Anna Cichopek-Gajraj




Anna Cichopek-Gajraj

School of Historical, Philosophical and Religious Studies

Affiliate Faculty:The Center for Jewish Studies

Affiliate Faculty: The Melikian Center for Russian, Eurasian, and East European Studies


Anna Cichopek-Gajraj

Coor Hall 4558, Tempe, AZ 85287-4302, tel: 480-727-3767 fax:480-965-0310


Anna Cichopek-Gajraj


Anna Cichopek-Gajraj


2011- Assistant Professor of East European Jewish History, Arizona State University

2010-2011 Visiting Assistant Professor, University of Western Ontario, London, Canada

2009-2010 Adjunct Professor, University of Western Ontario, London, Canada

2008-2009 Max Weber Postdoctoral Fellow, European University Institute, Florence, Italy


2001-2008 Ph.D. History, University of Michigan, Department of History and Frankel Center for Judaic Studies, Ann Arbor

Dissertation: Jews, Poles, and Slovaks: A Story of Encounters, 1944-48 (supervised by Todd Endelman, Zvi Gitelman, and Brian Porter-Szűcs)

1993-1998 M.A. History, Jagiellonian University, Department of History and Interdepartmental Institute of History and Culture of Jews in Poland, Kraków, Poland

Master Thesis: Pogrom Żydów w Krakowie 11 sierpnia 1945 r [Pogrom of Jews in Cracow, August 11, 1945 supervised by Andrzej Link-Lenczowski].


The Jan Józef Lipski Prize (2nd place) for the Best Master Thesis in Poland in 1998 (1999)

The Special Prize of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington DC for the Best Master Thesis in Jewish Studies in Poland in 1998 (1999)


Modern East European Jewish history, history of modern Poland and Polish/Jewish relations, Holocaust and post-Holocaust studies, studies of antisemitism, anti-Jewish violence (pogroms), and ethnic relations, comparative and social studies, postwar Polish-Jewish immigration to the US, assimilation and identity.




1)Beyond Violence: Jewish Survivors in Poland and Slovakia in 1944-48. Cambridge University Press, 2014.


2015 Barbara Heldt Prize honorable mention for the best book by a woman in Slavic/Eastern European/Eurasian Studies by Association for Women in Slavic Studies (AWSS).

Reviewed in:

Pol-Int (

2)Pogrom Żydów w Krakowie 11 sierpnia 1945 r[Pogrom of Jews in Cracow, August 11, 1945]. Warsaw: Jewish Historical Institute, 2000 (in Polish).

Reviewed in: Polin (Vol. 17, 2004), Kwartalnik Historii Żydów (Jewish Historical Quaterly, No. 2, 2001), Tygodnik Powszechny (No. 32, 2001), Midrasz (No. 4, 2001), Dziennik Polski (no. 209, 2001), Gazeta Krakowska (No. 4, 2001), Trybuna Ludu (2001).

Articles in Peer Reviewed Journals

3)“Limits to ‘Jewish Power’: How Slovak Jewish Leaders Negotiated Restitution of Property after the War.”In East European Jewish Affairs 44, No.1(2014): 51-69.

4)“Negotiating Jewish Belonging in Postwar Slovakia (1945-48).” In Shofar: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Jewish Studies30, No. 4(Summer 2012): 41-60.

Book Chapters

5)“The Cracow Pogrom of August 1945: A Narrative Reconstruction.” In Contested Memories: Poles and Jews during the Holocaust and Its Aftermath, edited by Joshua D. Zimmerman. Rutgers University Press, 2003: 221-238.


6)“Pogromy w Krakowie (Polska) i Topoľčanach (Słowacja) w 1945 r: Analiza Porównawcza” [Pogroms in Kraków and Topoľčany in 1945 – comparative analysis] [in Polish] In Pogromy Żydów na ziemiach polskich w czasie drugiej wojny światowej i w okresie powojennym [Pogroms of Jews in Polish Lands during and after World War II] edited by August Grabski.

Invited Articles

7)“Introduction “Revival of Jewish Studies in Eastern Europe.”” In Scripta Judaica Cracoviensia 11 (2013): 9-10.

Working Papers

8)"After Liberation: The Journey Home of Jewish Survivors in Poland and Slovakia, 1944-46." In EUI Working Papers Max Weber Programme2009. European University Institute, 2009.

Review Articles and Book Reviews

9)Láníček, Jan. Czechs, Slovaks and the Jews, 1938-1948: Beyond Idealisation and Condemnation. New York: Palgrave, 2014. In Slavic Review74, No. 3 (Fall 2015): 617-618.

10)Brenner, Rachel. The Ethics of Witnessing: The Holocaust in Polish Writers' Diaries from Warsaw, 1939-1945.Northwestern University Press, 2014. InThe Polish Review60, No. 3 (2015): 120-122.

11)Sniegon, Tomas. Vanished History: The Holocaust in Czech and Slovak Historical Culture. Berghahn Books, 2014. In Canadian Slavonic Papers/Revue canadienne des slavistes 57, No. 1-2 (2015): 165-166.

12)Auerbach, Karen. The House at Ujazdowskie 16: Jewish Families in
Warsaw after the Holocaust. Indiana University Press, 2013. In H-Net Reviews (January 2015).

13)Ward, James.Priest, Politician, Collaborator: Jozef Tiso and the Making of Fascist Slovakia. In History: Reviews of New Books 42, No. 4 (2014):135-136.

14)Karlip, Joshua M. The Tragedy of a Generation: The Rise and Fall of Jewish Nationalism in Eastern Europe. In AJS Review38, No. 1 (2014): 184-186.

15)Feldman, Jackie. Above the Death Pits, Beneath the Flag: Youth Voyages to Poland and the Performance of Israeli national identity. Berghahn Books, 2008. In H-Net Reviews(January 2010).

16)Weeks, Theodore R. From Assimilation to Antisemitism: The "Jewish Question" in Poland, 1850-1914. Northern Illinois University Press, 2006.In Gal-Ed: On the History and Culture of Polish Jewry 22, (2010) (translated in Hebrew): 180-184.

17)Bartov, Omer. Erased: Vanishing Traces of Jewish Galicia in Present-Day Ukraine. Princeton University Press, 2007. In European History Quarterly 39, No. 3 (2009):514-515.

18)Michlic, Joanna Beata. Poland’s Threatening Other: The Image of the Jew from 1880 to the Present. Lincoln and London, University of Nebraska Press, 2006. InJournal of Interdisciplinary History 38, No. 3 (2008):464-465.

19)Paczkowski, Andrzej. Od sfałszowanego zwycięstwa do prawdziwej klęski: szkice do portretu PRL. Kraków: Wydawnictwo Literackie, 1999. InDekada Literacka 3, (1999) (in Polish): 14.


The 2016 Shofar Zakhor Award by the Phoenix Holocaust Survivors' Association for exhibiting and carrying the work of holocaust education, holocaust remembranceand community interaction, 2016

The 2015 Barbara Heldt Prize (honorable mention)for the best book by a woman in Slavic/Eastern European/Eurasian Studies by Association for Women in Slavic Studies, 2015

The Jan Józef Lipski Prize for the Best Master Thesis in Poland in 1998 (2nd place), 1999

Special Prize of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington DC for the Best Master Thesis in Jewish Studies in Poland in 1998, 1999


International Conference “From Galicia to New York: Salo Baron and His Legacy,” Arizona State University and Jagiellonian University, Kraków/Tarnów, Poland, May 26-29, 2015

Conference in Honor of Prof. Rachel Fuchs “France in the Long Nineteenth Century: In the Honor of Rachel Fuchs,” Arizona State University, April 12, 2014

Panel “Jewish Studies in Contemporary Eastern Europe (Czech Republic, Poland, Russia, and Ukraine),” The Association for Jewish Studies (AJS) 45th Annual Convention in Boston, December 15, 2013

International Conference “The Musical World of Polish Jews: 1920s-1960s: Politics, Identity, and Culture,” Arizona State University, November 17-18, 2013

Symposium “Revival of Jewish Studies in Eastern Europe,” Arizona State University, November 8-9, 2012


“Comparative approach in studies of post-1945 pogroms in Eastern Europe,” Conference on “Pogroms of Jews in the Polish Lands in the 19th and 20th Centuries,” The Institute of History of the University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland, June 11, 2015

“A Comparative Approach to the Postwar History of Jews in Poland,”invited lecture, Andrássy University, Budapest, Hungary, June 3, 2015

“Jewish survivors in the “Recovered Territories” after World War II in Poland,” Conference on “Terrortimes, Terrorscapes? Temporal, Spatial, and Memory Continuities of War and Genocide in 20th Century Europe,” Academy for Civic Education and Arizona State University, Tutzing, Germany, August 4, 2014

“Społeczność żydowska w Polsce i na Słowacji po Holokauście” (Jewish Population in Poland and Slovakia after the Holocaust), The 2nd International Congress of Polish History: Poland in Central Europe, Kraków, Poland, September 12, 2012

“Beyond Violence: Jewish Returns to Poland and Slovakia, 1944-48,” lecture, London School of Economics, London, United Kingdom, April 30, 2009

”Nie tylko przemoc: powojenne powroty ocalonych Żydów do Polski i na Słowację,

1944-1948” (Beyond Violence: Postwar Returns of Jewish Survivors to Poland and Slovakia, 1944-1948), invited lecture, Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences (Polska Akademia Umiejętności, PAU), Kraków, Poland, April 8, 2009

“A Case for Comparative Perspective in Polish-Jewish History: Property Restitution in 1945,” Conference on “Between Coexistence and Divorce –25 Years of Research on the History and Culture of Polish Jewry and Polish-Jewish Relations,” Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel, March 17-19, 2009


“Communist Comparisons: New Approaches to Comparative History in the Soviet Bloc” (Roundtable), The Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies (ASEEES) 47th Annual National Convention in Philadelphia, November 20, 2015

"From Byelorussia to Bronx: Holocaust Survivor Child in New York, 1940s-50s,"The Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies (ASEEES) 47th Annual National Convention in Philadelphia, November 19, 2015

“Finding the Paths Back Home: Jewish Survivors in Poland and Slovakia, 1944-48,” invited lecture, Department of History, University of Arizona, Tucson, November 21, 2014

“Continuity and Break in Postwar Jewish Communities in Poland and Slovakia,” The Western Jewish Studies Association (WJSA) Annual Conference in Tucson, May 4, 2014

“Postwar Property Restitution in Comparative Perspective: Poland and Slovakia (1944-48),” Conference on Assessing the Impact of World War II on Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union, Princeton University, Princeton, April 19-20, 2013

“Rebuilding "Jewish life" in Poland and Slovakia after the War, 1946-1948,” The Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies (ASEEES) 44th Annual National Convention in New Orleans, November 18, 2012

“Comparative Approach to the Postwar History of Jews in Poland,”The 4th International Polish Studies Conference, University of Illinois, Chicago, October 15-17, 2012

“A Case for a Comparative Approach to Postwar East European Jewish History,” Retirement Conference for Prof. Todd Endelman at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, April 22, 2012

“Limits to “Jewish Power”: How Slovak Jewish Leaders Negotiated Restitution of Property after the War,” The Association for Jewish Studies (AJS) 43rd Annual Convention in Washington DC, December 20, 2011

“Beyond Violence: Postwar Return of Jewish Survivors to Poland, 1944-48,” The Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies (ASEEES) 43rd Annual National Convention in Washington DC, November 18, 2011

“Being Jewish in Slovakia and Poland after the Second World War,” invited lecture, Society for the History of Czechoslovak Jews and Society of Arts and Sciences in New York, New York, April 27, 2011

“New Approaches to Postwar Polish-Jewish History,” Polish Studies in the 21st Century, The 3rd International Conference on Polish Studies, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, September 16-18, 2010

“New Terms of Belonging: Citizenship of Jews in Slovakia, 1944-1948,” The American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies (AAASS) 39th Annual National Convention in New Orleans, November 18, 2007

“A Difficult Encounter? Jews, Poles, and Slovaks in Poland and Slovakia, 1944-1948,” The American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies (AAASS) 37th Annual National Convention in Salt Lake City, November 6, 2005

“The Past Is Another Country: The Legacy of the Holocaust in Postwar Poland and Germany,” The 25th Annual Conference on the Holocaust at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, March 15, 2004

“Polish Memory of Jedwabne: Struggle with the Past,” The Southern Conference on Slavic Studies 40th Annual Meeting in Daytona Beach, March 15, 2002

Chair: Panel “After the Holocaust: Prosecuting, Witnessing and Remembering in Postwar Czechoslovakia,”The Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies (ASEEES) 44th Annual National Convention in New Orleans, November 18, 2012


“Polish Holocaust Survivors in America: Immigration and Assimilation, 1945-1965,” The Melikian Center of Russian, Eurasian, and East European Studies, Arizona State University, November 12, 2015

“Witnessing of the Shoah (Zagłada) in Poland (Armenian Genocide in Comparative Perspective),” Conference on “100 Years Later: ASU Armenian Genocide Conference,” Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law, Arizona State University, March 22, 2015

“Poland’s Solidarność and the Fall of Communism," Roundtable on“Gorbachev, Poland’s Solidarność, and East Germany’s Wende. Reform Movements in Eastern Europe and the Fall of Communism,” SHPRS and SILK, Arizona State University, October 3, 2014

“Return to “No-Home”: Jewish Survivors in Poland and Slovakia after the Holocaust,” guest speaker at IHR fellows’ seminar, Institute for Humanities Research at Arizona State University, February 6, 2012


“Examining the Postwar,” presentation at workshop “Studying the History of National Socialism and the Holocaust: Toward an Agenda for the 21st Century,” The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum and the German Historical Institute in Washington DC, January 23-24, 2014

Manuscript workshop at the 10thConference “Recovering Forgotten History: The Image of East-Central Europe in Anglo-Saxon Textbooks,”Wrocław, Warszawa, Kraków,Poland, May 26-June 4, 2012


Republic of Poland Committee for Scientific Research (Komitet Badań Naukowych, KBN), Fellowship for Doctoral Research, Kraków,Poland, 2000-2003

Jagiellonian University, Department of History Graduate Studies Fellowship, Kraków,Poland, 1999


Memorial Foundation for Jewish Culture Scholarship in New York, Fall 2007-Winter 2008

Samuel and Flora Weiss Research Fellowship at the YIVO Institute for Jewish Research in New York, 2006-2007

Charles H. Revson Foundation Fellowship for Archival Research, Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington DC, August-October 2005

Mr. and Mrs. Hubert BrandtFellowship, Ann Arbor,Summer 2005

Ronald and Eileen Weiser Award for Student Research and Internship in Slovakia, Ann Arbor, Summer 2004 and Summer 2006

Sheldon Hamburger and Eva Jankelowitz Fellowship, Ann Arbor,Spring 2004

Center for Russian and East European Studies Research, Internship and Fellowship Award, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor,Spring 2003 and Summer 2005

Esther and Louis LaMed Fund for Yiddish Studies Fellowship, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor,Spring 2003

Nicolaus Copernicus Endowment Scholarship,University of Michigan, Ann Arbor,2001-2002

Frankel Center for Judaic Studies Visiting Scholar Fellowship and Remembrance and Reconciliation Foundation, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor,Fall 2000


Center for Jewish Studies Travel Grant, Summer 2016

Melikian Center Advisory Board Fellow, The Melikian Center for Russian, Eurasian, and East European Studies, November 2015-November 2016

Melikian Research Support Fund, The Melikian Center for Russian, Eurasian, and East European Studies,August 2012 and August 2015

With Volker Benkert (PI), Mark Tebeau, and Katherine Osburn: IHR Research Cluster Award “Never Again? – Never Before? Comparative Genocide and the planned Holocaust and Tolerance Museum in Chandler, Arizona,”Institute for Humanities Research, October 2013-October 2014

SHPRS History Speakers Grant, School of Historical, Philosophical, and Religious Studies, October 2013

With Anna Holian (PI): Melikian Research Support Fund, The Melikian Center for Russian, Eurasian, and East European Studies,August 2013


American Historical Association (AHA)

Association for Jewish Studies (AJS)

Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies (ASEEES)

European Association for Jewish Studies (EAJS)

Polish Studies Association (PSA)

Polish Jewish Heritage Foundation of Canada in Toronto (PJHF)

Polskie Towarzystwo Studiów Żydowskich (Polish Association for Jewish Studies)

Society for the History of Czechoslovak Jews in New York



2013 Curt C. and Else Silberman Seminar for University FacultyTeaching about the Holocaust:Antisemitism, the “Final Solution,” Jewish Response, and Denial (with Christopher Browning), The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington DC,June 3-14, 2013

Workshop for Early Career Faculty in Jewish Studies, the American Academy for Jewish Research, the Jewish Studies Program, and the Katz Center for Advanced Judaic Studies at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, May 22-25, 2011

Teaching Exchange Program, the Max Weber Programme at the European University Institute and the Division of Academic and Professional Development in London School of Economics, London, April 26-May 1, 2009

Workshop on Course and Curriculum Design, Lynn McAlpine, Professor of Higher Education Development at University of Oxford, European University Institute, Florence, Italy, March 9-11, 2009

International Graduate Student Workshop, the Center for Research on Learning and Teaching, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, May 2002


Courses Taught (ASU Fall 2011-Present):

Level 100:

HST 104: Western Civilization (Spring 2012, Spring 2013, Fall 2013, Fall 2014, Spring 2015, Fall 2015)

Level 300:

HST/JST 304: History of Antisemitism (Fall 2014)

HST/JST/REL 304/369: The Holocaust (Fall 2011, Fall 2012, and Spring 2014, Fall 2015)

HST/JST 304: East European Jewish History (Fall 2013)

HST/JST 359: Modern Jewish History from 1492 to the Present (Spring 2012, Fall 2012, and Spring 2016)

Level 400:

HST 495: Methods of Historical Inquiry: From Shtetl to City: Jews in Eastern Europe (Spring 2015)

HST 498: Communism and Nationalism in Eastern Europe (Spring 2014)

HST 499Research/Independent Study (Spring 2013)

HON 498 Research/Independent Study(Spring 2013)

Courses in Preparation (ASU):

Level 300:

HST 304: Jewish immigration to the US: 1600-to the present (Fall 2016)

Mentoring (ASU):

2 Honors Theses (as second reader)

11 Honors Enrichment Contracts

University of Western Ontario (Fall 2009-Winter 2011):

History of the Holocaust

Jewish Women in Modern European History

Modern Jewish history from 1492 to the Present

Modern Germany, 1815 to the Present

Modern Europe from 1917

University of Michigan (Teaching Assistant, Fall 2002-Winter 2004):

History of Zionism and Israel (teaching assistant)

History of the Holocaust (teaching assistant)

History of Eastern Europe since 1900 (teaching assistant)

History of Europe since 1945 (teaching assistant)

Psychology of Ethnic Conflict: Poles, Jews, Ukrainians (teaching assistant)


Courses Taught (ASU Fall 2011-Present):

HST 598 European Historiography (Spring 2016)

HST 590 Reading and Conference American Jewish Experience (overload Spring 2016)

HST 590 Reading and Conference Oral History (overload Spring 2015)

HST 591 Seminar Poland in World War II (overload Fall 2015)

REL 690 Reading and Conference Modern Jewish Women’s History(collaborative with Joel Gereboff):

(overload January 27-February 24, 2015)

PhD Committee Member (Fall 2015-present)

MA Thesis 4+1 Committee Chair(Spring 2016-)

MA Thesis 4+1 Committee Chair (Fall 2014-present)

Guest participation at graduate seminars:

HST 598 Communism and the Cold War (November 14, 2014)

HST 790 Empire and Nation in Eastern Europe and the Balkans (September 16, 2014)

HST 790 Twentieth Century Russia/Soviet/Eurasian History (August 30, 2013)

HST 500 Historical Methods: “Political History: Nation and Nationalism” (October 8, 2012)

Graduate sessions on professional development (Fall 2014):

Participation/leading sessions on conference participation (October 7), publications (October 28), and job interviews (November 18)

Preparing Future Faculty (PFF)at SHPRS (Fall 2011):

Lecture on job market (October 2011)Participation in 4 mock-interviews with graduate students (December 2011)
