Heart of West Midlands Regional Optical Committee21-7-2016
Charles Barlow (CB)Dudley/Solihull
Jill Cheney (JC)Wolverhampton
Debbie Graham (DG)Optometric Advisor
Ian Hadfield (IH)Birmingham
Peter Hampson (PH)Sandwell
Simone Mason (SM)Solihull LOC
Claire Roberts (CR)LEHN Chair
Peter Rockett (PR)Wolverhampton
Dan Sanders (DPS)Solihull
Louise Sarjeant (LS)Sandwell/Minutes
Paul Sidhu (PS)Dudley
Dave Stevens (DKS)Walsall
Also in attendance: Richard Rawlinson (LOCSU Commissioning Lead), Hassnain Safdar (LOCSU pre-reg ambassador).
Peter Bainbridge (PB), Prab Boparai (PKB), Spencer Parkes (SP), Vince Roberts (VR),
Minutes of previous meeting
Proposed as correct by CB, seconded by DS
Matters arising
PB hadn't received contacts to send letter about childrens cyclopegia. CR will email PB with contact details.
DG no reply from BMEC about IG assurance. They are keen to continue with Advice and Guidance service. They want to remove faxes by end of August. Still haven't got confirmation of fax numbers for referrals. PH no consensus from AOP about A&G service. PS need a plan if they're planning to remove faxes. DG NHS England has responsibility to inform of change in pathway. PH the recent Caldicott review is critical of work arounds to avoid IG, but want to make it fit for purpose. With the standard contract, will have to do IG.
Birmingham Audit
PH 4 audits completed, due to meet with contractors. CB we should write to all contractors to remind them to contact LOC or AOP reps if need advice.
CR work with WMQRS has produced draft standards on structure and process in eyecare pathway (not clinical). 2 workshops – one for clinicians, managers and patients other for patients and carers. Had good feedback form Vision 2020 and Tim Matthews shared at RCOphth conference.
Dementia and sight loss day with Vision 2020. Patient engagement project re accessing eye care services in Dudley – dementia, LD and BME. Report due.
AHSN (Academic Health Science Network) working with optom/pharmacy/dentistry about diabetes and producing leaflets to promote what each service does. Planning pilots in Wolverhampton and Hereford.
West MidlandsUrgent and Emergency Care Network (WMUECN) working on systems review.Optometry included in primary care workstream. Shared info about MECS, will hopefully create a more specific work stream.
Sustainability and Transformation Plan (STP) group are looking at commissioning across bigger patches. Trying to get eye health and sight losson agenda
National Eye Health Week -conference call next week, looking at ways to coordinate individuals.
Extending the core group for the LEHN for wider West Midlands, so looking for 2/3 optometry representatives for regional group. There will also be locality engagement/networking groups.
In addition, it would be helpful to have someone from each LOC to be a point of contact – could be suitable for newer LOC members/developmental role. Action – each LOC to nominate one person as point of contact for LEHN
Hereford Arden and Worcs have asked for updates from NHS England at their meetings. This could be done for HWMOC too? Everyone agreed would be useful.
CB, what happens next with draft WMQRS doc, can we influence GOS? CR not GOS, but hopefully elsewhere.
ROC Company Update
CB stuck to LOCSU agenda. Complaints and risk register, nothing to report. Will circulate service reports to LOCs. MECS service gong well, got 177 practices.
There were some issues with roll out, will talk to Webstar about them. PH Webstar due to do local roadshow.
PR had a meeting in Wolverhampton, happy to recommission service. Will share data analysis from Wolv scheme.
CR doing a review of different services and how they're managed. DG use as a lever for service provision and “equality” across the areas to help with cross border issues
CB there was a child in Walsall not seen for MECs, is there a minimum age? Do we need more training? PR this is arising more frequently, do we have the skill set? LS I don’t feel confident and I’m not alone. Can’t assess on a slit lamp, can’t take VAs, can’t prescribe.
CB only 24% of cataract referrals going through system, can we encourage all practices to do it? PS can’t make it compulsory, have to represent all practices. LS can be quite onerous.
IH CrossCity and Birmingham South aren’t on the system. PH can encourage, but can’t mandate usage. DG what about locums, can they be added to system?
CB LOCs do need to get behind services and encourage practices to use them. How shall we do this? SM in Solihull we had a Q&A session. PR in Wolverhampton all CET is aimed at services, hope to expand and do OHT monitoring and post cataract. DG CET events attract the same people, need to attract non-engaged.
Back to LOCs for help and action. Clause 100 says must refer if local pathway, doesn’t mention private patients.
PS need to know about variation in services across region. CB work in progress.
CB any website update? PS just Solihull GP practices. PR we’re sending people to the website as an example of how it should be done.
CR -It may be possible to fund further MECC (Making Every Contact Count) training. Would that be of interest? CB yes. CR asked if there any appetite for Healthy Living Opticians to be rolled out more widely if the opportunity arises. SM ask LOCs? PS in Dudley it’s generated £18,000 but LOC spent £9,000 to set up scheme. Wouldn’t be as much to replicate, it does sit well in the community. CB day training needed for all staff, practices need to commit to it. CR to look into it
DG met with Anil Negi from Heart of England about post-op cataract and glaucoma monitoring. CR - post-op cataract worked well in Shropshire & Herefordshire. There may be opportunity to use LEHN to share good practice.
Date of Next Meeting
6.30pm Thursday 20th October 2016to be hosted by Solihull
Action Plan
CR will send PB the following contact details at their respective acute trusts.(COMPLETED)
PB on behalf of ROC (and LEHN) will send letter to all hospitals – head orthoptist, clinical director and directorate manager about cyclos not part of GOS
Each LOC to suggest one individual to be LEHN link.
Each LOC to discuss how to engage the non-engaged in CET/Enhanced Services.