The Discretionary Grant funding policy that gives priority to specific criteria, e.g. critical skills
Grant Regulations / Skills Development Grant Regulations No 27801of July 2005. May be requested from the W&RSETA
HET / Higher Education Training
Learners with disabilities / include learners with disabilities of all races, both genders, young learners and non SA citizens
Learnerships / A learning qualification that combines a practical work-based component and a theory or classroom-based component. A Learnership has to lead to a registered NQF qualification
Learning Programmes / A set of learning activities intended to provide a learner with particular knowledge and skills
Level of programmes / Level of education and training programmes on the NQF
Non levy paying enterprises (NLPs) / will mean a formally registered company (for example, Pty or CC) that is not required to pay the skills development levy but is registered with a SETA and can benefit from skills development support
Non SA Learners / are learners who are citizens of any country other than South Africa
NSDS III / National Skills Development Strategy valid from 1 April 2011 to 31 March 2016. May be requested from the W&RSETA
Placement / will mean entry into permanent or temporary employment or self-employment or entry onto a learning programme different from the one completed by the learner.
SARS / South African Revenue Services
Scarce Skill / refers to skill deficiency at an occupational level where there are insuffient skilled people to meet labour market demands. Occupations in which there is a scarcity of qualified and experienced people – current or an anticipated – identified in respect of:
§ Geographical location (Relative)
§ Equity (Relative)
§ A new or emerging occupation for which there are no programmes / qualifications (as yet) (Absolute)
§ Firms, sectors and/or country experiencing economic blockage (can’t grow) / lower productivity growth (Absolute)
§ Replacement demand and supply indicators (Absolute &/or Relative)
SDL / Skills Development Levy
SETA / Sector Education and Training Authority
SLA / Service Level Agreement
SMME / Small Medium Micro Enterprises
SSP / Sector Skills Plan.
Sector Skills Priorities / Sector skills needs that have been identified as priority areas for funding in the sector. The sector skills priorities are what the Discretionary Grant allocations are intended to fund. See also “Scarce Skill” and “Critical Skill”
Skills Programme / Occupationally based training programmes that are credit bearing delivered by accredited education and training providers. On successful completion learners could receive credits towards a qualification registered on the NQF
Unemployed / An individual who has no employment and has not entered into a contract of employment. This includes individuals who have been retrenched
W&RSETA / Wholesale and Retail Sector Education and Training Authority
Young learners / are all learners 35 years of age or younger from all race groups, both genders, non SA citizens and people with disabilities.
18.1 / Employed Learners
18.2 / Unemployed Learners
RPL Grants / Programmes / Rate per Learner / No. of Learners applied for / Amount
Applied For
1. RPL Grant / Learnerships - 500 learners / R12 500 .00 learnerships per learner
R950 .00 – per unit standard per learner
Skills programmes – 500 learners
Artisan Training Grants / Level / Rate per Learner / No. of Learners applied for / Amount
Applied For
2. Artisan Training Grants / Progressively from level 1- 4. (See Annexure…..) / R42000 per learner for a full apprenticeship
Workplace Experience and Employment Grants / Learning Programme Title & Level
(Specify) / Rate per Learner / No. of Learners applied for / Amount
Applied For
3. Workplace Experience Employment Grants For University Graduates (WEEG) / Qualified learners (Must have completed a Degree / Diploma / 18.2 – R3500 per month for a maximum of 12 months
4. Workplace Experience Employment Grants For FET College Graduates (WEEG) / Qualified learners (Must have completed an NVC L4 /N3 qualification / 18.2 – R3000 per month for a maximum of 12 months
FET College Graduate Placement Grants (Internships) / Learning Programme Title & Level / Rate per Learner / No. of Learners applied for / Amount
Applied For
5. HET College Graduate Placement Grants (Internships)
(18.2) / Experiential Programme (Depending on the requirements of the qualification. For a minimum of 3 months and a maximum of 6 months) / Stipend per unemployed learner R2500 per month.
6.FET College Graduate Placement Grants (Internships)
(18.2) / Internship Programme for N6 FET Graduates. (For a maximum of 18 months) / Stipend per unemployed learner R2500 per month.
FET Lecturer Capacitation Grants / Programme / Rate per Learner / No. of Learners applied for / Amount
Applied For
7.FET Lecturer - Retail Exposure / Programmes to be determined by applicants / Depending on the programme detail
Critical Skills Grants / Learning Programme Title & Level / Rate per Learner / No. of Learners applied for / Amount
Applied For
8. Critical Skills Grants
(18.1) / See attached list of critical skills. (Annexure……..) / R1250 per unit standard on skills programmes. Maximum 6 unit standards.
NQF 1/Adult Education and Training Grants / Learning Programme Title & Level / Rate per Learner / No. of Learners applied for / Amount
Applied For
9. NQF 1/ Adult Education and Training Grants
(18.1) / NQF 1/Adult Education and Training
qualification / R15000 per learner
Rural Development Grants / Learning Programme Title & Level / Rate per Learner / No. of Learners applied for / Amount
Applied For
10. Rural Development Grants. (18.2) / Learnerships and Skills Programmes / R15000 per learner on learnerships for Management and Delivery
R24000 per learner for learner stipends
R1250 per unit standard on skills programmes. Maximum six unit standards.
Co-operative Support Grants / Learning Programme Title & Level / Rate per Learner / No. of Learners applied for / Amount
Applied For
11. Co-operative Support Grants (18.1) / Learnerships and Skills Programmes / R15000 per learner on learnerships
R1250 per unit standard on skills programmes. Maximum six unit standards.
Grant / Deliverables / Quality Requirements / Payment amount / percentage
All Grants / Management and Delivery
Register learner / Learners registered on the W&RSETA SMS / 50%
Learner Certification / Learners Certified / 50%
Learner Stipends
Registered Learners / Learners registered on W&RSETA SMS / 100%
The W&RSETA reserves the right to verify, monitor and audit any of the above approved grants during the implementation period by a designated W&RSETA representative. Payments are also subject to these processes as per the quality requirements in Section 3 and Annexure B.
a. If any Party fails to remedy a breach of this Agreement or in connection with the execution of this Agreement within 30 (thirty) Business Days after receipt of a written notice by the aggrieved Party calling for the breach to be remedied, then the aggrieved Party is entitled to all remedies at law, including to cancel this Agreement or to claim specific performance of any Obligation, in either event without prejudice to the aggrieved Party's right to claim damages.
b. Should there be termination / dispute on a specific grants; the other grants will continue while all rights and responsibilities under the window/s in question will be suspended pending the outcome of such dispute.
c. In an event of Default, the aggrieved Party shall be entitled to cancel this Agreement by addressing written notice to that effect to the defaulting Party and to claim damages from the defaulting party.
d. The W&RSETA may withhold grants or recover any grants paid to an applicant if it is found that the grants allocated are not being used for the purpose for which the grant was intended.
e. Noncompliance to requirements will lead to summary termination of the agreement and the Contracting party will, due to non-compliance have neither right to any grants or disbursements nor any other right out of this agreement
(Only complete if details have changed or have not been submitted before)
Please use the banking details currently on record with the W&RSETA(If ticked, do not complete banking details but please ensure that this section is signed by the authorised representative)
Copy of original cancelled cheque / letter from bank confirming bank details if not previously submitted
Name of Bank:
Branch: Branch Code:
Account number
Type of account (Please tick the appropriate box (P)) / Savings / CurrentAttach at least one of the following to confirm banking details:
· Copy or cancelled cheque (preferable).
· A copy of an entity bank statement.
· Official signed letter with the banking details (letterhead should comply with the Companies Act and Closed Corporation Act).
Please Note:
The Organisation’s name, Bank account number, Bank code, etc. on the attached cancelled cheque, must be the same as the detail reflected above on the covering sheet
Payment instructions:
To whom it May Concern:
The Organisation hereby requests and authorises W&RSETA to pay any amounts, which may accrue to the credit of the Organisation’s account with the mentioned bank. The Organisation understands that the credit transfers hereby authorised will be processed by computer through a system known as the “ACB ELECTRONIC TRANSFER SERVICES”, and the Organisation also understands that an additional advice of payment will be printed on the Organisation’s bank statement. The Organisation understands that a payment advice will be supplied via the SETA Management System (SMS) and which will indicate that funds are deposited into the Organisation’s bank account.
The Organisation may cancel this authority by giving thirty (30) days, written notice by prepaid registered post.
Authorised signatory(Company /Entity) / Job Title / Signature / Date
Company/Entity Registration Number / Company/Entity VAT Registration Number
This is to confirm that levy paying organisations are up to date with levy payments to the Commissioner of the South African Revenue Services if applicable as well as indicating compliance with the entire agreement as applicable per the relevant funding windows.
Please Note:
This is to confirm that the organisation hereunder accepts and agrees to comply with Section 2 to 6.
CEO/MD/HR Director On Behalf of the Company(Signature of Duly Authorised Signatory)Name and Surname
Designation of Signatory
Telephone number (work)
Cell phone number
E-mail Address
Witness 1
Name and Surname
Witness 2
Name and Surname
On Behalf of W&RSETA(Signature of Duly Authorised Signatory)
Address / Riverside Office Park,
Hennops House,
1303 Heuwel Avenue,
Name and Surname (Please tick the relevant signatory) / D. Matloa / H. Zwarts / J. Dikgole
Designation of Signatory / CFO / COO / CEO
Place / Centurion
Witness 1
Name and Surname
Witness 2
Name and Surname
Please Note: