Luddington Parish Council
Annual Chairman’s Report 16th May 2017
Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome this evening!
2016-2017 has been a time of political change for our region as well as potentially major physical changes to our own locality. We have the establishment of the Combined West Midlands Authority, where WCC and SDC are non-voting members and Luddington Parish now being part of Welford and Bidford County Council Ward.WCC is expected to make £70M of cuts going forward and although investment is available for business development, cuts in public spending and services are inevitable. The new Localism bill encourages communities to take positive initiatives to support and protect their own environments and considering identified threats and challenges to the stability of our local community, Luddington Parish Council, has this year, responded to this initiative and taken the step to raise the parish precept by 30%to enable us to fund some of our own projects that will hopefully protect and support our environment. We see this rise of about £8 per annum, per household, as essential and worthwhile in these challenging times.
2016 brought the 3rd Consultation period for the inclusion of the SWRR proposal into SDC’s Core Strategy, to which the PC objected strongly. A Public Consultation Meeting was called in May where the PC encouraged residents to set up an independent action group against the SWRR proposal, at the same time committing to continuing to demand real recognition from SDC and WCC of the legal blight that would be bound to happen to Luddington parishioners- particularly those living near the racecourse and around Stannalls Close, if this proposal went ahead. To date, the PC have lobbied the chairman of SDC, Cllr Saint, Cllr Johnson of WCC, MP Nadhim Zahawi and the new SDC Housing and Infrastructure portfolio holder, Peter Richards, to maintain a strong and consistent line of objections with these decision makers. The PC also recognises all the campaigning that Cllr Molly Giles and Stratford Residents Action Group have been doing throughout the year.
Regardless of our efforts, the SWRR proposal was adopted into the 2016 SDC Core Strategy, later in 2016.
We, therefore, have a very difficult job to get this proposal stopped. Other options are emerging such as the combination of an ERR from Atherstone to the M40, taking commercial, HGV and domestic traffic more directly from the proposed new Atherstone Business Park and from Meon Vale and Long Marston. Combining this ERR with a NWRR, directly from Meon Vale and Long Marston, to join the Evesham bypass, directly taking Birmingham and Redditch traffic northwards and M40 traffic around Stratford, on the existing major infrastructure roads of the Alcester Road and A46 to the M40 would be more sustainable and avoid ruining the rural residential and heritage landscape areas involved in the SWRR proposal.
The PC has this month responded robustly to the 2017 Stratford District Transport Consultation and the SWRR Environmental Impact assessment Scoping consultation; again clearly identifying the failure of the SWRR proposal to deliver a sustainable traffic solution.
The PC will continue to fight for such other solutions than the SWRR to Stratford’s traffic problems.
During the year, Cllrs have committed to various training days relating to general governance and Planning. All Cllrs are now conversant with the SDC Core Strategy, NPPF, HE Conservation Principles and PD Rights.
With the resignation of John Madge, Parish Clerk, through ill health and recognition of the need for the 2015-2016 pc Annual accounts Return to be externally audited, as they had not been filed on time, Cllrs have taken steps to review all Standing Orders, Financial Regs., Risk assessments and governance procedures to set all pc works back on a sound footing. The temporary appointment of a new Parish Clerk, Darryl Armstrong has been elemental and much appreciated in this process; we look forward to making his appointment permanent!
2016 has seen the installation of Superfast Broadband for many residents in the Parish- thanks to Dave Nutt for all his determined efforts towards achieving this!
2016-2017 has also seen some very successful co-operation between the PC, Luddington Speed Watch team, the local Police and WCC Highways.
The Speed Watch team committed to proper training with Welford village and put in 80 man hours of speed watch duty, over 16 outings- successfully raising residents’ and through-traffic drivers’ awareness of their speed and the 30mph speed limit. Of the 111 cars logged, a significant number were over the speed limit.
To help improve this situation and build an environment that will be off putting to future ‘rat runners’, the PC gained funding from CC Horner’s fund for the installation of a first phase of Parish wide traffic calming measures. The village now has village gateway signs, 30mph road signs and ‘dragons’ teeth’ at each entrance as well as extra SLOW road signs through-out the village- visually and practically encouraging more responsible driving.
Our thanks go to Cllr Horner, Ann Jackson and her Speed Watch team, Alcester South Police and WCC Highways for their support.
Signs on the Evesham Road directing Sandfields’ traffic away from the Luddington Road are also being updated, funded by Sandfields Farm Ltd. The PC continues to keep in direct contact with Derek Wilkins of Sandfields Farm, regarding the prevention of tractors passing through the village. Structural damage has been recorded in timber framed cottages such as Clover Cottage, at the west end of the village, due to HGVs passing so close to these ancient buildings. This problem is not solved and will require on-going lobbying and action.
Going forward, the PC is looking at reducing the 40mph speed limit along the racecourse end of the Luddington Road to 30mph. WCC Highways have confirmed that this could be possible. The PC has funds to support it.
The PC is also looking at installing a physical refuge island on the Evesham Road at the entrance to Dodwell Park, enabling residents to cross the busy road more safely to catch a bus. Our new CC Mike Brain, WCC Highways and the owner of Dodwell Park are being consulted towards achieving this.
As every year, the PC continues to maintain open public spaces such as the Village Green, verges and also contributes to maintenance of the church yard. Our sincere thanks to Mr Rudge and his team for all their efforts. This year the lease from Ragley Hall, on the Villager Green expired. The PC has ascertained that purchase of the Green would cost £5K. If this cost is not deemed a priority this year, Ragley Estates will continue with a new lease for £100 per annum.
2016-2017 has seen the completion of the parish wide Village Design Statement, which should inform and support responsible and sustainable future development in the Parish; its key message being a support for the use of traditional materials, whether they are used to reflect traditional designs and details or are used in new and innovative ways. The VDS is now going before the Planning Committee to be ratified. Many thanks to all who have contributed over the last two years to the compilation of this valuable Planning document.
This year has seena number of significant planning applications.
Firstly, a proposal for 15, then, 10 house on open agricultural land on the east boundary of the village. This was fought and refused by SDC and the PC.
A planning application to develop the farmyard and outbuildings of Boddington Farm, an iconic and historic landmark in the centre of the village, has been granted by SDC. The PC had objected to this proposal as it involved not only renovation and conversion of three outbuildings but also two ‘new builds’- in an environment that is deemed ‘unsustainable’ for new development. However, the PC nowexpect to maintaindialogue with SDC and the developer to ensure the appropriate protection and maintenance of the listed farm house and the best development possible for its land.
Most recently, a speculative application for 99 houses on Bordon Hill, has been made. Local residents are much against this and the PC has objected on the grounds that the land is not identified in the 2016 SDC Core Strategy 5 year land supply and at the very least, the proposal is too urban and dense- not reflective of the character of the rural agricultural parish of Luddington.
The 2015 prospective development of the V. I. centre has disappeared but will no doubt be a future issue.
Just a few days ago, we have our first Community Open Day; a day for parishioners to voice their thoughts and opinions on community matters, discover more about clubs, societies and events in the area and to consider current and future PC projects. Traffic calming on the east Luddington Road and at Dodwell was favoured, along with facilities for the elderly and extending the Conservation area around the Lock and Basin. Improved communication between the Pc and parishioners is a key aim going forward and the PC thanks Karen Haines for her work on the Village Website, which will be part of our improved communications.
A new notice board is planned for Stannalls Close too.
The Open Day was both enjoyable and successful and after a challenging but productive year, I know that LPC is strongly placed to continue working with and for the whole parish, towards maintaining and improving our services and environment.
My special thanks to my deputy, Dave Nutt as well as all the other cllrs- Alison Hegarty, Jon Warrender and Tom Beeley and Darryl, our new Clerk. We have become a useful and hard working team!
Best wishes to Dave as Chair and Jon as Vice Chair for the coming year, as well as many thanks to all those who supported the Open Day and are taking on new roles as Community Champions!
Thank you!