February is the beginning of re-registration. We will be accepting re-registration of current students through March 15th.

Please accept re-registration for my current JCCS student:

Student’s Name(last)______(first)______(middle)______

Date of Birth ______Age ______Grade Entering _____

School District Now Residing In______

If you reside in Jefferson or Harrison County, do you want bus transportation? ______

Father/Guardian’s Name______Cell # ______

Mother/Guardian’s Name______Cell # ______



Primary Phone#______Primary E-mail Address ______

Name of Church ______Pastor’s Name ______

Currently Attending Named Church: Yes____ No____ Currently Active in Named Church: Yes____ No____

Student(s) in the family who will be registering for the first time must register with a “Sibling Application” available online. Sibling applications are due to the office by March 15th to receive priority placement.

We hereby invest authority in the school to discipline our child as necessary. We understand that we should discipline our child in the home according to scriptural principles. (Proverbs 13:24, 19:18, 22:6, 23:13-14, 29:15-17; Ephesians 6:12; Colossians 3:20; Hebrews 12:6) We will support the school discipline policies by upholding the standards thereto through home training.
If our child should become involved in any trouble at school or we disagree with any policy set by the school, we will in no case complain to any parent, but in the love of Christ and with prayer, we will register only necessary complaints with the teacher or administrator. Further appeal may be made to the School Board. (Matthew 18 principle)
We agree to pay tuition according to arrangements that shall be made and to conclude all required payments on or before the last day of the school year. We understand that report cards will be withheld if required payments are not made in full on time.
We understand that it is presumed that professed born again believers would not forsake the assembly of the Body. (Hebrews 10:25) We understand that JCCS maintains that regular attendance and active participation in a local church ensures the proper support of the “three legged stool”: home, school, and church in establishing a solid Christian worldview. It is understood that forsaking of church attendance results in a “wobbly leg” of the stool compromising the support and strength of the school’s efforts in training up disciples of Christ to make a difference for Christ.
Jefferson County Christian School’s biblical role is to work in conjunction with the home to mold students to be Christlike. On occasion, the atmosphere or conduct within a particular home may be counter or in opposition to the biblical lifestyles the school teaches. This includes, but is not necessarily limited to, sexual immorality,fornication, homosexual orientation, or inability to support the moral principles of the school. Gal. 5:19-21; Rom. 1:24-32; Rom. 12:1,2 (Refer to Statement of Moral Integrity) In such cases, the school reserves the right, within its sole discretion, to refuse admission of an applicant or to discontinue enrollment of a student.

We have read, understand, and agree to adhere to parental commitment outlined above. Yes______No______

We have read the Statement of Faith and the Statement of Moral Integrity. (Included in Parent/Student Handbook)

We are striving to train our child in accordance with each and wholeheartedly support every effort of theschool

to build truthsinto his/her life. Yes_____ No______

Re-registration Fee: $25 per family until March 15th $50 per family after March 15th

Father/Guardian Signature______Date______

Mother/Guardian Signature______Date______