Madison Scottish Country Dancers

Madison, Wisconsin

November 1990 (Nancy McClements)

Revised October 1991 (Edna Pruett)

Revised October 1992 (Edna Pruett)

Revised November 1993 (Edna Pruett)

Revised August 1994 (Edna Pruett)

Revised June 1996 (Lois Bernbeck)

Revised May 1997 (Lois Bernbeck)

Revised August 1998 (Nancy McClements)

Revised June 18, 1999 (Edna Pruett)

Revised July, 2000 (Edna Pruett)

Revised August, 2002 (Nancy McClements)

Revised August, 2005 (Nancy McClements)





Ball Committee6





Dance Program15



Registration Flyer18

Registration Tally19



Walkthrough 21


Post-Ball Meeting22

Sales - T-Shirts22


Fee Collection22

Non-Party meals22


Ball Etiquette22



Budget 2001+Excel Attachment



Eighteen Months to Two Years Before (Done for 2001 - April 21 (Sapphire Ballroom)

Decide on best date and designate alternate dates

Locate & reserve hall. (Executive board must do this.)

(Also reserve Class of 24 Reception Room & Great Hall or Tripp for walkthrough.)

Note: Memorial Union cannot be reserved until 365 days? before the date. The Union will also not allow us to reserve until after the current ball.

We need to be checking with FolkloreVillage to avoid a conflict with the English Country Dancing weekend ()

One Year Before

Decide on band, guest musicians, or combination. Negotiate price with band, and whether or not band is given free meals.

Nine Months Before

Print/distribute pre-publicity flyer. Send out with publicity for the September dance party.

Seven Months Before

Ball chairperson begins monitoring everything. (Vice-chair of executive board is chair of the ball, and the executive board is the ball committee, unless other assignments are made.)

Ball chair prepares budget.

Duties of committee members listed under BALL COMMITTEE.(assign responsibilities)

All committee members read ball manual, particularly their duties.

Secretary notifies Inter-City Scot:

Six Months Before

Chair sees that all assignments are covered and distributes manual to entire board. Assignments can be given to people who are not on the committee.

Solicit dance requests from members.

Five Months Before

Set dance program.

Reconfirm hall and caterer.

Hall - Great Hall, TrippCommons, Class of 24 Reception, warm up room for piper (piper usually does not want a room - they just go outside.

Review reservations printout from the union. (E-mail Union with specifics two months before ball, with a copy to the caterer.)

Caterer - get menu, decide on menu, contact caterer with choices. Prices include 1 meat (fish is considered a meat) and 1 vegetarian. If another meat is added add $1.00 on all plates. Three meats add $1.50 per plate. Talk with head of catering if central reservations says you need more than one bartender. Be sure that the bar tab for the social and the dance are not separated into 2 parts when figuring if we reach our minimum or owe money. We need to generate a total of $50/ hr - 5 hours is $250. If we do not generate it they will add it to our bill.

Send letter to caterer confirming choices.


Notify editor of St. Andrews Society newsletter for the Tartan Tattler.

Four Months Before

Set times and fees.

Request host/ess for after ball party and morning brunch.

Request decorations person(s) from MSCD.

Draft registration flyer (also used for Web page registration).

Compile cheat sheets. (John Stott or Mike Briggs usually do this. John needs the dance program with a list of where each dance is published. He also sends electronic version to Nancy for Web.)

Chair sends a letter to the dance department requesting sponsorship for another year.

Three Months Before

Proofread registration flyer and cheat sheets.

Print registration flyer and cheat sheets.

Hire Piper (2000: Alan Roling, 824-0028 home/267-0689 work; 2002 Mike Fitak ) See also Badger Pipes & Drums website:

Mail cheat sheets to teachers.

Announce Web site with ball details and cheat sheets to MSCD members, Midwest groups, Strathspey listserve, etc.

Two Months Before

Distribute registration flyer and cheat sheets.

Draft/proofread ball program booklet. Have difficult dances marked by the teacher. (John Stott has all the dances on the computer and traditionally has done the booklet. Mike Briggs now as most dances on the computer. Cover is in one of the binders the Vice-Chair has.)

Request intermission demos.

Ball chair sends a letter to the Union with specifics, including times and other specifics, and sends a copy to the caterer.

Teachers do talk-through of dances on Sunday nights.

One Month Before

Print ball program booklets (programs have been printed at Sprint Print on Fish Hatchery or Kinkos. Insti-Print is cheapest, but may need more time.) Order should be taken in 10 days before ball.

Assign grand march leaders.

Solicit MSCD for party & brunch food.

Find person to buy and deliver party supplies and beverages to host/esses.

Solicit MSCD for hospitality space.

Piper is given two free meals, or a check for $40. Send him a registration flyer marked “No Charge” if he choses meals. Whether band gets free meals or is paid more is negotiated between the board and Mike Briggs and must be done in ample time to be included in regular ball counts. Mike Briggs can either get choices and checks from band, or he can have you do it.

Prepare maps for after-ball party and brunch. Host or hostess should prepare the maps, and can either have them copied or give one to you to copied.

Find someone to do name tags.

Give out Etiquette information sheets on Sunday nights and go over them. It is on our home page. (

If next year’s Ball date is not set up, start to do this. If Memorial Union is to be used, be sure President has initiated getting the letter from the Dance Dept. The Union will

not make the reservation until they have the Dance Department letter.

Two Weeks Before

Assign talkthroughs (Norma usually does this).

Assign hospitality guests to host/esses.

E-mail/phone guests with hospitality assignments.

Be sure you have meal choices and payments from piper and band if they are eating.

Registration person prepares color-coded tickets for meals.

Update poster - check to see that stand has been ordered to hold poster.?

One Week Before

Report to central reservations on number of dinner attendees and choices (for the Union, this figure must be turned in by 9:00 a.m. on Monday before the ball)

Prepare registration tally.

Make nametags & attach meal tickets.

Confirm progress of all activities.

Punch holes in programs.

Day of Ball

Conduct walkthrough.


Place nametags of Madison people on tables to serve as hosts/hostesses.

Nametags of musicians together at table marked “reserved” for first serving. Tell wait staff to serve them first.

Bring ribbons to string through programs.

Check on room set-ups:

Great Hall - floor condition, podium, mike, tables

Reception Room - tables and chairs, bar, coat racks


Pay for dinners, musicians, etc. Remind treasurer beforehand to bring checkbook.

Have facilities liaison check on bar tab amount, and encourage people to buy drinks if necessary.

All fees delivered to MSCD treasurer.


After Ball

Committee meets for postmortem including budget & registration reports.

Changes made to ball manual.

Write thank you notes.

Give give registration forms to person who does mailing lists to update the lists.

Ball expenses detailed.


The Executive Committee serves as the ball committee, and the vice-chair of the Executive Committee is the ball chair. Special duties may be assigned to other MSCD members. Outlined below are the basic responsibilities that must be covered. The duties may be divided, but it should be made clear who is taking on each job. For example: the publicity person may design and print the ball registration flyer, but may arrange for someone else to mail it out; the Registrar is responsible for nametags, but may arrange that someone else will make them.

Chair Oversees ball and all of its operations. Hands out lists of duties. Confirms hall reservations, times, etc. Prepares estimated budget. Gives final dinner count to Union. Gives a report at each Executive Committee meeting. Assigns deadlines according to ball manual timetable. Arranges timing of dinner, dance, etc. with hall contact. Arranges for etiquette information sheets to be available on Sunday nights, and discusses them. Solicits hosts for after-ball party and brunch. Writes thank-you notes as necessary. Oversees arrangements for party/brunch (in conjunction with host/hostesses). Organizes post-ball meeting. Sees that wall posters of dance list is marked with difficulty level. Updates ball manual. (The previous year's ball chairperson should now be the chair of the Executive Committee, and should be available for consultation and input.)

Publicity Produces and distributes pre-publicity flyer. Produces and distributes (in consultation with Registrar) registration flyer. Registration flyer must be proofed by entire board!. Notifies Inter-City Scot and Tartan Tattler. Brings copies of registration flyer to weekly MSCD dancing or assigns to another.

Registrar Assists Publicity person in producing registration flyer. Tallies mail registrations and forwards hospitality requests to Hospitality person. Produces registration tally forms. Is present at workshop/walkthrough/ball and instructs/oversees others working registration table. (It is highly recommended that the Registrar actually work the registration table.) Arranges for nametags. Collects fees and provides MSCD Treasurer with registration money and number of attendees. Provides MSCD Secretary (or person doing mailing lists) with list of names & addresses for future mailings. Tallies attendees by location for chair's welcome at ball dinner. Compiles registration statistics for future ball planning, and gives to Ball Chair (see Budget for figure breakdowns). Equips registration table(s) with change, writing utensils, etc. Registration table should not accept money for purchases of items not ours.

Hospitality Locates local space for overnight guests (both member homes and hotels). Handles other guest requests such as babysitting. Provides maps of Madison, restaurants, parties, etc. Arranges car pools. Must be in town and readily available five days before the ball and the day of the ball. Must be present at least one half hour before and after the ball, workshop, and walkthrough to deal with last minute problems and directions.

Facilities Liaison Assures proper condition of facilities (clean floor, number of tables, etc.) Arranges for registration table. Oversees setup and cleanup of hall. Keeps tabs on how much money the bar is generating, and if we are not generating the required amount, makes an announcement to encourage people to buy drinks. (Usually this duty is part of the Ball Chair’s responsibility.)

Teacher Liaison Decides on ball program in conjunction with dance committee. Produces dance cheat sheets and arranges for distribution. Organizes and (co)teaches walkthroughs. Arranges for grand march. Arranges intermission demonstrations. Signs up volunteers for talkthroughs. Acts as liaison with musicians. Oversees arrangements (hospitality, fees, etc.) with guest artists.

Decorations Provides decorations for hall. (Permanent decorations stored with the Pruetts, Lois, and Laura. ?) Arranges for setup and removal of decorations.


The ball committee has the authority to set the complete ball budget. It is expected that the ball will make money or at least break even. When figuring probable income, multiply the registration fee times approximately 100 participants. The fees for the ball should be enough to cover ball costs, but not so much as to turn away participants. Past registrars recommend that every possible registration variation be offered. This is both to avoid turning away paying customers and to avoid the registrar having to be the heavy.


The Ball Committee may offer full or partial work scholarships for the ball.


Refunds will be considered and decided on a case-by-case basis by the Ball Committee. Dinner refund will not be given if cancellation was not received prior to the time final dinner count is given to hall.

Late Fees

It is a good idea to add a late fee, at least for those registrations that include a dinner. Fee should be clear as to when it begins (“postmarked by xx/xx/xx”); if it’s per form or per person; if it’s only for dinner registrations, etc. A statement about dinner availability should also be included (“late dinner registrations are not guaranteed”).


BUDGET (cont.)

The following selected figures and expenditures are provided as guidelines:


Attendance: 113 93 130? 115

(33 local

80 non-local)


Band (# musicians)$525(2)$650 (5)$840 (AF)$500

Dinner/plate $10 $11 $7


Program printing$141$70 approx $66 $65

Reg. flyer printing$203**$80 $68 $38

Decorations $24$64 $0

Hall rentalfreefreefree

Party food/drink$159 $105 $31



Ball only $10$15.00 $10

Dinner/ball $23$22.50 $18

Dinner/spectator $15none $15

Sliding scale $15$11.00

Working scholarship $10

TOTAL INCOME $2265 $1857 $3178 $1867

TOTAL EXPENSES $1961 $1988 $2340 $1617


* Ball/dinner only--does not include workshop/concert figures.

** Includes all printing and postage(?) except ball program


BUDGET (cont.)

The following selected figures and expenditures are provided as guidelines:

19921993 1994

Attendance: Total108 99 85

Dinner 99 81 94


Band (# musicians)$650.00$650.00 650.00

Piano Rental 100.00

Dinner/total 936.50 880.00 1146.60*

Program printing 98.92 109.83 93.75

Reg. flyer printing 66.36 115.42 69.10

Decorations 27.38 86.77 0.00

After-Party, Brunch 60.38 113.36* 53.06

Postage 41.38 56.28**

Copying 23.85 .60

Name Tags 13.66

Phone calls 5.08

Refunds 78.00 52.00

Supplies 29.67


Ball only $11 $12.00 $12.00

Dinner/ball $24 26.00 $26.00

Dinner/spectator $15 15.00 $15.00

Sliding scale

Scholarships $13

Working scholarship

TOTAL INCOME$2297.00$2107.00 $2398.00

TOTAL EXPENSES$2018.43$2094.74 $2094.78

PROFIT/LOSS +$ 278.57 + 12.26 + 303.22 ***

* Includes name tags, decorations

** Includes copying

*** Probably not final -- some brunch expenses not paid


BUDGET (cont.)

199519961997 1998

Attendance:Total 8595 111 90

Dinner 958104 86


Band$650.00$650.00 450.00

Dinner Total 889.551191.55* 1496.48

Program printing 107.37107.65 151.32***

Reg. Flyers 30.65 97.75

Party supplies 99.53 54.43

Postage 20.48 57.60 59.20

Cheat sheets 26.38 2.50

Maps 3.73 2.11 donated

Refunds 84.00 125.00

Badges 15.90

Miscellaneous 17.95 2.50 197.78

Hall Rental 300.00

Airfare 850.00


Ball only$15 $15.00

Dinner/Ball $28$29/34** $30.00

Dinner/spectator$20 $15.00

TOTAL INCOME$2228.00$2515.00 $3860 $2542.00

TOTAL EXPENSE 1929.64 2181.99 $3278 3629.78

PROFIT/LOSS +298.36 +333.01 +653 -1087.78

Note: itemized expenses not available for 1997

* Includes 84 dinners, $50 facility fee, $16.75 bar drinks for band.

** Reservations received after April 12th had a $5 fee added.

*** Includes all printing


BUDGET (cont.)

Revised 4/24/01


Attendance:Total 116 90

Dinner 93 & ball 65**

Dinner, 2 dances 5

Dance only 15

Children (dance only) 5


Band $875.00 $ 845.00

Dinner Total 1352.10 1162.61

Program printing 112.22 112.55

Reg. Flyers 42.24 39.56

Party supplies 44.46 161.28

Postage 32.18 54.45

Cheat sheets 9.62 7.91


Refunds 30.00 35.00 (Carl)

Badges 27.41 13.70

Miscellaneous 8.59 6.22 (posters)

Hall Rental 00

Decorations 45.00


Ball only $20.00 25.00

Dinner/Ball 35.00 35.00

Dinner/two dances 25.00* 25.00

Children 5.00

TOTAL INCOME $3515.00 $2785.00

TOTAL EXPENSE $2533.82 2573.28

PROFIT/LOSS $ 981.29 $ 211.72

* Class children were allowed in for $5.00. If they ate they paid $20.

** Plus free dinners to 5 band members and 6 pipers and Christine in 2000. (Had ordered meals for 11 pipers)

Note: See Appendix for 2001 and future budgets in Excel format



Due to the need to book a hall in advance, the current ball committee may not even be involved with the choice of a date for the ball. Traditionally the ball has been held in the spring. Before choosing a date the following should be taken into consideration (not necessarily in order of importance):

1. Availability of space.

2. Availability of band/guest musicians.

3. Dates of other Scottish balls/workshops within a 200 mile radius.

4. Local competing events (folk workshops, Celtic & fiddle concerts)

5. UW and public school spring breaks. (Whether or not spring break is a good or bad time for a ball is still undecided. If University facilities are being used and it is break, check on special opening/closing times of cafeterias, buildings, etc.)

6. Holidays - consider when Palm Sunday, Easter and Passover occur when scheduling the Ball.

Ball dates:

200629th annualApril 8

200528th annualApril 2

200427th annualApril 17

200326th annualMarch 29

200225th annualApril 13

200124th annualApril 21

200023rd annualApril 15

199922nd annualApril 17

199821st annualApril 25 (Sapphire Ballroom)

199720th annualApril 19

199619th annualApril 20

199518th annualFebruary 13

199417th annualApril 9

199316th annualApril 17

199215th annualMarch 28

199114th annualApril 13

199013th annualApril 7 (Park Ponderosa)

198912th annualApril 1

198811th annualMarch 26

198710th annualApril 11

1986 9th annualMarch 22


2006April 16April 12-20

2007April 8

2008March 23

2009April 12

2010April 4

2011April 24

2012April 8



Usually the ball has been held in the UW Memorial Union. In 1990, 1998 & 2001 it was necessary to find alternative locations. After a dance party tryout in the Sauk City Freethinkers' Hall, it was decided to instead use the Park Ponderosa in McFarland for 1990 and 2001. In 1998, it was the Sapphire Ballroom. Wherever the location, the following conditions should be checked out:

1. Availability of desired date & time

2. Cost of hall

3. Parking facilities

4. Floor size & condition

5. Location/Accessibility

6. Piano availability/condition

7. Space for grand march

8. Meals: cost, quality & quantity