Stockton Middle School
I have reviewed the Student Handbook with my child in an effort
to promote a better understanding of the Stockton Middle School
rules and expectations. Our signatures below acknowledge receipt
and review of the Student Handbook.
Parent Signature: ______
Student Signature: ______
Title and Receipt of Handbook Page Page 1
Table of Contents Page 3
Section I: Welcome Page 4
Mission Statement
Section II: General Information
School Fees
Section III: Academics
Class Changes and Drops
Grading Period and Report Cards
Grading Scale
Honor Roll Page 5
Retention Policy
Section IV: House Rules
Personal Belongings
Annual Asbestos Notification
Annual Pesticides Notification
Bus Rules
Cafeteria Page 6
Care of Students with Diabetes
Cell Phones, IPODS, and MP3 Players Page 7
Classroom Materials Page 8
Closed Campus
Communication and Problem Solving
Computer Acceptable Use Policy Page 8
Dances Page 9
Dental Exams
Discrimination Statement
Dog Searches
Dress Code
Early Dismissal/School Closings Page 10
Emergency Procedures
English Language Learners
Fund Raising
Grading Period and Report Cards
Harassment of Students Prohibited
Harassment [Sexual] Prohibited Page 11
Library: Circulation of Library
Lost and Found Page 12
Medication Procedures
Prescription Medication Procedures
Middle School Honors Night
No Smoking Board Policy
Parking Lot
Physicals and Birth Certificates
Posters Page 13
School Day
School Insurance
Special Education Programs
Student Records Release Policy
Hearing Procedure Page 14
Student Rights and Responsibilities
Students with Food Allergies Page 15
Visitors to the School
Section V: Student Discipline
Student Discipline Policy Page 16
Behavioral Offenses Page 19
Level I: Behavior Offenses
Level II: Behavior Offenses Page 21
Level III: Behavior Offenses
Appeal of Suspension Page 24
Detention Rules
Extra-Curricular Code Page 25
Insurance Page 26
Physical Exams
Vandalism Page 27
Appeal Process
Pre-Arranged Absences Form Page 28
2013-14 School Calendar Page 29
Hall Passes Page 30
Welcome to Stockton Middle School. Our goal is to provide opportunities for all students to develop physically, emotionally and educationally. Only when staff, students, and parents accept their responsibility will we accomplish this goal. As staff, it is our responsibility to provide and maintain an educational environment that is conducive to learning. As students, you have the responsibility to be in attendance daily and to perform educationally and socially to the best of your ability. As parents, it is your responsibility to see that your son/daughter arrives on time and is in attendance every day. We encourage every parent to become an active partner in your child’s education.
School is similar to a community. All members, educators, students and parents must work together to provide a positive environment that will allow students to achieve their maximum potential. To assist us in accomplishing this goal we have prepared this handbook that contains the guidelines under which we will operate.
Please review and observe the following guidelines so our goals of providing a positive learning environment may be achieved.
The mission of the Stockton Schools is to develop and nurture a community of life-long learners committed to excellence in education through creation of a world-class school in our rural community.
School Colors—Maroon and Gold School Nickname—Blackhawks
Stockton Middle School web site:
500 N. Rush St. - Suite A
Stockton, Illinois 61085
815-947-3702 Fax: 815-947-2114
School Fees:
Regular Lunch $2.00/Breakfast $1.25 Adult Lunch $2.50
Physical Education Uniforms $15.00 Instructional Materials Fee $65.00 Student Planner $ 5.00 Technology Fee $30.00
Band (gr. 7-12 only) $20.00 Chorus (gr. 7-12 only) $20.00
Class Changes and Drops:
Class changes will be permitted during the first four (4) days of each semester. Permission to change will be based upon class size and student schedule and with written parental permission.
Grading Period and Report Cards:
The school year is divided into two semesters and each semester into two quarters. Report cards will be issued quarterly with Progress Reports being issued at the end of the 5th week of each grading period. These reports will be issued to the student.
Grading Scale:
A=100—93, B= 92—85, C= 84—74, D= 73—65, F= 64—0
Honor Roll
There are two levels of Honor Roll. The first consists of all students receiving a 3.0 or B average. The second is for students receiving straight A’s. Students receiving a D grade will not be eligible for the Honor Roll for that grading period. Honor Rolls will be issued at the end of each grading period.
Retention Policy:
A student in 7th or 8th grade may be retained if he/she fails two full credits from the core academic and required course curricula: English, Health, Mathematics, Physical Education, Literature (Reading), Science, and Social Studies. Individual cases can be reviewed at the discretion of the principal. One credit is equal to two semesters.
Accidents: If a student is injured or becomes ill (s)he should notify the teacher immediately. In the event of serious illness or injury the parents will be notified and medical assistance will be provided.
Personal Belongings:
Each student is responsible for any personal belongings brought from home. The school will not assume responsibility for anything lost or broken. Any harmful item (knives, lighters, etc.) will be confiscated. It is suggested that all personal belongings (shoes, bags, etc.) be clearly marked with the student’s name. Baseball bats and skateboards must be stored in the office during the school day. Backpacks, purses, and book bags are to be left in the student’s locker.
Each day announcements will be read over the intercom. These announcements contain important information on the events of the day and future events.
Annual Asbestos Notification:
This is to inform parents and students of District #206 Asbestos Management Plan as required; buildings were inspected for asbestos in April 1987. The AHERA law requires that a visual surveillance be completed every 6 months, and re-inspection be conducted every three years. The inspection/management plan is available for public view in the District Office. Should you have any questions, please contact the superintendent’s office at 540 North Street, Stockton, IL.
Annual Pesticides Notification:
The district maintains a registry of parents/guardians of students and employees who have registered to receive written notification prior to the application of pesticides to school grounds or property. Those wishing to register may sign up in the District Office.
Bus Rules
Bus transportation is a privilege and an extension of school property, which carries a responsibility. The safety of our students is our most important consideration. Students must be seated when the bus is moving and following the bus driver’s direction at all times. Students are expected to follow school rules when they are on the bus and will be held accountable for breaking school rules while on the bus. In addition, there are some special rules related to bus riding. These are summarized below:
- Be on time at the designated bus stop.
- Stay off the road at all times while waiting for the bus.
- Do not move toward the bus until it has come to a complete stop and the door is open.
- Stay in your seat while the bus is in motion.
- Remain in the bus in the event of a road emergency until the driver gives instructions.
- Keep hands, head, and feet inside the bus at all times. Do not throw anything out of the bus window.
- Remember that excessive noise and commotion diverts the driver’s attention and could result in a serious accident. Any type of rowdy behavior is prohibited.
- Be quiet when approaching a railroad crossing.
- Assist in keeping the bus safe and clean at all times.
- No animals are allowed on the bus.
- Keep books, packages, coats, and other objects out of the aisles.
- Be courteous to fellow students and the bus driver.
- Do not ask the bus driver to stop at places other than the regular bus stops.
- Observe safety precautions at discharge points. Where it is necessary to cross the highway, proceed to a point at least (10) feet in front of the bus on the right shoulder of the highway where traffic may be observed in both directions. Wait for a signal from the bus driver permitting you to cross.
- The rear door is for emergencies only.
- No eating, smoking, drinking or card playing will be tolerated.
- Do not deliberately cause damage to the bus as you will be responsible for the cost of restitution and will forfeit the privilege of riding the bus.
- No electronic equipment or radios are allowed on the bus.
- All students will wear seat belts if bus-equipped.
- No bullying or teasing is allowed at any time.
Discipline for Bus Infractions:
- First written referral by driver: Warning and phone call to parents.
- Second written referral: Single or multiple detentions and phone call to parents.
- Third written referral: Bus riding privileges will be suspended for multiple days depending on the severity of the infraction.
Note: The principal has the discretion to immediately suspend bus riding privileges and/or suspend out of school if the behavior infraction is severe.
Stockton Schools provide hot lunch and breakfast for students. Applications and guidelines for consideration for the free/reduced program can be obtained at any of the school offices. Menus are announced each morning during announcements. Middle school campus is closed during the school day.
After students have eaten lunch, they may stay in the cafeteria, or go outside when supervisors authorize it. THERE WILL BE NO FOOD TAKEN OUTSIDE OF THE CAFETERIA.
Food is not allowed in the Middle School unless permission is granted by faculty/staff. Students eating breakfast must eat in the high school cafeteria.
Care of Students with Diabetes:
If your child has diabetes and requires assistance with managing this condition while at school and school functions, a Diabetes Care Plan must be submitted to the school principal. Parents/guardians are responsible for and must:
a. Inform the school in a timely manner of any change which needs to be made to the Diabetes Care Plan on file with the school for their child.
b. Inform the school in a timely manner of any changes to their emergency contact numbers or contact numbers of health care providers.
c. Sign the Diabetes Care Plan.
d. Grant consent for and authorize designated School District representatives to communicate directly with the health care provider whose instructions are included in the Diabetes Care Plan.
For further information, please contact the building principal, 815-947-3702.
Cell Phones, IPODS, and MP3 players:
Students are permitted to have cell phones, IPODS, MP3s, and other personal music devices in school, but these electronic devices are to remain in their locker during the school day. The school day begins at 8:15 a.m. and concludes at 2:58 p.m. Students who possess and/or use these electronic devices must follow the responsibilities listed below. Any violation of the responsibilities may result in loss of the privilege to have a cell phone, IPOD, MP3 at school, the loss of the device until a parent can pick up the device, detention, and in-school suspension (ISS).
The following rules must be observed in connection to the possession or use of any cell phone, IPOD, MP3 player, or other personal music device at school.
· Students must keep their cell phones, IPODS and MP3 players OFF and in their lockers during the school day. Therefore, cell phones, IPODS, MP3s and other personal music devices are NEVER to be taken to classes, the restroom, locker rooms, or carried in the hallways during the school day and should, therefore, NEVER be used on school grounds during the school day.
· Cell phone and digital camera use on school grounds is strictly forbidden. Games, PDAs, and any other type of cell phone accessory shall therefore not be permitted.
· Cell phones may not be used to transfer or record the voice of anyone but the user. Images also may not be transferred or recorded. Any violation of this rule, including, but not limited to, posting the image in a public forum will be referred to local law enforcement.
· Parents should continue to call the school for any emergency situation. We will contact your son/daughter. Do not try to contact them by cell phone or pager.
Cell phones may be APPROPRIATELY used:
· After normal school hours only or in the case of an emergency involving the entire school. During school hours, students can communicate with a parent or family member with a school phone or pay phone.
Cell phones, IPODS, MP3s, and other personal music devices—Infractions and disciplinary actions, whether on or off in the classroom, hallway, or locker room:
· 1st offense-confiscated and the student may pick up in the principal’s office. A lunch detention will be issued.
· 2nd offense-confiscated, parent must pick up in the principal’s office. An after school detention will be issued.
· 3rd offense-confiscated, parent must pick up in the principal’s office. An in school suspension will be issued.
*If there is proof of a photo taken in the bathroom or locker room, this offense WILL be an immediate suspension and POLICE INVOLVEMENT.
Classroom Materials:
If an item is lost or damaged, the student to whom it was checked out is responsible for its cost. Therefore students should not lend classroom materials to other students.
Closed campus:
The school campus is closed to student use of vehicles during the school day. Students are expected to leave their vehicles parked and locked from the time of arrival until dismissal time. Parking at the south edge of the lot is reserved for staff. Students are NOT to be in cars at anytime during the school day without permission from the office. Students are not allowed to go home or out to lunch without special permission from the principal. Students are only allowed to leave campus under extenuating circumstances.
Communication and Problem Solving:
When students experience problems or difficulties at school, parents should follow these communication steps to resolve conflicts and seek resolutions to concerns.