Wisconsin Department of Revenue

FILING REMINDERS...Post Office Box 8900

● Claims must be filed within one year from the date fuel is purchased.Madison, WI 53708-8900

● Provide all information requested to avoid delays in processing your claim.(608) 266-7363 or 266-6701

● No refund will be issued on less than 100 gallons.

Check this box if there has been a recent

Please print or typechange to your name, address or ownership

  1. Name of Claimant (one name only)
/ 2.Federal Employer ID No. ANDSocial Security No.(if you
(FEIN)are a sole proprietor)
__ __ – ______│ ______– __ __ – ______
3.Mailing Address - Street or P. O. Box Number / 4.City / 5.State / 6.Zip Code
7.Type of Activity (check one)
 2Ready-Mix 3Waste Management
● DO NOT include purchases made more than one year prior to filing this claim.
Date of firstDate of last
purchase  ______purchase  ______
9.Type of Organization (check one)indicate date incorporated
 ____ Individual ____ Wisconsin corporation ______ _____ Other: describe
 ____ Partnership ____ Out-of-state corporation ______/ 10.Wis. County of Business Location

ATTACH TO YOUR CLAIM:(1) Invoices verifying fuel purchases and indicating the amount of Wisconsin fuel tax paid.

(2) Adding machine tapes showing how you calculated the gallon totals entered on line 12 below.

Invoice Caution: Do not include fuel purchases when the invoice states that the fuel is exempt from the Wisconsin fuel tax. / If your invoices cover this period:Use this tax rate:
April 1, 1999 – March 31, 200025.8¢ per gallon
April 1, 2000 – March 31, 200126.4¢ per gallon
11.Motor vehicle fuel tax rates.
Indicate the rates that apply to the invoices you submit with
this claim. Enter the earlier rate in the left two columns. / FUEL TAX RATE
______. ____ ¢ per gallon / FUEL TAX RATE
______. ____ ¢ per gallon
FUEL TYPES  / Gasoline / Undyed Diesel / Gasoline / Undyed Diesel
12.Total gallons purchased and used at each fuel rate (do not include any tax-exempt purchases of fuel or dyed diesel fuel)
13.Gallons included on line 12 used in licensed cars and trucks
14.Gallons on which refund is claimed (line 12 less line 13)
15.Compute Refund (multiply gallons on line 14 in each column by the fuel tax rate on line 11). Enter total refund on line 16b.
16a. TOTAL GALLONS FROM LINE 14(enter whole gallons only)
Add all columns on line 14  ______/ 16b. TOTAL REFUND CLAIMED
Add all columns on line 15 $ ______
17.List equipment in which motor vehicle fuel was used for off-road purposes (attach additional sheets or computer printouts)
Col. A
Type of
Equipment / Col. B
Name / Col. C
Gallons Used in Each
During Claim Period / Col. DReady-mix, waste management, and liquid waste companies that have trucks with power take-off units must complete this column (see instructions for lines 13 & 17)
POWER TAKE-OFF UNITS / Power Take-off Gallons
Ready-mix trucks:
Enter 35% of col. C gallons
Waste management trucks:
Enter 30% of col. C gallons
Liquid waste pumping trucks:
Enter 15% of col. C gallons
Enter 100% of col. C gallons / Other Equipment Gallons
Must agree with total gallons you enter on
line 16a (unless you complete column D) ...  / TOTAL GALLONS
Must agree with total gallons
you enter on line 16a ...... 

DECLARATION: I declare that I have examined this claim and attachments and to the best of my knowledge and belief it is true, correct and complete. The motor vehicle fuel purchases on which this claim is based have been made within the last 12 months.

Signature (do not print or type) / Business Telephone No.
( ) / Date

MF-023W (R. 2-00)


Wisconsin law provides that persons who use motor vehicle fuel for any purpose other than operating a motor vehicle upon public highways may receive a refund of the Wisconsin fuel tax paid when purchasing the fuel. Motor vehicle fuel includes gasoline (gasohol) and undyed diesel fuel.

Exceptions – Refunds may NOT be claimed on fuel purchased for use in the following vehicles:


2.Recreational motorboats

3.All-terrain vehicles unless registered for private use



A refund can only be obtained by completing this claim form and filing it with the Wisconsin Department of Revenue.


You may file a refund claim any time during the year (for example, quarterly, semi-annually, annually). A CLAIM MUST BE FILED WITHIN 12 MONTHS FROM THE DATE FUEL IS PURCHASED. It is date of purchase (not date of payment) that determines the due date of your refund claim.


Invoices verifying your fuel purchases must accompany your claim. Submit a separate invoice for each purchase (grouping purchases on one invoice is not acceptable). The invoices are part of your refund claim and will not be returned to you.

Each invoice prepared by your supplier must contain the following information:

1.Date of purchase

2.Name and address of purchaser

3.Name and address of seller

4.Number of gallons purchased

5.Type of fuel purchased

6.Amount of Wisconsin fuel tax paid

In addition, the invoices you submit must be grouped by fuel type and tax rate, and then assembled in ascending date order (oldest invoice first). Your invoices must be accompanied by adding machine tapes to show how you computed the gallons entered in the columns on line 12. Attach (staple/clip) each adding machine tape to the invoices covered by that tape.

Computer Printouts – The department will accept computer listings of fuel purchases in lieu of invoices. Call (608) 266-7363 for more information.


All refund claims submitted must be for 100 gallons or more. Claims submitted for less than 100 gallons will be returned.


If you need additional claim forms or have any questions, contact us at (608) 266-7363 or 266-6701, FAX (608) 261-7049, or e-mail: .


As a result of filing this claim form and receiving a refund, you may be subject to the 5% Wisconsin use tax on your fuel purchases. This tax does not apply to fuel used for agricultural purposes by a person engaged in farming. For more information, call (608) 266-2776.


Line 2. The number(s) you enter must be issued to the name shown on line 1, and both must agree with the name and ID numbers you enter on other tax documents you file with the department.

Line 8. Enter the dates of the first and last fuel purchases for the time period covered by your refund claim.


Before you complete this schedule, separate your fuel purchases by date (see the dates listed on this schedule) and type of fuel (gasoline including gasohol and undyed diesel fuel).

Line 11. Enter the fuel tax rates that correspond to the dates of your fuel purchases. If you enter more than two fuel tax rates on line 11, your claim will not be processed.

Line 12. Indicate the total gallons purchased and used per fuel type at each tax rate.

Line 13. In each column indicate the gallons included on line 12 that were used in your licensed cars and trucks.

Ready-mix, waste management, and liquid waste management (eg., septic) companies that have vehicles with power take-off units that share the same fuel supply tank used to power the vehicle – On line 13 enter 65% (if ready-mix), 70% (if waste management), or 85% (if liquid waste) of the total gallons used in power take-off vehicles plus 100% of the gallons used in other licensed vehicles.

Line 14. Subtract line 13 from line 12 in each column and enter the totals on this line in the respective columns. Then add the gallons entered in each column on line 14, and enter the total on line 16a.

Line 15. Multiply the gallons in each column on line 14 by the fuel tax rate on line 11. Enter the results on line 15 in the appropriate columns. Then add the amounts entered in each column on line 15 and enter your total refund on line 16b.

Line 16a. TOTAL GALLONS. Add all columns on line 14 and enter the total gallons on line 16a.

Line 16b. TOTAL REFUND. Add all columns on line 15 and enter the total on line 16b. THIS IS YOUR REFUND.

Line 17. List the equipment used for off-road purposes and the gallons used by each piece of equipment. The total gallons on this line, column C, must agree with the total gallons you enter on line 16a unless you are required to complete column D (see following paragraph).

Column D. To be completed only by ready-mix, waste management and liquid waste (eg., septic) service companies that have vehicles with power take-off unitsthat share the same fuel supply tank used to power the vehicle – Multiply by 35% (if ready-mix), 30% (if waste management), or 15% (if liquid waste service) the gallons in column C (line 17) used by your power take-off vehicles and enter the result (your allowable refund gallons for power take-off vehicles) in column D. In column D you should also enter 100% of the gallons shown in column C (line 17) used for off-road purposes in other mobile machinery and equipment you operated during the time period covered by this refund claim. The total gallons in column D must agree with the total gallons you enter on line 16a.

Computer Printouts – You can submit a computer printout providing the information requested on line 17. Your printout must be easy to follow or your claim will be returned.

Sign and date your refund claim, and indicate your business telephone number.


The department reserves the right to review and adjust refund claims either before or after refund checks are issued.


You must keep a copy of this refund claim and all records pertaining to your business for at least 4 years. Store them in a place that is easily accessible for review by department representatives.


Under section 78.73(1) of the Wisconsin Statutes, any person who uses a false or fictitious name when submitting a refund claim or commits any other fraud in preparing and submitting a claim, may be fined not more than $500 or imprisoned not more than 6 months or both. Altering a purchase date on an invoice to bring it within the 12 month time limitation for filing a refund claim is a fraudulent act.